Jeff Hardy - He Never Learns

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All you'd ever ask of Jeff would be to occasionally think about the consequences of his actions. This is one of those times.

With a push the doors to the locker room belonging to the Hardy brothers open, light from the hall spilling in to the dimly lit room.
A single figure in the locker room is illuminated, the other brother due to be finishing his match soon, if he hadn't done already.

"Hey Y/n" Matt says, head remaining still, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of him.
Matt knows it's you, you're the only person other than Jeff who doesn't knock upon entering, already having seen enough of both men to not be bothered about walking in on one of them getting changed.

"Is Jeff still out at his match?" you ask, walking over to where Matt is seated, leaning on his shoulders.

Matt nods, "Yeah, not that you could call it much of a match anymore" Matt gestures to the tv screen, your eyes following his movement till they too are focused on the live feed from the show.

Jeff is on his hands and knees, and you see Randy back up.
You bite the inside of your lip, preparing for the worst, but Randy doesn't land the blow, allowing you to sigh in relief as your fiancé throws Randy over his left shoulder and off of the stage.

Jeff stumbles backwards, ending up laid on his back, a pained expression on his face as he holds his crotch.

"What happened to Jeff?" you ask, already having an idea of what happened.
"Low blow from Orton, Randy got disqualified but continued the attack on Jeff" Matt mutters, mind preoccupied with the happenings on stage.
"And you didn't think to go out there and help him?" you ask. Matt shrugs.
"Jeff can handle himself."

"He's hurt Matt" you state, worried about the well being of your partner.
"Not as hurt as Randy" Matt chuckles. You avert your attention back to the screen to see Randy laid out, having been put through the floor where the electrics are.
The camera pans up and you see Jeff looking over the side of the stage at Randy, one hand still between his legs.

Suddenly Jeff lets out a shout, raising his arms as if going to Swanton Bomb Randy, but he doesn't, something catching his eye.
Jeff backs away, making his way down the stairs and past where Randy is laid, a group of referees surrounding him.

With a glance over the side Jeff peers at Randy before ripping off his shirt and throwing it to the crowd.
He takes a few steps back towards the steel lighting support, and your eyes widen.

"Oh my god" you whisper, running out of the room.
"What?!" you hear Matt shout, but you're too far to care. You have to get to Jeff.

You run as fast as you can to the gorilla and get out onto the stage as fast as possible, seeing Jeff stood atop the lights, looking down at Randy.
The referees are shouting at him, telling him no, demanding he get's down, but you know it's too late.

The idea won't leave Jeff's head now, and he won't think about how it could damage Randy's body, or even his own.
He just wants to do it at this point, simply to get Randy back for kicking him in the groin.

"Jeff!" You shout, gaining his attention. Jeff looks relatively surprised to see you out on the stage, arm reaching back out for the metal pole.

You sigh in relief, but see his eyes shoot up to look at what's above him, another set of lights.
"He's going to get higher and then jump" you mutter to yourself, and Jeff beginning to climb once more only adds evidence to your hypothesis.

You shake your head, "No" Jeff doesn't hear your plea, reaching the higher set of lights.
He stands atop them, peering down at Randy.
His hand clutches the steel pole beside him and he yells once more.

With the inhalation of a deep breath you lock eyes with your fiancé, one final beg for him to stop what he's doing and save you the pain of watching him get hurt.
But it's too late, Jeff's mind is made up.

It takes all of two seconds for him to fall, landing on Randy's already bloodied body, the impact making a loud bang.
More men come out, bringing a stretcher and medical equipment with them, and you decide to see the damage for yourself.

You take a step closer to the edge of the stage, gasping in horror as you see Jeff sprawled out on top of Randy.
The medics fit neck braces around both men, rushing to get them both on stretchers and out of there.

You almost trip as you run down the stairs and around to the side, Randy being wheeled away, strapped to the stretcher.
Jeff is next to come out, being slid onto the stretcher through a gap in the wooden frame.

Jeff lays there, still partially conscious, raising his arm.
As he does so the crowd cheers loudly, and you take his hand in yours, walking along side the stretcher as they take Jeff backstage.

The medics stop, and so do you, letting go of Jeff's hand.
He is still conscious, but you fear he won't be for long.
"I'm sorry" he mutters. You look down on him, brushing his hair from his face.

"It's okay" you smile, "Everything will be okay" despite your smile tears threaten to spill from your eyes.
You feel someone's hand grasp yours and turn your head to see who it is.
Matt gives you a sorry smile, and you turn hugging him tightly.

"The ambulance is here" someone shout in the distance.
Medics come running down the hallway.
"Go with Jeff, he needs you" you make eye contact with your fiancé's older brother.
"But you're his-"

"He needs you. Go" you nod. Matt pats your shoulder, "Look after him for me!" Matt shouts after you.
You chuckle, shaking your head as you make your way into the ambulance, sitting beside Jeff.
This is going to be a long night.

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