Undertaker - Seeing Sense

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After being dismissed time and time again you decide there will be no more avoiding the subject of Kane.

You follow your husband into the locker room. He isn't happy after being attacked, again, and that's fine.
It's not like you can blame him for that, you just wish he would see reason.

Ever since Kane came back into his life things have been a mess.
Both of you have been targeted, messed with, you have even been attacked, but he refuses to see any sort of reason. 

He refuses to even listen to anyone when they talk about Kane.

When Paul had originally used the idea of Kane to taunt Undertaker it hadn't gotten to him.
Undertaker hadn't listened then, refusing to accept it was real.
Until it was.
7ft tall and staring him right in the eyes.

Undertaker had lost his match against Shawn that night, and things went downhill very quickly from there.
He had confirmed to you that evening that it was Kane, he wouldn't mistake those eyes, even if one was scarred.

You haven't spoken to him much about Kane, having come to quickly realise that it was a touchy subject, but you have had enough.
This has gone on for months too long and if you don't sort your husband out no one will.

"Me and you need to talk about Kane. About what we are going to do." You tell him.
He's not in the best of moods as it is, but you can't wait any longer. Unfortunately he tries his best to make you.

He sinks into the chair, letting his long black hair fall into his face, a physical way of trying to block you out.
You stand before him, "I know you don't want to talk about it, but we have to. Every week we go out there Kane interferes."

Again, he ignores you.
You take in a deep breath. You don't want to snap at him, but being ignored is getting on your nerves.
"If you don't start listening to me I'm going to go find Kane and give you a reason to fight him. Now talk to me."

He stands, looking down at you. "This is not the time." He states simply.
You cross your arms, his eyes meeting yours at last.
"When is?" You challenge. "If you keep refusing to harm a hair on his body you are going to get hurt." He shrugs.

"If I get hurt, so be it. He is my brother."
"And?! He has no problem threatening you. Hurting you. Don't you see how much of an issue this is becoming? What if you are not enough? Do remember you have the disadvantage of me. I've been used against you before. I've been hurt as a way to get to you before, what makes you think Kane won't?"

Undertaker stands in silence for a while, eyes distant. As if he is thinking of what you have just said.
From what you have seen of Kane it wouldn't surprise you if you became a target. Being married to 'Taker comes with its disadvantages, one of which is people have no issues in using you as a way to get to him.

You know that you are very likely to become a target in a last desperate attempt to get Kane to fight Undertaker if he does not accept by himself.

You're surprised it hasn't happened already, but then again Paul might be biding his time, waiting with Kane until he knows for sure Undertaker will snap.

"Kane won't attack you." Undertaker states. You frown.
"Yes he will. And if Kane doesn't, you know Paul will. Do you want me to get hurt? Because if you don't put Kane in his place that is exactly what will happen. And you know that."

Undertaker takes a step toward you, his body against yours, his hand on your waist.
He shuffles, leaning his forehead against yours.

"He won't attack you, Y/n. I won't let him. I took a vow to protect you, and I will. You mean more to me than my brother, and you are right. He doesn't have an issue hurting me. That I can handle. But he won't hurt you, he won't get the chance." You smile softly, wrapping your arms around him.

"I'm glad you've seen sense at long last." You mutter.
"I couldn't have without you. I would have let Kane injure me beyond repair. But I have you to look after. I won't let it get to the point Kane has to hurt you."

"Next week we'll announce it, okay? Take Paul and Kane by surprise." Undertaker nods in response, pulling you over to the chair. He sits down before pulling you into him, wrapping his arms around you.

"You'll come out with me to tell them, won't you? I don't want you alone until this is over, just in case they get any ideas."
"I said 'we' will announce it, didn't I? Not you." You feel him shrug and chuckle. "If you don't want me to be alone I'll stick with you anyway. I have no problems with that. I married you, didn't I?"

"Sometimes I wonder how you can even put up with me. I'm not the easiest to deal with." He says.
You say nothing, only thinking back on earlier and the handful of other unsuccessful times you tried to explain the exact same thing to him.

You're glad that he finally realised what had to be done, even if he still isn't doing it for himself.
You know he is likely to be reluctant to fight Kane still, but you have a way to motivate him to do what needs to be done.

You can't imagine what it is like to be in his shoes, especially right now, but you do hope that you can at least help him through hard times such as these.
You promised you would on the day you married him, and you will continue to support him in any you can.

Even if that means being the reason he fights his brother and stands up for himself.

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