Randy Orton - Just A Hallucination

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The Undertaker is dead. Randy keeps seeing hallucinations, but you know better than to believe he can still be alive.

P.s this is chapter 50!!

"I'm out here tonight to address the situation with Randy, and more importantly why he won't come out here tonight."

The crowd has a mixed response, after all Randy was supposed to have a match. But after the last few weeks he has decided it would be better if he stayed in his locker room.
With the door locked.
And barricaded.
He doesn't want anyone entering his room.

"As you all know Randy has been experiencing some hallucinations of The Undertaker. The tragic and completely accidental death of Undertaker has really taken a toll on him." You explain. "Of course this is to be expected. And that's why he isn't out here tonight."

Again you recieve mixed reactions from the crowd.
You get the feeling they have been rather enjoying the torment your boyfriend has been suffering with.

"I am sorry to dissapoint you all but he is scheduled to have a psychiatric evaluation this week. Hallucinations aren't a good thing, and there is also an investigation into whoever is doing-"

A bell toll rings out, the crowd cheers now.
"That." You finish.
The bell toll was eerily timed, almost as if whoever has been messing with the lights and sounds for weeks knew what you were going to say.
Which is impossible considering that you weren't even scripted to be out here.

"Whoever has been messing with the lights and sounds, you will be getting fired unless you stop. It's not a funny joke, especially considering how much Randy is going through." Another bell toll sounds and you roll your eyes.

This is exactly the thing that has been causing the bulk of the issues.
Unlike Randy you're not phased.
You know Undertaker died that night.
You saw the car crash.
You saw the fire.
The sparks.
No one could survive that.

"Whoevee thinks it is funny, let me tell you this, Randy might be bothered about it, but I am not." With the third bell toll the lights turn purple.

You walk to lean against the top rope, lokking entirely unimpressed with the situation.
Someone is really sat in the back, having a laugh, finding the whole situation amusing.
Well they have another thing coming.

"Turn the lights purple, keep tolling that bell. Hell, start his theme song and roll a casket down here. The Undertaker is dead. D E A D. Dead. He isn't coming back." At this the crowd boo's, clearly not happy with what you are saying.

The lights flicker off, and back on, and at the top of the stage stands a man.
A man in a black trench coat and a hat.
An eerily familiar man.

With another flicker of the lights the figure is gone.
You laugh.

"That's a funny joke, it really is. Unfortunately for whoever is pulling the joke it doesn't affect me like it would Randy. I've already told you Undertaker is dead, gone, forever. I don't have any hallucinations. I know it's not real."

With that the lights turn off once more, for longer this time.
You find yourself doused in purple light once more when they turn back on.
"Someone is getting fired." You shrug, pushing away from the ropes.

You turn on your second step back, the pivet swift.
You come to a just as swift halt when your vision is blocked by a figure.
The lights flicker off and on again, and the figure is gone.

You don't taunt this time. You don't even raise the microphone to your lips.
You can only stare at the empty space before you.

There is nothing there, as there always was.
There was never anything in that space.

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