Undertaker - Here For You

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You're thrown into the middle of a brawl in order to break up your husband and his younger brother's fight.
Once broken up you patch him up and share a romantic moment together.

"Y/n!" You turn your head at the sudden call of your name, three referees running towards you, all looking quite stressed. They all stop in front of you, almost falling into a heap.
"Yeah?" You ask, slightly concerned at the fact there is three of them.
"We really need your help" The one on the left says.
"A brawl has broken out between Undertaker and Kane."
"We don't know much of how it started but we couldn't break them up."

"And you think I can?" You ask. Despite your question you stand up, gesturing for them to lead you to where the brawl is.
When it come to Undertaker and Kane there is a complicated history.
Kane has been around for a few years now, at first having Kane around was a lot of trouble. 
Kane and Undertaker did not get along at all.
They had come together for a short while, but Kane had joined the cooperation, the rivaling faction to the Ministry of Darkness.

Undertaker had been injured once the two factions joined, returning in a different form where for a short while Kane and Undertaker had re-joined.
But once again that hadn't lasted long. Kane had interrupted a match, and now once again the two are locked in a full on feud.

You can hear the fight before you see it.
It's clear why there was so many refs, and why they have asked for your help.
The whole room is a mess, despite there being barely any furniture in it.
That's not the only thing that is a mess, your husband is too.

His face is bloodied, but you can't tell where exactly he is bleeding from. 
Despite Undertaker looking the most injured it is clear that the one who is suffering the most is Kane.
Kane has his hands over his face, trying to deflect shot after shot.

One of the refs gives you a small push, as if to say stop watching and go pull Undertaker off of his brother.
You give him a slightly annoyed look, but walk right on in there.

You make sure to assess the situation carefully, after all it's not really the easiest thing to break up a fight when your husband is involved, which is of course made even more difficult since the person he is fighting is Kane.

You know that the best course of action is absolutely not the safest one, although any sense of safety clearly went out of the window whenever this spat began.
With a deep breath you charge forward, the two breaking apart just long enough for you to get between them.

Undertaker is the first to notice you are there, giving you a guilty look. You know he knows that this was a reckless and likely unnecessary fight.
Kane, on the other hand, isn't so quick to notice your presence.

In fact he doesn't notice at all until he collides with you, coming to a sharp stop.
You take a mandatory step back, allowing your body to keep its balance, but otherwise show no reaction to the collision.
Kane's eyes meet yours not a moment after, he remains almost unreadable, as he always has, although you can just barely see in the step he takes back a hint of concern.

Despite this your expression remains unchanged, steely and stern. Completely readable to both men.
You look between the two of them, equal parts angry and disappointed.
Why they behave like this, especially towards each other, you will never know.

What you do know is that this is completely ridiculous. 
You get it, they have a troubled past. Siblings fall out.
But it happens too often and gets too extreme.

"This ends here." You say, "Understand?" 
Both men stare at you, seemingly unsure of what to make of your question.

"I said, do you understand?" With that they both force some kind of a nod. It's not exactly what you wanted, but at this point anything from them.

Kane quickly exits, apparently deciding that he doesn't want to be around any longer. The tension in the room deflates with Kane's departure,

You turn your attention now to your husband. A slight smile appears on his face.
"I don't know what you're looking at me like that for, you're a mess." You state, although still mad for the fight you can't help but feel slightly weak seeing his smile.
It's not often he does, but when he does it's worth the wait.. although you can't help but think this time he's trying to win you over.

He leans in for a kiss only to be refused, "let's get you cleaned up before any of that." He pouts, amusement clear in his eyes as you lead him toward his dressing room.

Once there you find the first aid kit and begin to clean him up.
None of his injuries need further attention, to your relief.
It doesn't take long for him to be patched up and cleaned.

"Thank you, Y/n. You're amazing." This time you lean into the kiss, not having to worry about his injuries.
Once the two of you seperate he pulls you into a hug, "I mean it."

"I know you do, you married me didn't you? That's enough proof for me."
"Just because I married you doesn't mean I stop telling you what you mean to me." You smile, eyes meeting his.

His words are sweet, loving, just as his embrace is. He holds you for a while longer, kissing your forehead as he moves away.
"I'll talk to Kane. No fighting, I promise. I don't want to fight, not if you're going to get involved. I don't want you getting caught in the crossfire."

"If you need to talk to Kane do so. I'm not going to stop you if you think it's the right thing to do. Just.. do it another day." He nods, understanding why you've told him to wait.

He moves past you, sitting on the bench. He pats the wood next to him, opening his arms as you walk closer, finding yourself once again wrapped in his embrace.

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