Elias - Interruptions

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It's no secret Elias can never go without an interruption, but when he's trying to address something important and a certain Ziggler interrupts him he finds that the best thing that helps that is yet another interruption.


As you watch the two men make their way up the ramp, you shuffle, deciding you're not comfortable sitting on one leg.
Instead you lean back into the seat, crossing your legs at the ankles, pushing your hair out of your face as the dark screen catches your eye.

A familiar sound fills the room, the sound of a guitar.
The lights come back on moments later and you find yourself unable to shuffle from your suddenly uncomfortable position due to your eyes being firmly glued to the TV.

"Hello, I am Elias" he waits a moment before plucking a few guitar strings, each note complimenting the next. "And tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have come to discuss something very important to me, so I would appreciate if you kept your mouths shut."
You feel a small smile creep onto your face.

It's no secret between you and your friends you've taken a liking to Elias, especially when he's got his guitar with him.

"You see, I've heard a rumour. Now this rumour isn't about me, but I'd like to address it, right here right now" He plucks his guitar strings again, a short melody erupting from the wooden instrument.

You feel your phone vibrate from inside your pocket but pay no attention, too focused on the screen before you.

"Now, this is no time for a song" he sets his guitar down and you let out a sad sigh. "I'm not wasting that on people that don't deserve it, people that are too busy asking what to every little thing. Can't you people see? I'm trying to address something that affects me"

You let out a small laugh, quickly picking up your phone and pressing down on the volume button to stop the calls of your friends also watching the show.

"Now, she's here tonight, despite having nothing scheduled, and I know she's watching. And I have a song for her" you furrow your eyebrows, he just said he wasn't doing a song.

"Now what does this rumour have to do with Elias, I hear you ask. Well, let me enlighten you. This woman is rumoured to have taken interest in me, romantically. Now, I know she isn't the only one, I'm sure many single ladies, and many wives, take an interest in me like that, but I just happen to have an interest in her as well"

Your breath hitches in your throat, could he be talking about you?
"Your friends told me" he states, looking into the camera, seemingly staring right into you through the TV, "I'll come find you after I'm finished with these.. things" he gestures towards the crowd and the boo him to be expected.

"Elias" another voice sounds. You roll your eyes, why can he never go without an interruption? "You really think that those rumours are true?" Elias nods in response to Dolph Ziggler, who stands on the stage with Drew Mcyintire by his side like usual.

"You really think a woman like that could have eyes for you? Now, no offense" he laughs, "but she'd have to be mad. I mean look at you. You're an asshole, and everyone here knows it"

The crowd cheering causes you to internally chuckle, and rise to your feet, Elias won't get just one interruption tonight.

"People close to her have told me, did you not hear that? Did the bleach reach your brain last time you did your hair?" Elias' face is smug for a moment, but it's not long before Dolph decides to open his mouth, causing Elias' face to show his lack of amusement again.

"Listen Elias, you and your stupid guitar won't win a woman over, I on the other hand happen to be charming and handsome, not to mention-"

"Let me just stop you there, Ziggler" You march out onto the stage, microphone in hand. Both men look towards you, and you notice a subtle smile on Elias' face. "You really think you're such a womaniser? No offense Dolph," you chuckle, almost repeating his earlier words, "But right now you're being the asshole. And everyone here knows it" You gesture to the WWE Universe, who cheer loudly.

"Thank you Y/n" Elias chimes, "Why don't you come down here and we can have a little chat? After all, if there's anyone that I needed down here tonight it would be you" he mutters.

You try your best to keep a smile from making its way onto your features, deciding you'd rather keep your excitement to yourself for the time being.
You don't meet eyes with either man in the ring, opting to look at the ropes on your way down the ramp.

After a short climb up the stairs you enter the ring through the middle and top ropes.
Before you confront Elias you decide to deal with the blonde. "I think it's time for you to leave" you state. Dolph flashes you a smile, hoping to win you over, but you fold your arms. "Not a chance, Ziggler" He pouts, walking back up the ramp and leaving your sight and your mind.

"How much did they tell you?" you ask, leaving the microphone by your side.
"Enough for me to realise I should have come to you about things before, that way we wouldn't be doing this on live TV" you shrug, it's not like you live life that privately. He raises the microphone to his lips. "This woman right here is the only person I would ever want to be interrupted by. Unlike everyone else in this company Y/n is actually interesting, and the only one I would ever even consider dating" You smirk, Elias turning to the camera. "And so, I'd like to ask her a question." Elias turns back to you.

"Would you, Y/n, be my partner? It comes with a song for your ears only" He opens his arms in question.
"A song you say? How could I refuse hearing a wondrous voice like yours."

You smile. Elias encases you in his arms, unfortunately for too short a time, before dropping the rope for you.
You exit the ring, jumping from the apron. You wait for Elias to grab his guitar before beginning your ascent up the ramp and away from the prying eyes of the WWE Universe

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