Triple H - Accidents Aren't Always Bad

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You have a crush. So does he.
And neither of you would have known of the others had it not been for X-Pac's slip up.

You sit in catering, which is surprisingly quiet for the time of night.
It has been a long day for a lot of people, yourself included, after participating in a big meet and greet earlier that day.

You are one of the lucky ones that doesn't have a match tonight, meaning you can just relax and enjoy the show.
Well, had you the means to watch it from catering anyway.

After seeing how quiet it was this was where you had decided to stay, usually catering would be noisy and filled with those coming back from training, maybe from a match.

Unfortunately for you as soon as you thought about the peace and quiet and how nice it is a group enter the room, disturbing the quiet atmosphere.

You glance up at the small team known as Degeneration X, wondering how so few people could make so much noise.
You put your head down, scribbling an angry face at the bottom of the page of your small notebook.
You certainly wouldn't be able to get anything written down now.

For some time you remain unnoticed by the group, which in a way you stay very glad for.
You had come to resent them, but not for the reason many might expect.

In fact, you quite enjoyed the ruckus they caused, it just was an unfortunate situation.
Something your best friend had come to mock you for on the phone.

The two of you often had conversations about those that you found attactive, something the two of you had kept up since you were teenagers.
You had told them that you had developed quite the crush at work and they instantly knew who it was.
Triple H.

You stand, picking up your notebook and pen, you've long overstayed your welcome in catering and have decided it is time to take your leave.

"Y/n!" You sigh inwardly. In trying to leave you have brought attention to yourself.
"X-Pac" you respond, lacking any of the enthusiasm he had.

"Come here." He beckons you over, patting the seat next to him, and across the table from the one person you didn't really want to interact with.

You take the seat, deciding to be polite. "It's great to finally talk to you properly, I don't think we've really had the chance." X Pac says.
"No, I don't think we have." You reply, curious as to why he even wants to speak to you.

"I brought you over here because I thought it might be worth our while to get to know each other." He grins.
You don't smile back, deciding to instead just nod.
You find yourself feeling more uncomfortable than when you initially came over here.

"So, Y/n, is there anyone you like?" You shrug, taking notice of the glare that Triple H shoots at X Pac.
"I don't think that's appropriate, seems a bit childish to talk about." You mutter, hoping that the topic is dropped as quickly as it was brought up.

"I don't think it's inappropriate at all." X Pac states with a smirk. You don't say anything to respond, starting to feel quite out of place.
"Say there was someone.. They wouldn't happen to be sitting at this table, would they?"

You remain silent.
That is not a question you want to respond to.
It wasn't something you had wanted to be asked in the first place.

Luckily, before X Pac can say something else, your crush himself speaks up.
"Y/n might not want to answer. Y/n might not like anyone at all, let alone anyone at this table. Stop asking." You do a remarkably good job of hiding the feeling that washes over you.
After all, it does feel good to be defended by Hunter.

X Pac stands, pointing at his teammate. "I'm doing this for you. If you didn't have such a huge crush on-" he stops.
His hand goes from pointing to covering his mouth.

Triple H stands, obviously pissed at X Pac.
Road Dogg, who had until this point just watched in silence, also stands. He sends Hunter a sorry look before placing a hand on X Pac's shoulder and leading him out of the room.

Triple H sits back down, putting his head in his hands.
You say nothing.
You are unsure of what to say.

For a while the two of you sit in silence, but it is not at all comfortable as it was before X Pac happened.
You aren't used to seeing Hunter so quiet, he was usually loud and boisterous, coinciding with the rest of the group.

"I'm sorry about X Pac." You nod, still unsure of how to respond.
Should you just tell him?
"It's okay.. If you don't mind me asking, was he talking about me?" Your voice is quiet, almost a whisper. Your curiosity getting to ask the question it's so desperate to know the answer to.

After some time, once again in silence, he does answer your question.
"It is." He says nothing more.
You thought that his answer would settle your curiosity, but another question lingers in your thoughts.

How would he react if you told him you felt the same?
To you, there is only one option. One way to find out.
"I didn't want to answer X Pac's question." You begin. Your voice is unsteady, eyes lingering on the table rather than on the man before you. "I feel it may be better if I do."

You pause, doubtful thoughts swimming in your head. With a deep breath you push yourself to tell him.
"I do like someone. You. I wouldn't say because I didn't want to feel like a fool if you didn't feel the same."

Silence settles once again, although it is not as comfortable as you might like it is more comfortable than it was before.

"Y/n. This wasn't how I wanted this to go. In fact I didn't think it would happen at all. But, we are here now and I know how you feel and you know how I feel. Would you go to dinner with me?"
You don't keep him waiting, "I'd like that." You answer with a nod.

He decides it will be tonight, and that the two of you will meet up at 6pm before saying his goodbye, clearly excited.
You make your way back to the locker room to grab your bags, after all you have dinner to go to. You need to get ready.

As you make the short walk to the hotel you can only think of the bizarre situation that occured tonight.
You silently thank X Pac and his mistake, because if it wasn't for him none of this would have happened.

Although it hadn't happened how you had hoped you find yourself just as excited and nervous to be going to dinner with someone you like, to be going on a date with Triple H.

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