Undertaker - An Unexpected Surprise

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Being married to The Undertaker comes with its fair share of surprises.
Just how much of a surprise tonight will be? You have no idea.

"Thank you for helping."
"It's no problem." You smile at the younger man.

You had been in your husbands locker room when there had been a knock on the door.
One of the medical team had asked for your assistance in checking over a duo who had executed a move wrong while training.

Although you travel with the WWE you are not contracted as a medic, not for the roster anyway.
You are a fully trained medic, but your husband, The Undertaker, stuck a deal with Vince many years ago which made you for the most part his medic.
It had been nice and brought the two of you closer than you had been.
It had lead to your eventual marriage.

You still help when you are needed, but for the most part you work as a medic for 'Taker, and often the voice of reason for stunts.

Without you there would have been many more dangerous stunts performed on his behalf.
You admire his passion for his job, you admire his brilliant mind and some of the things it comes up with.

You just wish that he would sometimes think up more safe things.
After all, wrestling as a profession is dangerous, it just becomes more so with the addition of fire, lightning, jumping off of 20ft ladders, 30ft steel cells.

You had expected Undertaker to be where you left him, after all you had only been gone ten minutes.
But alas, he was not.
It came as quite a surprise to open the locker room door and there be no one waiting for you.
Where could he have gone?

It's only then that you notice the rose that is sitting on the table in the center of the room.
You walk over, picking the flower up.

Underneath there lies a note.
"'Follow the trail and come find me.' I guess it's time to play hide and seek." You say to yourself.
You fold the note up and stuff it in your pocket, keeping a hold of the rose.

You scan the room, quickly spotting the second rose hooked into the door handle.
It's a wonder that it stayed in place when you entered. 
You walk over and pluck it from it's place, being careful not to catch your fingers on the thorns as you place it in your other hand along with the other one.

Poking your head out of the room you see another.
Once you reach that one you see another.
This repeats itself time and time again until you are holding a full bouquet of roses.
And then you spot another.

You walk down the hall, picking this rose up just as carefully as the countless ones before it.
You look around, expecting to see another rose.

Instead you see a vase with a note attached.
You walk over, dropping the roses carefully into the already prepared glass, picking up the note.

"'Leave the roses, I'm in the next room. Don't leave me waiting.' Ever the demanding one." You giggle to yourself. 
You put the note back, pulling the other one from your pocket and leaving it atop the second note.

You look up, the double doors to the parking garage catching your eye.
"Why an earth is he in the parking garage?" You ask yourself, taking step after step toward the entry way.
With a push you open the door, the cold air hitting you instantly.

You fold your arms over one another, had you have known you would be coming into the cold you would have brought your jacket.
You wander between cars, limos, trucks, but you can't see him anywhere.

You walk out into the center of the road, luckily at this time no one is coming or going.
Sure enough you spot a familiar figure at the end, right by the exit.
"Did you like the game?" He asks as you draw closer. 
"It was something." You reply with a grin. "I do wish I'd have brought my jacket though. I left it in the locker room."

"Oh. Close your eyes." He says suddenly. So you do.
You wait patiently for his signal, the shuffling you can hear making you wonder.
"Okay, you can open them again." 
He holds a jacket out for you to take, one you have never seen before.

Surprised as you are you still reach out and take it. It's heavier than you thought it would be.
The leather is soft and dark, the lining black to match.

"Well. Try it on." Taken back by the demand you blink up at your husband, before slipping the leather on.
Surely enough it fits perfectly, also fixing the issue of you being cold.

"What's this for?" You ask. Undertaker shrugs. 
"My treat." He says, pausing for a moment before voicing the rest of his thoughts. "I thought it might go nicely with that." He points to his left, where parked is a bike that looks eerily similar to the one he is stood in front of.
The difference is that one is all black, except for a small silver bow that is tied to the handlebars.

"You didn't." 
"I clearly did." He replies.
"Mark, what on Earth possessed you to buy that?" You ask, completely dumbfounded at the idea that he bought you a bike of your own.

"I got bored of travelling on my own. You've got your license, who better to travel with than the one I married?" You wrap your arms around him, trying to think of how to respond.

He holds you close while you think, his arms barely moving as you move back slightly to look up at him.
"How did you plan all this and get everything set up without me noticing?" 

"I had help. Some people helped me set things up, some kept you distracted while things were being set up." Your face scrunches up, annoyed, and he just shrugs.
"You staged that whole accident earlier, didn't you?" Undertaker says nothing to answer your question, which gives you the answer. "You're terrible."

"You love me." He laughs. It's your turn to shrug now, which you pair with a nod and a smile. "I think it's time you and I get out of here." He places a key in your hand.

"What about all of our stuff?" 
"Sorted. It's all already at our next destination." You open your mouth to speak and promptly shut it again, deciding it's better if you don't ask more questions and delay any plans further.

All of this has been set up. 
Now you want to know how much more he has planned.

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