Kane - Alright In The End

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The chance to work with the man you find attractive came up, and you took it.
The only problem is that your best friend doesn't know, doesn't like him and wants to get you out of the situation.

The titantron flashes with the company logo as the show comes back from the break, the clip it shows being the one from last week.

Last week you decided you had enough of seeing your best friend Lita being tormented by Kane.
Whatever was going on seemed more than a little strange to you at first, things only escalating as the weeks had passed by.

Lita and Matt had become increasingly more worried and stressed out over the whole thing and you simply hadn't been able to bear seeing the two of them suffer any longer. 

And so you had stepped in.
It had maybe been a bad time to do so, the three of them in the ring, Lita hiding behind Matt as Kane threatened the two of them, but you understood that it was then or it was never.

"What is Y/n doing?" You had heard JR shout from the announcers table as you slid under the bottom rope, jumping up between Matt and Kane.

Matt had screamed at you to get out, but you didn't budge, instead opting to stare the demon straight in the eyes.

Kane was known to be short tempered, often violent.
You couldn't deny your attraction to him though.
His height, built, even the aforementioned 'flaws' you found attractive, not that you had admitted that to anyone else.

There were many reasons that you liked him, and that made it all the more terrifying that you had been standing there staring him in the face.

Confronting him would be intimidating enough for anyone, although it seemed to feel so much worse since you high key discreetly liked him.

You had stood there, blocking out the pleas of Matt and Lita, and you had told him straight to his face "If you want a wife I'll do it." 
He had looked quite amused at first, until he realised you were serious.

At which point he asked "Why?" and waited for your response.

You hadn't had time to really think about how to word the why, and thus ended up with quite the mess of a reply. "I.. I don't want to see my friends relationship get ruined and some people actually like you."

If you weren't in front of the cameras you would have imagined he would have shock written all over his face. Kane was not a very well liked man, not many people enjoyed his temper, tendency to set people on fire if they did something wrong etc. 
But you didn't mind much, especially in that moment.

And now you're here, sat in Lita's dressing room in a long white dress, awaiting your wedding.
"Y/n you don't have to do this." She begs again. She has been crying, apologising for a week, telling you she would find a way to get you out of the situation.
You understand her intentions, although for you it's not an issue.

"It's okay, I promise. I'll be okay and I will still be here. Plus you and Matt are going to be able to live in peace, get married in peace. No threats, no one trying to break it up. You're going to be happy and so am I." You state, once again, hoping this time that the message gets through.

"How can you be happy? It's Kane. He causes so much pain and destruction." 

So many times you have wanted to just tell her that you like Kane, but at this point you're just too worried that she's going to think the worst of you.
That she's going to think that you're completely out of your mind, delusional, that he has done something to make you say it.

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