Undertaker - Self Sacrifice

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After Vince got you out of trouble caused by your older brother Stone Cold Steve Austin, you owe him a favour.

A knock on the door to your locker room startles you.

"Who is it?!" You shout.
There is only a handful of people you want to see right now, especially due to how dangerous it is for a woman to be by herself in the arena with The Undertaker on a rampage after Stephanie.

"It's me dammit" You immediately recognise your boss's voice, opening the door as fast as you can. "You owe me a favour" he walks past you and you shut the door, turning the lock so no one can get in behind you.

"Vince, it couldn't be any other time could it?" you watch the screen, the match going on quite interesting.

"No it couldn't. I need you to repay that favour. now" you sigh, shaking your head and turning off the TV.
"What is it?" you ask, annoyance in your voice.

"Take Stephanie's place"
"WHAT?!! Are you out of your mind McMahon??!" you yell.
"Please" he says. you shrug "please, dammit!" you sigh.

"What am I supposed to do then Vince? Tell me what I'm supposed to do"
"Just.. They're taking her to the ring. you have to go out there and do something"

"You owe me McMahon" you shout as you run down the hall to the gorilla.

The Undertaker is already in the ring, the ceremony already underway.
"Do you, Stephanie Marie McMahon-" you stop watching, running out and standing on the stage. A single bright white light shines down on you.

"UNDERTAKER!!" The heads of the ministry turn.
Undertaker slowly looks up at you, a grin on his face when he sees it's you.

You are handed a mic.
"You don't want Stephanie, it isn't Vince you're really trying to get to. No. It's Stone Cold you want. My brother. You let her go, you untie Stephanie and you take me in her place."

"Why should I?" He asks, and you stare him dead in the eyes.
"Because a wife that's scared of you can't do anything. And I am not scared of you. I see right through you, like a ghost, deadman" he contemplates it for a moment before gesturing for the members of the ministry to untie Stephanie.

It is done in quick succession, and she goes to get out of the ring, but is stopped quickly by the Undertaker who grabs her arm.
Stephanie screams.

"You in the ring, then I let her go" you glare at him, but Stephanie's pleading look convinces you. You climb up onto the apron and Taker walks over, dragging Stephanie with him.
He drops the middle rope for you to get in.

You enter the ring and stand before him.
"I'm in here now. Let her go" he snarls but releases Stephanie.
"Thank you, thank you so much" she begins to cry.

"Go. Now. Go find your father and do not leave his side" you demand and she nods, getting out of the ring as fast as she can.
Vince comes out, standing on the stage, and Stephanie runs into his arms.

"Shall we start again?" Paul asks, receiving a nod from Taker.
The ministry surrounds the two of you, ensuring you can't leave.

You face Taker, and despite your words you are ever so slight terrified of what might happen to you, but you're glad to see Stephanie safe and out of the situation,.
You find yourself oddly happy to take her place, because unlike you, her close relatives haven't done anything too bad to him.

"Dearly and beloved, we gather here this evening to join Y/r/n in the unholy wedlock with the Lord of Darkness." You bite the inside of your lip, pulling yourself though the situation on the thought that if you do it, no one else will get hurt. "Tonight Y/r/n will step from the light from this evil, cesspool, mortal world, into the sanctuary of eternal darkness" The so called Lord of Darkness, reaches out, stroking your cheek with his hand.

His skin is surprisingly soft, and you have to try not to lean into his touch.
You maintain eye contact with him, and you see him smirk at your reaction. "Keeping this in mind, will you Y/r/n accept the purity of evil and take the Lord of Darkness as your master and your spouse?"

Everyone's eyes are on you at this moment.
You know what you have to do, for the sake of all the women in the company, Stephanie, and Ryan, especially.

"I do" The crowd boo's, but it has already been said and there is do going back now, everybody knows it.
"So willing" Undertaker says quietly, and you take in a deep breath.

"Lord of Darkness, it is in your hands to accept Y/r/n, her body, her mind, her soul and even her breath unto yourself, and even allow her to bear your offspring" You take in a shaky breath, that was not expected.
"I do" as he says this he looks you straight in the eyes, and you know now your fate is sealed. You are his. His woman, his wife, his property.

"By the power invested in me by the Lord of Darkness I now pronounce you as the unholy union of darkness. You may now kiss your bride!" Your head turns to the top of the ramp where your brother comes storming out.

"Don't you dare touch my sister!" he shouts. You look at your brother, not sure what to do.
Then you see Stephanie, her tearstained face as she watches, knowing that because of you this isn't happening to her.

You give your brother a saddened look as he continues to storm to the ring and you turn around to face the Lord of Darkness.
His hood is now down, and he is watching your every move, like a hawk about to attack its prey.

"Do it" you say to the man in black stood before you, feeling the ring shake as Steve slides under the bottom rope.
The Undertaker places his hands on your waist and joins his lips to yours, in a surprisingly gentle manner, not that Steve, nor anyone else, knows that.
As he does you hear three sounds, the booing of the crowd, Stephanie's horrified scream and Steve's angry shouting.

"It is done! There is nothing you can do now Austin!" Paul screeches.
Steve spins you around.
"What in the hell have you done??!" he shouts.
You feel yourself be pulled back slightly, Undertaker puts his arm over your shoulders.

"Married a man that can protect her damn better than you ever did" Steve scoffs, putting his middle finger up at you and your now husband.

"Fine. Have it your way." he exits the ring, "When you end up in trouble or hurt don't come to me" with that he storms out of sight.
You look up at the man you just married, uncertain of if you can trust him.

"Don't worry" he begins "I'll protect you, after all, you are my wife."

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