Kane - Nosocomephobia

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When Brock and Kane's match ends it does so on a bad note.

You walk quickly down the corridor back to where you had been five minutes ago
You had been pulled aside by the medical team who told you the verdict, and it was painful to hear.
You can hear Kane complaining of the pain in his leg, notifying you of how close you are to your partner.

"Kane" your voice is soft as you round the corner, the big red monster coming into view.
"What?!" he shouts. You cross your arms as you stand before him, looking down at his pained face.
Even with the mask on you can tell he is in pain, you can see it in his eyes.

"I have some news" you say, remaining calm. After 8 and a half years you know how you have to react to his behaviour, especially when he's angry. He looks up at you, eyes full of hope it isn't as bad as he thinks it is, but you have to disappoint him. "I'm afraid it's broken. Somewhat at least. We won't know how bad it is until we get to the hospital, but-"

"Hospital?" The worry in Kane's voice is evident, and you can see the fear of the white washed walls and men in blue written all over his face.

Kane doesn't like hospitals. And that is now the main problem.
In the ten years you've known him he hasn't liked hospitals, not one bit, and he always tries his best to avoid having to go to any hospital, but now he can't.

Most of the time he just has something simple, a cold, the flu, something you can take care of easily, but this is a different matter over all.
You can't really compare a simple sickness bug to the possible breaking of a bone.

He has to have an x-ray and he doesn't like hospitals.
Kane doesn't like the white, the blue, the smell, the routines.
Not to mention the machines and nerves that come while you're waiting for an answer.
Kane doesn't like any of it.
But there isn't a way around it this time.

"I know you don't want to go, but you have to, the ambulance is on it's way" Kane reaches out with his left hand, taking your right one, squeezing it gently so he doesn't hurt you.

"You will stay with me right?" he asks. You reply with a nod. "I don't want to go to a hospital"
"You have to, if there was something else I could do I would. But unfortunately it needs x-raying" He frowns, but all you can do it return is shrug your shoulders.

You feel bad for him, knowing just how badly he doesn't want to go, but you know now especially you have to put your foot down and stop him from refusing to go and hurting someone.

The sound of shoes on the floor causes you to avert your eyes from Kane, and in walks none other than the almighty, high up, Mr. chairman of the company, Vince McMahon.
Seeing him is a rare sight backstage but here he is, in the flesh.

"I'm sorry to hear what happened" Kane grunts at this, refusing to look up at the boss, "Take as much time off as you need, we'll pay you still. That goes for you as well Y/n, stay with him" you nod and Vince leaves quickly, obviously having other things to take care of.

Kane and you remain in silence until the ambulance arrives, and they are quickly over to examine him.

"Hello, Kane, I'm Marcus, I'm the paramedic who will be checking you over quickly before we take you to the hospital" Kane hides a scowl, not wanting the man to ask him any questions.
He keeps a hold of your hand as Marcus and the other man check his leg, blood pressure and a few other things.

"And who are you?" Marcus asks, a flirtatious hint in the tone of his voice as he looks you up and down.
"She's my wife" Kane growls, and the paramedic backs off a little, you smile down at Kane, who refuses to take his eyes off of the man who just made an advancement towards you, his woman.

Marcus signals for the other paramedic to take over, realising being around you is not a good idea given the mood Kane is in.

"Sorry about that" the second paramedic mumbles, obviously embarrassed by his co-workers actions, "We're going to get you in the ambulance and to the hospital as quickly as possible." You nod, and together you and the paramedic get Kane to his feet and into the ambulance.

"It's going to be alright, trust me" you repeat for what seems to be the millionth time.
Kane is very tense and weary of his surroundings, obviously not enjoying the situation his match has put him in.

It was meant to be a simple match, over and done with in little over ten minutes, but Brock had slipped, and the move had gone completely wrong.

You had been stood ringside for the match, and you knew something wasn't right as soon as Kane began to limp around the ring.
One more F5 and Kane was done, letting Brock have the three count.

He had just laid there and you could see the pain in his face at that moment, and that face seemed to be burned into the back of your mind.

Kane is a fighter and would usually suck it up.
Seeing him express the pain was what made you force him to be looked over by a medic in the first place, and it was a good job you had done so.

"I don't want to be off of work" Kane sits up and you offer him a small smile, "The storyline was just getting good and I was becoming a favourite again"

"You've always been a favourite, and besides I'm right with you not wanting to be off" he sighs, laying back down. "It'll be alright, just think, we get some time to ourselves, and you'll be back in the ring before you know it, with a crowd ready and waiting for your return."

You see Kane relax and smile to himself, and you begin to think of how the crowd will be when the two of you make your return, just as Kane is doing beside you.

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