Undertaker - Alliance

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You're not supposed to spend time alone under a new rule, all because one man has decided to put in his two cents. But regard for rules was never your thing.

You sit alone in the Women's locker room, the faint sound of the crowd keeping you awake.
You aren't scheduled to have a match due to a new rule that has been put in place.

People are not to be alone.
Not in locker rooms, not in catering, not down in the ring.
It's a ridiculous rule Vince put in place with The Undertakers recent antics with Dennis Knight.
Threats of abduction and sacrifice have lead to Vince's decision, believing no one is safe alone.

Because of the new rule a lot of people stayed at the hotel, and those that didn't are with whoever they think will keep them safe.
You, on the other hand, have chosen to spend the night in peace in the deserted locker room, signing posters.

A knock on the door interrupts your quiet, a small woman wearing a headset opening the door.

"Y/n, you're wanted in the ring" she states.
"I'm not scheduled to be on tonight" you state, waving her away.
"It's not for a match, I just.. please go. Otherwise I'm going to get in trouble" with that she skitters off, leaving the door wide open.
You sigh and push yourself up, "so much for my quiet evening"

It doesn't take you long to get to the curtain, the locker room is never far.
"Who wants me?" The man off to the side motions to a small screen, 5 men dressed in black bringing a scowl to your face, the only person in the entire company with the nerve to call you out has done. "Whatever could he want?" You ask yourself, walking out onto the stage without your music.

It's the Acolytes that get his attention, pinning the gaze of the feared man on you.
You stand just outside the ring, waiting for something to happen.
Silence has fallen across the arena, the crowd in shock of your compliance to The Undertakers request.
You motion for a microphone, bringing to your lips as soon as it is placed in your hands.

"You look shocked to see me, Undertaker. Did you expect to have to come get me yourself?" You ask.
You catch sight of the anger that temporarily crosses his face, impressed with yourself for coming up with something on the spot.

"I knew you would come. You had no one to stop you" he beckons you into the ring, and you do so, standing before the Lord of Darkness.

"Let's not waste time here, Undertaker, why am I down here?"
"Because I wanted you down here. I called for you, and you came" he begins, "I have a proposal for you, Y/n" you fold your arms over your chest, waiting. "I want you to join the ministry."

"Oh yeah?"
"Yes. Although I have no reason to bring it on you as I did the others. You do not fear me. You are the only person in this arena that has chosen to be alone tonight, even though you knew I was here. You chose to come down here yourself, and you have spoken to me as if I am nothing for you to worry about."

"To me, Undertaker" You see aggravation flash in his eyes, used to being referred to his new name, the Lord of Darkness, "you are nothing to worry about. We have no quarrel, no long time grudges or even disliked acquaintances. As for your proposal, it is interesting. I've heard your words over the past few weeks, and I must say it does interest me" Undertaker's eyebrow raises, you know you're pushing your luck keeping him waiting for an answer, but he won't have his ministry attack you.

He wants you as a part of the faction, you're a door to the women in the company, but you're also agile and therefore able to move faster than many of the men, which is also why you could be of use to him.
Men are less likely to attack you than Mideon or the Acolytes, so putting you before them would allow an advantage.

"Say I do agree, am I going to be forced to wear your symbol? Am I going to be strapped down and changed entirely as you have done with a certain member of the ministry?"

"No?" You repeat, voice questioning.
"You have come to me willingly already, and besides, I know you're not one to run from something you've agreed to"

"If that is the case, Undertaker, I accept. But I warn you now, you're stuck with me for the long haul."
"You have no need to worry about me getting rid of you once I have what I want" he steps to the side, Paul opening the book he's been holding the entire time and laying it on a table you didn't notice being put up.

"Your contract" Paul states, handing you a pen. You place your microphone on the table beside the book, reading though the short amount of text.

"By signing this contract I pledge my allegiance to the Lord of Darkness and his Ministry. I will be by his side when he calls and will not betray the ministry, no matter the consequence. I recognise if I break the terms of the contract punishment maybe be warranted" you shrug, it's fair. Nothing restricting.

You sign the paper, laying the pen next to the open book.
Paul picks it up, closing it slowly. "Welcome to the Ministry of Darkness, Y/n" he states. The crowd is still silent, the odd member booing you or hurting an insult, but you don't care.

The ministry begins to file out of the ring, first Paul, then Mideon, then the Acolytes. Undertaker moves next, dropping the rope.
You leave the ring while it's easiest, bowing your head as a simple thank you before jumping from the apron to the floor.

You walk by The Undertaker's side up the ramp, following the rest of the Ministry.
You keep your head held high at the crowds booing, but you know it won't be long before they're cheering on the faction.

This is just the beginning, the beginning of something huge.
The beginning of something that has the potential to change the entire company.

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