Jeff Hardy - All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Hurt

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Jeff and you are having some fun.. until business calls.

"Don't be ridiculous." You laugh, placing your hand on Jeff's arm.
"What? It's not as if I'm going to lose.
All or nothing." You send a questioning look his way, "c'mon baby."

"Fine, all or nothing it is." You push forward your two cupcakes, Jeff doing the same from the other side of the table.
You shuffle the deck, then Jeff does before dealing two cards to the both of you.

"Aw" you frown, having received a 4 of hearts and 5 of spades.
"I think I'm gonna stick." Jeff grins.

"I'm not, I'll take another card." Jeff hands you another. 6 of spades. 15 isn't going to be enough. "Another please."

You hold your breath, hoping not to draw anything higher than a 6. If you do, you're bust. If you go bust.. you lose your cupcakes.
You take the card from Jeff's hand, slowly turning it over.
5 of clubs.
You're safe.

"Any more?" He asks with a smirk on his face.
"No, I'm sticking."

"Turn 'em over."
"What? It's your turn to reveal first." Jeff furrows his eyebrows, but you can see past that, mischief in his eyes.
"That can't be true, I revealed first last game." You shoot him a playful glare, deciding to take the bait and lay down your cards.
One by one, in the order you got them, you lie them down.

"20, nice." Jeff says, placing down the ace of hearts. "I'm playing that as 11."
You hold your breath, praying for anything but a 10 and above. If Jeff's remaining card is a 10 he wins.

Slowly he places it down, covering the number with his thumb, but you can see it is a lot of diamonds.
But it's not enough.

"So we tie." Jeff states, pulling two cupcakes back his way.
"That we do." You reply, taking your own cupcakes. If it hadn't been for that card being a 9 you would have lost.
If it had been a 10, Jack, Queen or King you would have lost your cupcakes, which would have been a shame given how much you've looked forward to them.

Jeff's offer to play cards had come across strange to you at first, especially since he wanted to play 21, in all the time you've known him you've never seen him have an interest in playing cards.
Although you can't complain, after all it won you half of his cupcakes.

You slide the cards back into their packet before picking up a cupcake.
"I won you fair and square and now I'm going to enjoy eating you."

Just as you grab the wrapper a knock sounds at door.
With a huff you place down your frosted friend and go answer to whoever is waiting.

"Hello?" You ask, surprised to see a woman with a clipboard standing before you.
"Hello, Y/n. Jeff Hardy wouldn't happen to be here as well would he? It's just the two of you are needed in the hall left of the gorilla." You nod, unsure of why you're wanted somewhere so.. odd.

"Jeff?" You shout into the back of the room.
He comes almost bounding towards you, stopping just before his body collides with yours.
"Yes baby?" He asks with a smile on his face.
"We gotta go, business calls." He nods, following you out of the door and in the direction the lady at the door went.

It doesn't take the two of you long to get to your destination.
Although it seems odd that you've been brought to this random hall.

Or so you thought it was random, until you saw the name 'Matt Hardy' taped to a door.
"Oh no." You frown, sharing a knowing look with Jeff as people round the corner with camera equipment.

"Okay, I need the two of you just having a conversation. Matt doesn't know you're here but he'll be out in a minute." This is not going to be fun.

"And we're live in 3. 2. 1."
"So last week" You say, not really knowing where to start with such vauge instructions.
"Last week, well, everybody saw what happened. Everyone got what they deserved." Jeff picks up your start, allowing you to relax and settle into what's happening.

"I just hope you've not put too big of a target on your back. You're dealing with a lot of different people right now." You fold your arms, leaning against the wall.
"There's only so much people can do after all-" You lose track of Jeff's words hearing a door squeak open behind you.
Jeff loses track of his words as well.

You see his eyes lock onto the man behind you.
The man who got quite the beating two weeks ago thanks to Jeff.. well actually it turned out to be more thanks to you.

You turn around slowly, and sure enough Matt looks furious.
You have to take a step back as Matt approaches, not worrying at all about anyone's personal space.

Jeff wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest as much a possible.
He holds you tight, in a way that makes you feel reassured if nothing else.

"You." Matt growls at Jeff, "you ruined my match." Jeff puts up his free hand in defence.
"Well, man, you weren't doing too well anyway. I was only trying help out."

"Well, Jeff, you didn't. And neither did you." Matt looks down at you now.
You don't speak, or even move, Matt lowering himself so his face is at the same level as yours.

"I wouldn't have been out of action if it wasn't for you. A steel chair to my face? Very clever."
"Don't you speak to Y/n like that." Jeff snaps, pushing Matt back.

"After last week I can do what I want. It could have been left but you just had to show your face." Jeff pushes you behind him now, Matt getting more and more aggressive.

"This isn't your hall, Matt, or your arena." Matt takes another step closer to Jeff, swinging his left arm with the intention to hit.

Jeff catches him before the collision, a strong grip on Matt's arm.
"I don't know what you think you're doing, big brother, or why you think I'm still going to let you boss me around. But that isn't the case anymore. Next time you're losing a match I won't come and help you. You're on your own."

Jeff lets go of Matt, turning around.
"You'll be back Jeff, you and your deadweight of a partner!" The older brother shouts.

But you and Jeff are already gone. Matt's words cut deep into you, you are by no means a deadweight.
Maybe he did deserve that chair shot.

"Are you okay?" Jeff asks, noticing you're quite shaken.
"Yeah.. let's talk about it later. Right now I just want a cupcake and a hug."

"Cupcake and a hug it is then baby, lets go."

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