Kane - Relighting The Fire

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You re-sign with WWE after 4 years, missing the thrill of the crowd. Only problem is your long time partner has changed. And you have to get him back.


You walk with purpose through various halls in the arena, unable to find your reason for coming back.

It's been years, but you decided it was time again to teach the young of the roster to respect the more powerful, only to find out that power has been taken away.
You greet anyone who talks to you, but you insist on talking later as right now there is something you must change.

You miss the look of shock on the face of Triple H as the office door slams against the wall.
"Ah, Y/n. It's good to have you back. We're happy you chose to sign with us again."

"Alright Hunter, cut the fake business crap. You know why I came back. Where is he?" You lean over his desk, gloved palms on his paperwork.

"He works for us now, you won't change him back" you cock an eyebrow, standing back up straight. "But he's three doors down if you want to see him"
You turn, heading out of the room.
"He's a changed man Y/n" Hunter shouts after you.

You don't knock, you don't need to.
That was never something you had to do with Kane. He looks up, a small smile on his lips as he catches sight of you.
"Y/n" he stands, arms open.
You stop, not accepting his embrace "enough with the act Kane"
"What do you mean? This is no act Y/n. I'm changed"

"You and I both know that isn't the case" you fold one arm over the other, leaning against his desk.
"It is. This is the me that is needed. This is what is best for business" he states.

"Best for business? Really? Look at you Kane. Look what you've become" he looks down, over his suit.
"It's a good look" he straightens his jacket and you feel yourself filling with rage.

"Not for you it isn't. You're Kane. 7ft tall. The Undertakers younger brother. You're the demon, the big red machine."
"Not anymore." Kane returns to his seat, realising you're not going accept his hug.

"What happened to you? What happened to the Kane that everybody loved and feared. What happened to the Kane that hurt innocent people to get his brother to fight him, the Kane that dragged people to hell, forced a woman to marry him, the Kane that set people on fire?!" At this point you're shouting, pointlessly waving your arms around in an attempt to prove your point further.

"I'm not that man anymore. I've adapted. I've changed." Kane's voice is still calm despite your exasperated demeanour.

You don't speak for a minute, just thinking.
You need to get him to snap.
"If you're not here for anything important, I suggest you leave" Kane says plainly.
Then an idea forms in your head.

"You've gone soft" you state, your words quiet, but still clear.
Your eyes meet Kane's, the words falling from your lips once more. "You've. Gone. Soft."
Kane shakes his head, chuckling.

"I have not gone soft"
"Yes you have"
"I have not" Kane stands suddenly, slamming his hands on the desk. You smile inwardly.

"The Kane I knew was hard headed, short tempered. He was brutal, torturing people for the fun of it. You, you used to be him. But now you're soft, you're no longer the Kane the people came to love. You're no longer the Kane people came to fear."
"People do fear me" Kane growls, suddenly in front of you.

"Do they?" You ask, looking into the eyes of the man towering above you.
"Yes, they do. They still fear me for the monster I am inside. No matter how I look"
"No they don't. You're not scary anymore, Kane. You're just another asshole in a suit. They see no monster in you. I see no monster in you."

You catch yourself, a mischievous smirk on your face. "That the best you got Kane. I guess you really have gone soft" you let out a small laugh, dusting yourself off before Kane is leaning over you once again.

"Oh that's only the beginning Y/n" he states, lifting you with ease. He drops you in the chair he had originally been sat on, walking over to the only locker in the room.

He rips out the top drawer, pocketing a few things, walking back over to you.
He reveals the packet of matches, lighting one a few inches from your face.

You draw in a deep breath as he brings it closer to you, letting it out and extinguishing the flame.

Kane let's out an angry sigh of disapproval, throwing the match, the match box and a spare chair across the room, the sound of the metal on the locker giving in gaining you acsess to his possessions.
"Fire doesn't scare me, you know that" you cross your legs, clasping your hands together, infatuated in Kane's thought.

He stands still, silent, staring at the wall behind you.

"Nothing scares you. Nothing I ever did could scare you" his voice cuts the tension, the silence ruined.
"That's why we used to make a good team" you stand, making your way over to the busted locker. You peer in through the space where the first drawer used to be, reaching into the second and pulling out a familiar face. "We still can"

You turn, Kane still standing where you left him.

"Become the monster you once were. Let us teach the young of the roster that this is not an easy path."
"Y/n" Kane's gaze falls upon the mask in your hands.
"It is time again, for the demon Kane to rise" his movement is slow, but certain, as he reaches for mask.

For the both of you the moment is long and unforgiving, a wave if memories drowning you both as Kane slides on the mask.

His eyes remain closed once it is fixed in place, heavy breaths the only thing you can hear.
His head snaps up to yours, mismatched eyes open.

In them you see the fire.
In them you see the Demon, Kane.

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