Chris Jericho - The Biggest Stupidest Idiot

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AJ has something to tell you, something you are not going to be too happy.

"Y/n" you turn your head towards the double doors at the other side of the canteen, seeing none other than the phenomenal one himself standing there, eyes scouring the room for you.

It doesn't take him long to spot you, your h/c hair and black, green and gold ring gear giving you away.
You shake your head as he strides across the room, quickly making his way over to where you are seated.

"What do you want this time Styles?" you ask, and he takes in a deep breath.
He never did like you calling him that, which is exactly why you still do.

He doesn't say anything, but if looks could kill you would surely be dead.
He shakes it off, sighing quietly to himself.
"You need to come see this, you're not going to be happy" he pulls you up by your hand, guiding you out of the room by your arm.

As he does so you look at the table where you were sat, your muffin still on the table, waiting for you to eat it. But soon all you see is the door, the window showing you your depressed muffin as it sits on the table, longing for you to return, to eat.

"I'm not happy you made me leave my muffin" you mutter, finally walking along side him rather than being dragged.

"I'll buy you another, but for now I need you to come and watch this."
"I swear down AJ this is the third damn time this has happened" He ignores you, simply guiding you down the hall to the gorilla where a couple of guys are watching the feed from the show.

"I need one of you guys to go back a little to when Chris was in the ring" The smallest of the four nods, moving over to a separate monitor.
It takes him a few minutes to get everything set up but before you know it you are watching Chris Jericho in the center of the ring.

"I noticed that over the past couple of shows someone has been getting in the way of my friendship with Kevin. Who is it? It's Y/r/n" your jaw drops open.
You had only tried to make simple conversation with Kevin about you being Raw's women's champion and him being Raw's men's champion, that was all.

"Do you know what happens when you try and stop my friendship with Kevin Owens?" you glare at the monitor "Do you?"
"Do it Chris, do it!" you shake your head as Chris raises the pen in the air, clicking it.
"You just made the list!!" he puts pen to paper and you turn to AJ, a sadistic grin plastered on your features.

"I'll be right back" you turn and head towards the door, a camera man following shortly behind you as you march to Chris Jericho's locker room.

It takes you a mere 30 seconds to find the lion tamers door, knocking politely on it. Although you feel anything but polite.

The door handle squeaks, and the wooden door it is attached to opens the tiniest bit.
You see this as an opportunity, and you take it, pushing the door open.

In the process you knock over Kevin Owens, and he falls to the floor.
He wasn't expecting it, but he probably should have been.

You storm over to Chris who is too concerned with himself to even turn and look at who has just stormed in and knocked over his so called bestie.

"Jericho!" you shout and he turns around, eyes widening in surprise when he realises who you are.
Despite his obvious shock a smirk very quickly makes its way onto his face, but it doesn't phase you.
You push him back against the wall.

"Fiesty, I like it" you roll your eyes and he chuckles, placing his hands on your waist.
You growl, but don't move them, you have to be ready to hit him if you need to.

"What the hell are you playing at Jericho!" he flinches, but the smirk remains on his face, "I am the women's champion" you say and he shrugs.
"Calm down sugar" you bite the inside of your lip at the nickname, stepping backwards.

You spin around and pick up the clipboard and pen, staring at Chris.
"Do you know what, I'm insulted. And you know what happens when you insult me on Raw, don't you, sugar?" the smirk disappears as you click the pen, and Chris dives forward for the clipboard.
You side step his lunge and he stumbles, but doesn't fall.

"Don't" he says, a worried tone in his voice.

"You just made the list" you say, scribbling his name down in large letters.
You move head up to see both Chris and Kevin just watching you silently.
Both of them are very weary of what you are doing, especially Chris.

You finish writing and throw the clip board and pen at the blonde, which he catches with ease, examining the paper.

His expression turns to a scowl as he realises his name is the biggest on there, therefore making him the biggest stupid idiot on the whole list.
You laugh, turning on your heel and swiftly leaving the way you came in the door still wide open from earlier.

"You'll pay for this!" you hear Chris yell, but you're too far away to care.

You dust off your title belt, finding AJ leant against the wall by catering.
He holds out a small bag which you take, opening it, not knowing why on earth he was handing you it in the first place.

Inside is a box, a box with a label that reads "muffins" on it. You smile, looking up at him.
"Thanks" you say and he shrugs.
"Have one" he says and you nod, opening the box.

Inside there are no muffins, only a note which reads; "Sorry, I kind of ate them all while watching you put Jericho on his own list". You smile to yourself.
"Oh dear" you say, looking up at AJ who simply smiles at you.

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