Kane - Always A Surprise

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It's 1998. Kane is desperate for his brother to fight him and has injured countless people so far.
The downside of being head over heels for him means that sometimes you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You point at the crowd. This is it. The big finisher.

You don't glance over your shoulder to see if Ivory is still there, simply just jumping.
You watch as the arena blurs into just colour as you preform the corkscrew senton.

Upon impact you smile, your back hitting Ivory's stomach. You scramble to turn around, lifting her leg and going for the pin
The bell rings and you stand, leaving Ivory on the floor, her chest heaving from the match.

"Your winner and new women's champion, Y/r/n!" The referee hands you the title belt and holds up your left hand.
You hold up the women's championship belt with the other and the crowd cheers.

Suddenly the room goes dark and you feel the referee disappear.
The pyrotechnics go off and you flinch, not expecting them to start up.

The lights come back on and you see the referee sliding out of the ring and running off.
Noticing movement on the ramp you turn to see Kane and Paul Bearer coming toward the ring.

You glance at your title, when suddenly you realise Ivory is still laid on the floor. You walk over to the ropes, making eye contact with the medics sat ringside.
"Get her out of the ring!" you shout, pointing behind you to where Ivory is laid.
One of them nods, turning to the others to tell them the plan.

They rush to get Ivory out of the squared circle as Kane approaches, but you make no attempt to get out, staying put dead center in the ring, staring at the man who has been the demise of so many in the last couple of weeks.

Paul had announced the Undertaker's brother was alive last year, and he wanted to fight Taker for an accident they had as children.

Taker hadn't believed him but sure enough this huge man in a mask walked out, breaking the door of the steel cage and unleashing an unknown hell in the World Wrestling Federation.

Since that night Kane has come down to the ring whenever he damn well likes and taken out so many wrestlers, trying to get Undertaker to fight him, even with Taker stating over and over again he will not fight his own flesh and blood.
You have a feeling you might be next on Kane's hit list.

Despite the bad feeling in your gut you stand your ground.
Kane ruined your big moment, so you are going to put up one hell of a fight.
Sure he may have a height, weight and strength advantage on you, but you are agile and know how to dodge a punch.

"Undertaker, you refuse to fight still, and now another, innocent person is going to get hurt" Paul screeches.
Kane climbs the steel stairs, stepping over the top rope and standing in front of you.
You adjust your title belt on your shoulder, simply staring up at him.

He stares back down, and the eyes of the millions at home and thousands in attendance are on the two of you.
"Get out of there Y/r/n!!" you hear JBL shout from the side, but you don't back down, standing your ground against the seven foot monster.

This isn't the time for cowering, no. This is the time for a fight, one to prove that women are capable of fighting men, something you are all for.

Kane reaches out to grab you, but the step you take back prevents him from doing so.
You see his eye twitch as he reaches out again and misses, finally lunging towards you.
You drop the title belt, rolling out of the way and ending up behind him on your feet.
You run over to the ropes, bouncing off of them and hitting him with your forearm, and to your surprise it sends him to the mat.

You smile in relief at Kane laid on the floor, walking over to your title belt. You pick it up, staring at it for a second before dusting it off.

You look to Kane, only to find he isn't where you left him. You look left and right before looking directly at the camera.
You sigh, your facial expression showing you know where he is. You turn around and immediately duck, Kane's punch missing you completely.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that big guy" you say, suddenly hitting him with a spinning heel kick. Your leg connects with his face and he stumbles, grabbing the top rope for support.

The arena goes dark and you stand guard, Undertaker's theme starting up.
He walks out, standing on the stage with a microphone.

"Kane, I'm not out here to agree to anything, I'm just out here to tell you it's funny that you want a match with me and you're getting you're ass handed to you by a woman" you grin when he says this, "Y/n!-" your eyes blur over, ringing in your ears as you fall to the mat

 You can make out Kane standing above you, but another figure moves into your line of sight.
The clatter of a steel chair on the mat causes a wave of pain to go through your head, causing you to curl up.

Your head pounds, you can hear your heartbeat in your ears, and for a moment you think you might black out from the pain.

A couple of seconds later your eyesight begins to re-focus, and you finally make out the other person. Paul Bearer.

Kane pushes his manager, stalking the short, fat man around the ring.
You turn your head slightly to watch as Paul escapes the ring, backing down from the apron, and turning to run, and he does find himself running, only it's into the Undertaker.

Kane turns around to face you and you push yourself onto your arms, forcing yourself back towards the turnbuckle.

You leave your title behind, desperately trying to get away from Kane, who approaches you with ease.
Your back finally hits the turnbuckles and you take in a deep breath, ready to take a kick, or really anything that comes your way.
To your surprise, for the second time tonight, Kane bends down, picking you up. He cradles you in his arms, holding you close.

You relax when you realise he isn't going to throw you or drop you on his knee, leaning your head against his chest.
He carefully picks up your title, resting it on your stomach before making his way over to the ropes, where he exits the ring, you still in his arms.

As he gets to the bottom of the stairs Undertaker choke slams Paul, who lands at Kane's feet.
You feel Kane inhale a deep breath as he looks at his brother, the crowd cheers loudly.

The two of them stare at each other for what seems like forever, silently communicating.
Neither one of them makes a move, they just stand and stare.
You look up at Kane who glances down at you, turning away from his brother and making his way up the ramp.

This causes the crowd to cheer even louder as Kane makes his way up backstage, leaving his brother and Paul behind, his main priority being you.

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