Edge - Inseparable Trio

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You get serverely injured and have to stay home, but your best friends visit with an interesting proposal. 

You sigh, what a day. You sink into the couch, somewhere that you have spent a lot of time lately.
Or at least it feels like it has been a lot of time.

In reality you have only been home for two weeks, but you would be lying if you were to say it hadn't been lonely.
After all, working for a company with a lot of employees and a fanbase that is worldwide, well, you shouldn't have to say that without that you have felt very isolated.

You have been to the doctors a few times, just to checkup and see how things have been. To make sure you are healing properly.
Which, much to your excitement you are.

To add to your loneliness you hadn't been able to do much of anything. Walking with a fracture to your left tibia hadn't been much of an option, and crutches are just not fun.

You are healing quickly, but still require the crutches to get around, after all the last thing you want is to make the situation any worse.

You shuffle to get comfortable, a soft smile making it onto your face as you find the most comfortable position.
Knock. Knock. Knock knock knock.
The smile quickly turns into a scowl. Someone is at the door.

With a huff of protest you lean forwards, pushing yourself to the edge of the couch.
Three more knocks at the front door.
You reach for the crutches, using them as support as you stand.
Four more knocks.

As you make your way to the front door you attempt to wipe the frown off of your face, but that doesn't work as well as you hoped it would.
You let go of the grip of the right crutch, removing the chain from the door and turning your keys in the lock until it clicks.

You open the door just a crack, the two men outside whispering to one another.
"Maybe if you hadn't knocked so many times they would have answered already."
"Maybe they just want to be left alone or perhaps we should have told them we were coming."

The frown that you had on your face  before? Gone. In its place is a wide grin.
"Oh shit" the taller blonde lightly smacks the others arm. The other notices the door is open and composes himself.

The next thing you know your theme song is being played on a kazoo, and you're enjoying every second of it.
Once the song is over you step aside, allowing them into your house before securing it as it was before.

"Edge, Christian, what a nice surprise!" You hug the two of them close before gripping your crutches and making your way back into the lounge.

You rest your weight on one leg as you lean your crutches again the arm of the couch, sitting down and making yourself almost as comfortable as you were before.

"Why are you both here?" You blurt out. They look at each other and then back at you.
"We got lonely." Christian states. You chuckle, in an almost sad way. If they felt lonely with each others company how did they think you felt.

Edge picks up on your sadness and takes a seat beside you. "It wasn't the same without you around. So we got a week off to come be with you."
"And we brought you some things to make it feel like you're with us if you watch the show." Christian states.

Suddenly you are being handed a bag you didn't realise had been brought into the house, and begin unpacking the contents.

First you find a party hat, which Edge takes and promptly fixes to the center of his forehead.

"So you can match us." Edge grins.
Second come two figurines, one of each of them.
"That way you can talk to us." Christian says, taking them from your hands and wiggling them around.

Finally comes a pair of sunglasses.
You look between the two of them waiting for an answer. 

Neither speak.
You decide to put the sunglasses on despite feeling more than a little bit silly.
Sunglasses weren't something you had at work, the boys did and with the brightness off the lights while in the ring you could see why they would wear them, but inside? No.

Despite how dark everything felt with the sunglasses on you could still see the smiles on the faces of your two best friends.
"Now you finally look the part" Edge states.

"We have been looking for some for you for months. Shopping for sunglasses is difficult." You find yourself chucking at Christian's complaint, of all the things to shop for sunglasses aren't difficult.
Not for you anyway.

"We actually have been doing some behind the scenes work while you've been away. We would have come to see you sooner but we wanted to know if we could ask you something." Christian says, seriousness in his voice.

You raise an eyebrow, allowing the conversation to move forward, your curiosity piqued.

"Once you are able to come back would you, Y/n, do us the honour of becoming our manager, and once you are fully healed and cleared to wrestle, become our third musketeer?" Edge asks.

You don't answer for a short while, thinking to yourself in silence.
To work with your two best friends, as their manager until you can work properly alongside them? That isn't an opportunity you would pass up.
But that isn't what is on your mind.

At long last you break the silence.
"Since when were you musketeers?"
"I told you that wording was a bad choice." Christian mutters, causing Edge to look utterly disappointed.
"I just thought it sounded-"

"Before you continue, Edge, I'll tell you this. I would love to return as your manager when I can, until I can get back into the ring. But I do have one condition."

"Go on" Edge urges.
"I get to pick the weapons to interfere with."
Both Edge and Christian nod.
"We can work with that."

"Oh there is something else," you start, copying what the two of them do in many segments, "I get to pick the weapons to interfere with and I get to pick my own sunglasses."

"Do you not like those?" Christian asks, staring you directly in the eyes. Or so you think anyway, with everything still being in the dark.
"They're not for me." You state.

You can practically feel the grin from Edge beside you, "deal" Christian says, pulling the shades from your face and snapping them in half. "They really were hideous. What was I thinking?" He asks himself.

You shrug, reaching for the remote.
"I have no idea, let's hope your choice of tv shows is better."
With that the three of you laugh, settling in to each others company, preparing for a short week of shenanigans.

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