Undertaker - Protecting Steve

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The self proclaimed Lord Of Darkness won't leave your brother, Stone Cold Steve Austin, alone.
Steve isn't fit to wrestle, and he sure ain't fit to be fighting The Undertaker, so you decide to step in and do something to make sure he can get back to full heath.


"I'll be fine" your older brother reassures.
You shake your head at his foolishness, it won't be fine if he keeps being attacked, Undertaker needs to stop.

"There ain't nothing you can do" he states "I'll be fine" you nod your head and he shuts the door to the limo, the driver setting off straight away.
"Nothing I can do? We'll see about that" you mutter to yourself as the car vanishes from view.

You jog to the gorilla where you hear Undertaker out in the ring, addressing the WWE universe.
You turn, "I'm going out" and the security guard shakes his head, "I'm going out there" you state.

"It isn't safe for you out there, I can't let you out, Stone Cold's orders" you shake your head at him, diving past.
He tries to grab you but fails, and you run out towards the stage, grabbing a mic on the way out.

"Undertaker!" you shout, stopping him mid speech.
He turns slowly, glaring at you for interrupting him. Both him and Paul stare you down, causing you to feel a little uneasy about the situation, but you walk towards the ring none the less. "I'm sick of you going after my brother" you start, all the while taking step after step closer to the undead duo, "I'm sick of this messing around. I want you to stop" Paul and Undertaker look at each other, then back at you.

"Just who do you think you are talking to me like that?" Taker growls.
"I am Y/n Austin, and I have come to bargain with you. A deal as per say" he gestures for you to continue. "I'm not here to fight you, that would be ridiculous. But I am not leaving until you agree to leave Steve alone, at least while he heals. You tell me what you want, and you can have it."

You finally enter the ring, leaning against the ropes as Paul and Taker speak with one another about the situation.
It doesn't take long for the two of them to stop, turning to you.

"Anything?" Undertaker says, voice low and full of questioning.
"Anything." You reply. Steve means the world to you, he was always there as your older brother and you know he is hurting, badly.

You know he needs to rest without the stress of possibly being attacked, and as his sister it is your duty to help him, to protect him just as much as he does you.
That's why you're out her in the ring with a helium balloon and a grave digger.

Undertaker signals for you to move closer, and you comply, walking forwards until you are stood directly in front of him, looking up straight into his eyes.
"What is it you want in turn for leaving my brother be?" you ask
 He stares down at you for a second, but no emotions come across his face.

"Your soul" his voice does not waver even the slightest bit. You take in a shaky breath, staring into his eyes.
He is deadly serious.

A wise man once said never sell your soul because you'll never buy it back, but now is not time for the thoughts of wise men.
This is Steve's health at steak, possibly his life if it continues, and yet the words of that wise man echo in your head.
You stare up at the dead man, and he stares back down, awaiting an answer.

"My soul?" you decide to ask, "What part of me is my soul?" he blinks, the question having taken him by surprise.
He composes himself quickly, not wanting to be seem caught off guard so easily.

"Your soul. Your body. Your mind. You." You think for a couple seconds, and he holds out his hand.
He wants you to shake it. He wants a deal to be made and sealed.

You glance down at his hand then back up to his face, once again seeing no emotion.
You clench your jaw, nodding your head and shaking his hand.
Paul laughs darkly from beside you, pleased with the outcome.

"You see that Steve? She belongs to the Undertaker now" Paul screeches. You make eye contact with Undertaker, and you can see him watching you carefully.

He expects you to run, or suddenly back down from the deal but you know once a deal is done it cannot be undone.
Instead of making a break for the ramp you turn quickly, kicking Paul in the face.

"Don't you ever think you have the upper hand Bearer. I'll kick your ass if you ever try get one up on me or Steve again!" you shout, only to be silenced with the gloved hand of The Undertaker as he grabs your throat.

You grab his wrists, trying to pry his hand off of you but his grip doesn't loosen.

"Don't you ever speak to Paul like that again, you hear me?" you nod. "Good. You do it again and I'll really make you suffer" he releases his grip on your neck and you gasp for air.
You look up at him as you do so, his eyes full of anger as he pulls the fat man up.

Regret. That's all you can feel. Paul stands glaring at you, Taker stood angrily beside him.

"Make sure you sort her out later. I can't have her attacking me. Do what we are planning to do with Knight on her. She can be our test subject" you overhear Paul say.

"I'm not being a test subject" you say, looking at the two of them. Undertaker crosses the ring in a few short steps.
"Yes you are" he says, grabbing your wrist tightly. His grip causes you to wince, but he drags you out of the ring anyway, pulling you behind him as he makes his way up the ramp.

You shouldn't have gone out and tried to sort things out, and you definitely shouldn't have sealed the deal with the Undertaker.
"You're regretting making a deal with me, aren't you?" you nod, not wanting to open your mouth and make the whole situation worse.

"Too bad, what's done is done, no going back now" Paul chuckles, and you feel your eye twitch, "It's okay you'll feel much better tomorrow. You'll feel much better once the night is out."
"What Paul means to say is you've got a long night ahead of you, and when you wake up you won't feel the same"
"What exactly is your plan, deadman?" you ask. He lets out a menacing laugh.

"Don't worry, just know you won't feel a thing"

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