Seth Rollins - I'm No Sell Out

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Laughing at the wrong moment gets you in trouble with you ex-boyfriend and WWE Champion, who all of a sudden comes up with a preposition that has the power to change everything.

You smirk at your brother and best friend, Dean Ambrose, listening to Seth rant in the ring.
The two of you fist bump, laughing to yourselves when you completely miss.
"So I want Y/r/n and Dean down here, NOW!" you turn your head back so you are facing the screen, and Dean gets up.

"Come on then" he says, and you roll your eyes, following him out of the room and around the corner to the gorilla, where he orders for his theme to be played.
And in an instant it is.
The crowd begins to cheer just hearing the theme, and Dean flashes you a smile before walking through the door, you following shortly after.

They cheer even louder upon seeing you and Dean, the two of you raring and ready to go.
Dean beckons for microphones, both of you getting one in a few short seconds.

"Seth" he begins, "Seth, Seth, Seth" he turns to you, moving so his mic falls to his side where his hand now rests, "I could say that over and over and it would still piss me off" he chuckles and you shake your head.
"Get down here!" Seth demands. Dean looks at Seth, raising the mic to his lips once more.

"You want me and Y/r/n down there?" he asks, Seth nodding in reply. Dean turns to face you "He's asking for an ass kicking" You nod in agreement and Dean turns back to Seth "He's asking for an ass kicking!" the fans cheer and you hide a smile upon hearing their reaction.

"Come on then!" Seth shouts, throwing his mic to the side, removing his jacket and handing his title belt to one of his security buddies.

"Do you want to handle this one? I don't want to snap him in half right now" You give your brother a sickly sweet smile, turning to look down the ramp at Seth.

You begin to walk towards the ring, your black heeled boots clicking with every step you take.
Seth shakes his head, "NO!" he yells, his voice quiet since he his no microphone. He turns to J&J security.
The two of them are quick to get out of the ring, blocking your way to the ring.
"I suggest you move boys" you smile, and they look at each other.

"She can't do anything in those boots!" Seth shouts from the ring.
You look over your shoulder, and Dean is still stood on the stage, simply watching the scene unfold.
He makes eye contact with you and nods.

"Alright" you mutter to yourself, stepping forward one more step. You punch Joey in the face and he falls to the ground, and Jamie makes an advancement.
You punch him in the stomach and he hurls over, allowing you to perform your brothers finisher, Dirty Deeds.

So much for can't do anything in these boots you think as you dust off your dress, the loose knee-length material now a little dusty, but completely in tact.
You climb up the steel stairs, going through the middle and top rope, coming face to face with Seth.

"I want your brother in here. Not you" you raise an eyebrow at the current champions childish behaviour.
"Too bad Rollins, you're stuck with me" you say. Seth rolls his eyes, pointing at Dean.

"You get down here right now! It's you I have the problem with, and now I'm WWE Champion I'm going to sort you out well and good for everything you did to me! The green whatever it was in my briefcase, the cookies, the ice bucket and that time you put popcorn, soda and a hat in the briefcase. Not to-" Seth stops and you bite your tongue.

You smirk at him and he scowls in return.
"How dare you laugh at me" Seth growls into the microphone, stalking towards you. "How dare you!"
You stay stood still as Seth shouts at you, shaking your head and chuckling to yourself.
"You are so going to pay for that"

"You're really going to hit a woman Rollins?" He stops, his arm in mid-air, he stares at you.
Your hand collides with his face, his head turning to a side.
It had been so quick Seth hadn't even realised it had been coming.

Now he rubs his cheek where your palm had connected with his skin. You throw the microphone across the ring for it to be collected, resting your arms by your side as Seth puts the pieces together to figure out what just happened.
His head slowly turns so he can look, and you can see the fire in his eyes.

"Come on then" you taunt, and he takes a single step forwards. You stand the same height as him with the 4 inch heels, and he walks you back to the ropes, placing a hand on the top rope either side of you.

You place your hands on his chest, making sure he can't get any closer.
You lift your head to look up at him with a blank face, showing no emotion towards him.
No fear, no anger, and no love.

Seth looks down at you, eyes examining your features.
He furrows his eyebrows, sighing before taking a step back.
He beckons for his mic again with his left hand, and it is placed there not a moment later.

"Come with me, join the authority. We can rule the company together, me and you, like we used to" You glance behind him, seeing your brother creeping across the ring, steel chair in hand.

"Like we used to?" you ask.
"Yes, like before" he replies. You laugh, he wants it to be how it was before. How you and him were before.
When you and him were ruling the company, Roman and Dean by your side.
When The Shield was a group, before he ruined it, before he ruined your relationship.

He takes another step back, and Dean lifts the chair high.
Seth's eyes are pleading and you nod, a smile making its way onto his features as he falls to the ground.

Dean throws the chair to the side as you take the microphone from Seth's hand.
Your brother holds out his hand and you ensure that this time you don't miss as you did earlier.

"Seth, Seth, Seth" you say, looking down at him. He pushes himself up, and you use your boot to lift his chin up so he makes eye contact with you.
"You never learn" you tut, giving him a soft kick to the side of his head, ensuring it's hard enough so he falls back to the ground. "Unlike some people I'm not one for selling out and stabbing my brother and best friend in the back. Have fun with The Authority, lap dog"

With that you drop the mic beside him, allowing Dean to help you out of the ring where you head back to the locker room to relax without being called out, again.

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