Bray Wyatt - Nothing Left To Lose

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Everything has gone wrong. You have lost everything. How far are you willing to go for a chance of getting it all back?

You scowl, watching as Becky gloats on her way up the ramp.
This had been your chance at the title, your shot. And while the ref wasn't looking she had kicked you hard, almost knocking you clean out.

You wipe the blood from your lip, the small cut stinging as you catch it.
This is another loss, another thing gone wrong.
Your third loss in a row.

Three months ago you were on top of the world. You weren't the champion but you were climbing.
You were the one to beat, not Becky.

You had a successful run, an undefeated streak. You were fan favourite, your sales were skyrocketing. You had two best friends, a loyal following and everything was good.

And then your two friends abandoned you on live television, left you to fend for yourself.
They came out in the weeks after and sabotaged your matches, ruining your run.

You had it all, and now you have nothing.
Not even your title shot.
No matter how hard you have tried the last few weeks all you have done is fail.
You stare into the bright lights above, why are things going wrong?

Suddenly half of them shut off.
Your vision doesn't focus for a second, more lights going off.
You blink frantically, eyes desperately trying to adjust to the change in lighting.
Finally they focus, only for the arena to fall into complete darkness.

You stand deadly still, breathing slowly.
You lick your lips, adrenaline beginning to course through your veins once again.
You wait in silence, unmoving. The darkness around you cold, but alive.

The lights flash, and you see you've been joined.
On and off, but you still see who it is.
A still unknown force, new to the cameras. New to everyone.

A few spotlights flash on and stay on, and you can only see him dimly.
It's unmistakably him, even without seeing the mask you know.

Why is he here? And why haven't you been hurt?
Everyone else who has come to face him under these circumstances has ended up on the mat, a victim.

Some red lights come on, and you see him fully now, mask and all.
You see him how he wants to be seen, when he wants to be seen.

"Join me" his voice is low, and it shakes you to the core. Join him? Join the fiend?
Things haven't been great, that's for sure. But to join the fiend?

That could risk your life, let alone your career. The fiend is dangerous, anyone and everyone knows that.
He's an unpredictable force that waits until the right time to strike, dealing the most damage.

You don't want that damage. Not on you anyway.
But what about on others? What if you could learn to harness that for yourself, become one with the fiend?
Perhaps that's the way to get back to the top.

It's risky, working with the fiend is due to be dangerous. Bray Wyatt may not seem so bad, in fact from what you can tell he's twisted but pleasant.
You've enjoyed watching him.
Would it really be that bad to join him?

You stare into the eyes of the fiend.
You want to be on top. You want to win.
You're desperate to have that again.

You nod, taken aback by the dark chuckle that comes from behind the mask.

The lights flick off once again, and when they come back on the fiend is gone.
All that remains is a burnt piece of paper on the mat.

"Invitation to the Firefly Funhouse" you mutter. "Right, find Bray."
With that you take your leave, invitation in hand.

Once backstage you dismiss the medics, you have things to do, places to be.
Leaving things to sit would turn sour, you can't let certain things wait.
If you leave it, even for a short while, you might lose the opportunity.
The only opportunity you have left.

You follow your instinct through the maze of halls, unsure of exactly where to go, but something is pulling you in.
It's him, you know it is.
He's beckoning you to him, and you chase willingly.

The halls grow ever darker, light distant, an eerie silence lingering all around.
There is nothing. No sound from the steps you take, no nervous thoughts in your head drowning out the emptiness. Not even the sound of your own breath.

You finally stop.
Lost, alone.
Surrounded by nothing but darkness.
Although you find yourself already used to the lack of comfort, remembering that this feeling is why you're here.

You let out a deep, troubled breath.
What now?
"I'm here." You announce. The silence seems to swallow the sound of your voice, the room seems empty but there is no echo.
There is nothing.

The piece of paper slips from your hand.
Your hope drains.
You close your eyes, wishing for something, anything, to happen.
But it doesn't.

You open your eyes, finding the darkness still shrouds you. You turn to leave, to attempt to find your way back, when something catches your eye.
The outline of a door, barely visible. A thin line of light is the only trace of the door.
You knock, waiting patiently.

The light is almost blinding, your eyes struggling to adjust.
"Y/n, come in!" Bray's voice is comforting, and you blindly take a step forward. "We have been waiting such a long time for you, and now you're finally here!"
You say nothing, his joyous attitude slightly unnerving.

"There's no need to be nervous, there is no danger here." He states, as if having read your mind, although that doesn't at all ease your discomfort. "We're so glad you didn't get lost along the way, it's wonderful to have a new friend join us. We were afraid you wouldn't find us, but once you adjusted to the darkness you could finally see the light."

Again, you say nothing, taking in the light blue walls, bright lights and generally happy demeanour of the Firefly Funhouse.

"We do have a question for you, Y/n." You finally turn your attention to face Bray Wyatt. "Will you join the Firefly Funhouse? Will you let him in?"

The answer to you is simple. You had plenty of time to think on it while you walked through the darkness.
Your lips curve upwards into a smile, your eyes twinkle with a newfound excitement.
"I will."

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