Undertaker - Dare Game No More

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You've always wanted to ride he Harley Davidson your husband owns, but he never lets you touch it.
When the Hardy Boys dare you to go for a ride can you resist the temptation you've had for so long and risk getting caught? or will you simply back down on a dare?

You look to the door frame where the two Hardy brothers are stood.
Both of them watch carefully as you sit on the leather seat of your husbands Harley Davidson, turning the key in the ignition.

You wait for the engine to heat up, thinking to yourself about how wrong it is to be doing what you are.
"I shouldn't" you mutter under your breath.

There is one thing that belongs to your husband you are not allowed to touch.
One thing you are not allowed to do, touch his Harley.

When it comes to sharing things the two of you are generally quite good, but this is his.
And you are not allowed to touch it.
The two of you share a car, yes, but his bike is different.

His bike is his baby, and no one touches his baby, not you, not Matt or Jeff, no one.

It was a wonder how Jeff had even managed to steal the keys from his pocket without your husband noticing a, they were being taken in the first place, and b, that they are missing and have, at this point, been so for almost 20 minutes.

"Come on, you know you want to" Jeff shouts from the door frame.
You shake your head, knowing it's a betrayal of Taker's trust.

"He's going to kill me!" you shout back, fighting with yourself.
You want to do it, but you really don't.
It is a dare, and they already have one less loss thank you.

You can't give them another, you have $20 on this. First to lose 4 dares has to pay.
And they've only lost one, when they refused to go kiss Edge and Christian for no reason.

But you already have two losses, the first was when they said to announce you were getting a divorce in public, without your husband knowing about it, which would potentially have ruined your marriage.
The second was for you to go tell Vince you quit, neither of which you were willing to do for a dare.

You know you're already half way to losing, and you really don't want to have to give them $20 and a win against you, but they are very, very good at coming up with things you don't want to do.

"I can't" you say to yourself, getting off of the bike, ensuring the engine is turned off. The Hardy boys give each other a high five. "Give me something else to do instead" you say, and they lean in, whispering to one another.

They don't spend long coming up with something else to do, the two of them both having the same mind-set, the one that gets you in trouble.

They both laugh, bringing you back to reality, nodding eagerly as they turn to you, mischievous grins plastered across both of their faces.

"Go tell Taker you were on his bike, and give him his key" You sigh, you should have known that was coming, you should have expected it.
You nod, this was one you are willing to do.
You aren't losing this easy.

You snatch the key from Jeff's hands, storming off to find your husband, The Undertaker.

You find him in his locker room, signing pictures for WWE to sell.
He doesn't turn to see who is there, knowing there is only one person who walks in without knocking first.

"I have something to tell you" He turns to look at you, and you avert your eyes to the ground. "I was on your bike" you confess, and he checks for his keys.

You hold them up and jingle them, and his eyes are straight to you, his eyes piercing through to your soul.
He stands, walking slowly over to you.
"What was the one rule to do with the bike, my bike?" he asks, towering over you menacingly.

"Don't touch it" you whisper. He snatches the key from your hand, as you had with Jeff, stuffing it in his pocket.

"Since you know the rule, what the hell was going on in your damn head?" His voice is low, it seems more of a growl than anything, and it's that tone in his voice that scares you, sending a shiver down your spine.

You contemplate telling him, they didn't tell you not to tell him they dared you.
You glance at the door, knowing they're there.

"Matt and Jeff dared me" you begin quietly, not alerting the boys that you're snitching "you know we have this competition. I've already lost twice, and I mean I didn't actually move it anywhere I just-"

"Where are they?" he asks, taking a step back from you.
"Right outside" you blink up at him before looking over your shoulder and out of the slightly ajar door to the hall, where you know they are, trying to listen to every word you say.

"Don't move an inch" he walks past you, silently making his way outside where the two brothers that dared you to touch his bike in the first place.

You hear the three of them scrapping, but you don't move.
"I don't want either of you to speak to her again" Taker growls, and you take in a sharp breath as you hear a body slam against a wall and the door slam not too long after.
You remain as still as the dead, breathing silently as he walks up right behind you.

"They won't be bothering you anymore" you hold back a sigh, giving a short and simple nod to show him you understand.
His inked arms wrap around you and he holds you tight, you smile slightly enjoying the moment.

"You're not mad, are you?"
"No" his reply is sharp, and it takes you by surprise.
You thought he would be mad, actually, you thought he was going to take it out on you when you first came in.

Now you see he still has that very same soft spot he had for you when the two of you had originally decided to get together, and then again when he asked you to marry him, and then once more when he said I do.

"I ain't mad, I can't be. You could smash up my bike and I couldn't be mad. Not at the woman I love so damn much"

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