Kane - Why?

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You finally decide to face Kane after he stabbed you in the back to join The Authority.

You march out onto the stage, your theme blasting around the arena.
The WWE Universe cheers upon seeing you, knowing that whenever you step into the ring someone is going to pay hell.
Or well. That's what it used to be.

Kane and you had ruled WWE for almost two years when he stabbed you in the back to join the likes of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.

He betrayed you, and after almost a year of being away from him, of having to see him every single show and not having him see you.
A year of being looked through, being looked over, and being forgotten, after a year of torture you are finally done.

Too many superstars have told you to ask why.
Too many of your friends have told you to get over him.

Too many men have flirted with you now they don't see the once big red monster that would before scare them away, and you are so tired of holding on.
Too tired of holding on and hoping that he is going to come back to you.

You have to find out.
You slide under the bottom rope, returning to your feet in one swift movement, flipping your h/l h/c hair away from your face.

You look around for a moment, taking in the crowd, feeling the atmosphere the fans radiate.
You know they want to see you and Kane once more, you know they are desperate to find out what really happened, and you are going to give them everything they want, and more.

You turn to face the titantron, inhaling a seemingly too deep breath.
"Kane" The crowd roars, they knew that was coming, they knew from the very second you stepped out that was what was going to happen.
They knew from the very second your theme began that this was going to happen.

With that Kane's theme starts up, and sure as hell he walks out, but he doesn't make his way down to the ring.
He stands with J and J security at the top of the ramp, obviously having been told to keep his distance.

"Now that you're out here, not that it took much, I think it's time we addressed some of our... problems" the crowd cheers once more, enticing you to carry on. "It's been almost a year now. Almost a year since you dropped me for a suit, tie and a pay rise" the crowd boo's at Kane, chanting 'Keep it shut' as he opens his mouth to speak. "Why did you do it?" you ask.

Kane opens his mouth once more, but you interrupt him "No. You come down here and you tell me face to face why you abandoned the one you claimed to love so very much for so long. I want you to tell me face to face" Kane steps forward, despite the obvious argument going on between him and his two security guards.

Kane gets to the ring, and midway up him climbing up the stairs with J&J hot on his tail, the crowd boo's.
You laugh "I know" you begin, Kane stopping in his tracks, "The man who was once feared by all, the one that was nicknamed the demon and the big red monster, the one who stopped the undertaker in his tracks, needs two small tag-alongs to protect him. How.. let's put it nicely, demoralising" Kane turns to the two men in black and tells them to shoo, and they back off slightly, not actually entering the ring after Kane, although they do remain on the apron, watching his every move like hawks.

"Y/n" you shake your head.
"Don't start with that. Just tell me why you did it" Kane thinks for a second, glancing down at the mat.

"You what Kane? The money you were getting wasn't enough? Or was it me, did you finally find the way to get rid of me?"
"Neither" he says.

"Then what?" you ask, placing one hand on your hip, staring at him.
"I was, and still am on good money, and it wasn't you. I can promise you that" he says and you roll your eyes. Kane looks hurt.

You turn away from him, trying not to give in to your emotions and believe him.
You want to, you want to believe him so desperately, but you lack proof.

"If my words don't convince you, then maybe this will"
You hear the crowd cheer, and a few screams in the back tell you to turn around.
Kane has in his hand a box. A small blue box.
He holds it out for you to take. You reach out and take it, turning away.
You open it and inside is a note.

"I'm sorry" he begins to read it from memory "I never got the chance to give you this. I really wanted for you to have it, I really wanted for you to be my wife, but now it's to late. I miss you, and I hope one day you will read this and know I was forced to do what I did for you, and I hope that you still love me as much as I love you" You choke back tears as you lift it up, finding a ring sat in the box.

You turn back to Kane to find him on one knee.
"I only left you because Stephanie told me-"
With that her music cuts in and she storms out, standing at the top of the stage, husband by her side.

"Kane! Don't you dare!" Triple H booms.
"Stephanie told me that-" Kane looks annoyed with the million dollar princess as he is interrupted, once again.
"I told him if he didn't join me you were fired. I-" The look that was previously painted on Kane's face now looks as if it has slapped Stephanie, you interrupting her as she had Kane.

"Oh shut up you silly bitch" The crowd cheers loudly, and Kane waits for them to die down before continuing.

"So, now you know this, will you marry me?" You look around you, the crowd chanting 'yes' over and over.
You don't want to say no, and even if you did you couldn't, not in front of all of these people.
"Of course" you say with a nod. Kane stands, embracing you before slipping the ring onto your finger.

"This is the happiest day of my life" he rejoices almost silently without a microphone to boost the volume he is speaking it while surrounded by the WWE universe.

A huge smile is plastered on his face as the two of you look at each other, happy to be back where you want to, in each others arms once more.
The whole arena is filled with cheering from top to bottom and you can almost feel the smiles of everyone watching you.

The two of you finally turn to the stage, where Stephanie and Triple H are stood with scowls on their faces.
"You've just sealed your doom Kane." Stephanie says before walking out of sight, taking her husband and the two supposedly security members with her.

"Nothing could be worse than the past year without you" Kane says with a smile, escorting you out of the ring.
"I agree there" you reply with a laugh as he lifts you off of your feet, carrying you up the ramp where the two of you can celebrate your engagement privately.

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