Dean Ambrose - Insane Attraction

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You stay by your bother, Seth's side for two reasons. One because with him and his teammates being a main target of evolution he wants you to be safe, and two, because you think his friend Dean is totally hot.

"Can you believe them, going around, calling us names! Ha!" Seth howls.
"I'll take being called the big dog as a compliment" Roman shrugs, chuckling as he watches the wall-mounted screen showing the match currently going on in the squared circle.

"You know" you begin, "I really didn't think Hunter could stoop any lower" You shake your head and sit down on the bench, leaning your back against the wall.
You stare at the same screen as Roman, rolling your eyes as the bell rings at the three count. You quickly notice Dean out of the corner of your eye, pulling his tight black shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor.

You blink a couple times, desperately trying to look away but you find it too hard, giving in.
As you stare he turns around to look at his teammates, but doesn't notice you, and you don't notice that he has turned, too deep in your thoughts to register it.

You take in a deep breath, and upon exhaling it you notice it is shaky, deciding finally to avert your eyes away. As you look elsewhere you notice Seth staring at you with a dirty grin on his face.
He looks between you and Dean, finally stopping to stare you straight in the eyes. You frantically shake your head, but he already knows.

The quick and relatively sudden movement catches Deans eye and he turns to face you.
A rather confused look makes its way over his features and you find yourself unable to look at him any longer, instead dropping your head to look at the floor.

You can almost hear the smirk on Seth's face, and you know, even without looking, that he is making his way over to Dean to tell him.

You bite your lip in anticipation, waiting for a laugh the never comes.
Hearing nothing but silence you glance up, seeing Seth and Dean deep in what seems to be quite a serious conversation.
Dean glances over to you and you look down again, grimacing.
"What's going on" Roman booms, and you look up to see him storming towards Seth and Dean, intrigued by their secrecy.

You watch Seth's mouth move, unable to tell what he is saying at the angle you are sitting at to him.
Roman's nod in response sparks your interest in what they're actually talking about, but the both of the looking at Dean for a considerable amount of time gives it away to you that they are on the topic you don't want them to be.

You stand up, having given up waiting for something to happen. They all look at you as you do.
"What?" you ask, Seth and Roman looking at Dean.
The architect and the powerhouse look at each other before turning their attention to you.

"Dean has something he wants to tell you" They say in unison. You stare through them to Dean, who at this point is staring at you.
You gesture for him to speak, but he runs out of the door as fast as possible, despite being shirtless, and before you know it you have been pushed out and now stand in the hall and the door behind you is locked.

You walk down the long, grey corridor, presumably locked doors scattered here and there, and you wonder how Dean could have gotten away so quickly.

You listen carefully as you walk, your footsteps silenced by the soles of your boots.
Sure enough in the distance you can hear a heavy panting and incoherent mumbling, but you don't know if it is who you are looking for or somebody else, the faint sound of the WWE Universe throwing you off.

You follow the sound, having to pause every now and then when the arena full of fans blocks the sound, and sure enough you come to a door.
You can hear the mumbling clearly now, it's Dean for certain, his tone and accent gives it away.

You twist the door handle and push yourself into the room in quick succession, not allowing time for Dean to shove you out.

"What are you doing!" He shouts, and you flinch. "Sorry" he mumbles and you roll your eyes.
"Listen up, Ambrose, you tell me what they told you and I will happily leave" He looks up at you, shaking his head.
You cross your arms, tapping your foot, knowing the sound would push him over the edge before too long.

"I can't tell you" he says, leaning back, closing his eyes. It is obvious he is trying to block out the sound, and so you rest your back against the door, tapping your nails on the dark wood behind you. "Stop" He growls.

"When you tell me what I want to hear then, and only then, will I stop" Dean rises to his feet to glare at you before pacing around the small room, seemingly having a conversation with himself.

Dean doesn't stop pacing, and you don't stop tapping.
You wait, desperately trying to get him to tell you what was said and what Seth and Roman wanted him to tell you, but Dean is as stubborn as they get and you know he won't give it up easily.

But you can be patient, you're happy to wait for what you want.
Finally Dean storms towards you, stopping mere inches away from your body.

"You, woman, are going to stop that right now. Or else-" He checks himself.
"Or what Ambrose?" you question, pulling him closer by the belt loops on his jeans.
Suddenly there is no support behind you, and you feel yourself falling.

Feeling no impact your come back to your senses. You blink a couple times at Dean who looks more relieved than anything.
He pulls you up so you are standing on your own two feet, but he keeps his arms wrapped around you.

"This is romantic" your head whips around and you come face to face with your older brother.
You reluctantly shrug Dean's arms off of you, turning fully to face him.

"Don't you ever do that again!" you begin, and he shrinks back behind Roman, "You could have seriously hurt me you pathetic-"

"Y/n!" You turn to Dean who grabs your face and suddenly you find his lips on yours.
You relax at his touch, and you block out Seth and Roman's excited whispers, enjoying a moment you have been dreaming of for so long.

You and Dean separate, both of you breathing heavily, gazing into one another's eyes.
"If it wasn't for me opening the door that wouldn't have happened. Now tell me, am I the best matchmaker, or am I the best matchmaker?"

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