Dean Ambrose - You're Safe With Me

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The fight between The Shield and your brothers, the Wyatts leaves you in quite the predicament.

"Dean, Roman, Seth, you have had many battles, but none as strong as the one inside, you fight one another. You are not a family, family trusts, family obeys family. Tomorrow night we will show you how family works. Families don't fight one another. They get punished if something is done wrong, but there is no fight, no internal disease, and tomorrow you will see that"

That was last night at the pay-per-view. Bray had cast that to the titantron in the Shields match.

They had still won the match, but Bray's threat had left Dean shaken.
You had been able to tell by the look on his face as he left the ring.

Now you walk beside Bray, Eric and Luke down the ramp to the ring. You trail behind them, your long black dress flowing behind you as you follow your brothers.

Bray helps you up the stairs and into the ring, your brothers follow behind you and stand either side of you as Bray gets a microphone.

"Shield. I promised you last night I would show you what it means to not fight against family, and tonight I will follow through with that. Come out here, come out here and watch, see what family means."

The arena goes black as their theme starts, and you can sense them before the lights even come back on.
Sure enough they make their way out, but they stand on the stage and come no closer.

"Sister" you step forwards on Brays command, standing before him. "One of you has been watching her from afar, and that one of you is going to learn the hard way not to mess with the Wyatt family. And the other two of you will feel his pain when he weeps, when it is over and done with" The Shield look between each other, silently communicating.
They begin down the ramp, but Bray's laugh halts them as they get to the bottom.

"Don't come any closer or I'll make it worse for her. She has it bad enough already for what she has done." You look up at your brother and he looks down at you with a disapproving look on his face.
He knew about your feelings for the enemy.
Your feelings for Dean.

Bray slaps you, and you bite the inside of your lip.
Dean walks forward slowly, noticing Bray not paying attention, too busy watching you for a reaction as he kicks you in the right leg.
He takes a step back and you think it's over, but you realise different when his fist lands hard on your arm.
He goes to punch you again but you are pushed out of the way.

Dean takes the blow for you and then punches Bray so hard it knocks him to the mat.
He lands beside you with a thud, and you see Eric and Luke run forwards, only to be met with Seth and Roman.

Seeing Bray still laid on the ground saddens you, so you reach for him but Dean pulls you out of the ring by your unharmed leg, lifting you over his shoulder.

"Let me go!!" you shout, but Dean ignores you, carrying you up the ramp.
Seth and Roman follow, now finished with Luke and Eric, but they still watch your brothers carefully.

Bray finally wakes, getting to the bottom rope. "You never hit your own flesh and blood" Dean growls into a microphone, and Bray just laughs manically.

"You're a fool Dean! She'll always come back to me Ambrose, always!" he laughs, and Dean only snarls in response.
He carries you backstage, out of sight of Bray and his brothers.

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