Randy Orton - Promo

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You were dared to stop Edge get the number one contender shot at John Cena you accidentally also screwed over Randy Orton, your ex.


Checking the time fills you with dread. The thought of the promo in just ten minutes making you shiver.
"I don't know what your problem with this is, it'll do both of you some good" you roll your eyes at Mickie, who's set on getting you and Randy back together.
"I don't know what you're on about" you state, lifting your coffee cup to your lips.

"Yes you do, I've seen the way you look at him. You long to be in his arms" the combination of the cute, yet teasing voice and the puppy eyes almost makes you spit out your coffee.
You internally scream at Mickie. She giggles, noticing the look on your face.

"It's not like that"
"Yes it is!" She sings, grinning. You shake your head, glancing at the clock.
"It's not. What happened between Randy and I is in the past, I've moved past that." You state with a demanding tone, avoiding eye contact with Mickie.

"Of course you have, that's why you can't take your eyes off of him any time he's in the room, that's why you sigh whenever he walks past, and yes I've caught you staring at every part of him, and I mean every part" you scowl.

It isn't like that anymore, at least you try to make sure it isn't.
It's been quite some time since you and Randy were together, and you tell yourself every day you're over him, but every day you end up giving in and telling yourself it has been and can't be anymore, no matter how much you hope it will.

Your eyes drift up to the clock mounted above the locker room door.
Five minutes.
"I have to go" you turn, heading out of the locker room. You can feel her smirk on the back of your head all the way to the designated filming area.

She's right, and you know it.

When you arrive the cameras are already rolling, the two losing men currently mid dispute, Edge and Randy currently in shot.
Their part of the scene is coming quickly to an end, which means yours is about to begin.
You ready yourself silently, unprepared to face Randy alone for the first time since you broke up.

"It's your fault I got screwed out of that championship shot, Randy. Your girlfriend got in my way, and you'll be the one to pay for it" Edge scowls, a tint of anger in his eyes.

Randy says nothing, the look on his face enough to tell both you, and the audience, that he's not happy with Edge's words, or the entire situation.
Edge backs away, turning to leave. Then he stops.

The camera pans and you get a sudden thumbs up from the man shooting, telling you you're about to be in shot.
You begin to walk forward right as the camera gets to you, refusing to look at either men.

Despite not looking you can feel glares from both men as you walk past. Neither of them happy with your actions.

You walk right past Randy, ignoring him to the best of your ability until he grabs your wrist.
"We need to talk" his voice is low, sending an undetected shiver down your spine.

"No, Randy, we don't. Your loss was your own fault. I was out there to stop Edge from getting the title, if you wanted it you could have got it." he pulls you back, leaning over you.

"Actually, Y/n, if you hadn't distracted me by flirting with Edge I would have won"
"Is that jealousy I hear?" You ask, finally turning to face him.
Randy scowls, leaning in close, "Jealousy is an understatement".

You don't get time to respond, silenced by Randy's lips.
You sigh as he pulls away, it feels like forever since you last kissed him.
You spend a moment staring at each other, neither of you entirely sure what happened, or how, but you can feel the tension lift slightly.

Randy lets out a sort of satisfied grunt before turning and walking away.
"Randy!" You call after him, three emotions evident in your voice, anger, shock and longing.

He doesn't turn to face you, or even acknowledge your shout, rounding the corner and disappearing from sight.
"Nice shoot" one of the cameramen giggles, the lot of them beginning to clear their things.
You hear her before you see her, the excited squeal before Mickie comes bounding towards you. 

She takes a hold of your arms, shaking you back and forth, all be it a little too violently.

You stare vacantly through her for a second, managing to squeak out a "what?".
Mickie stops her excited assault, "You kissed!! He kissed you and you kissed back!!" You're taken aback by her fangirlish squealing, holding her face in your hands.

"Calm down, I don't speak dog whistle" Mickie rolls her eyes, deciding to continue anyway.
"I can't wait for you to get back together!" Everything stops, except for Mickie's words echoing in your head.
You and Randy, get back together???

You didn't break up on bad terms, but getting back with Randy?
Would you?
Could you??
Instead of voicing your thoughts your brain opts for "What?" Once again.

"Oh come on, you're telling me that even after that kiss, that everyone saw very clearly, that everything I said isn't true." you raise a eyebrow, Mickie only smirking in response.
"Mickie, I think you're taking this way out of proportion, I really don't think-"

"You're wrong. You're so very wrong. Everyone saw that kiss, everyone saw the look on your face as he left. You're still head over heels for the man Y/n. You might not be able to see it but everyone else can. And apparently he feels the same about you"
"I'm sure he doesn't" you mutter, but Mickie just shakes her head.

"You win for now, but you'll see sooner or later I'm right, anyway, lets go because I want to get to the hotel before the party train gets back after the show" You shrug giving in with a nod.
"That's the first thing I'll agree with you on this entire conversation"

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