Undertaker - Anything To Save You

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How much would you risk for the one you love?

"I don't want you out there tonight. I don't trust them to play by the rules." You sigh, but nod anyway.

You want to go out for the match, that's what normally happens, but if he says it's too risky you'll trust his judgement.

Being the wife of the Undertaker comes with it's problems, the main one being targeted by his opponents in order to make him vulnerable.
Recently you've spent most of his match time in the locker room, the current recurring opponents often not following the rules.

Particularly Randy Orton.
You're usually not one to point fingers, but recently he's been calling on current tag team partner Chris Jericho whenever he's not had the upper hand, and that's why you understand not going out for the supposed one vs one Undertaker vs Randy Orton.
And with Kane not being here tonight you want to stay out of the way.

Well. If stay out of the way means you're willing to march down there at a seconds notice that's what will happen.

"I'll see you after the match" he embraces you quickly before turning on his heel and leaving.
You smile to yourself, taking a seat and readying yourself for the match.

You had seen the look on Randy's face as he walked down the ramp, and you had tried not to march down there the second you saw the cogs turning in his head.

Sure enough he was pulling out all the stops, using multiple tricks when the ref wasn't looking, even blatantly attacking the ref so he could get at Undertaker with a steel chair.
And yet somehow your husband still stood.

It was when the ref was 'accidentally' hit for a second time and Chris Jericho was seen storming towards the ring that you decided you'd had enough.

For you the beating felt like an eternity, no one wants to watch their husband get reduced to nothing on live television.
It's nothing less than torture, and for you to sit and do nothing goes against everything you know.

Being a runner you have gotten down to the ring in record time, the match now over due to disqualification of Randy, but the beatdown still goes on.
You slide into the ring, both men noticing.

Chris gives a nod in the direction of Randy, who stops the attack.

"How loyal. Come to save your beloved despite him telling you not to" you stand tall as Randy stalks toward you. "He told you we wouldn't play by the rules and here you are."

He circles you, getting closer and closer each time.
"I'm not one to sit and watch" you state haphazardly.

You feel him stop behind you, his gaze piercing the back of your skull.
"No, instead you're out here watching instead. With no power to help"

Chris stands to a side and you see Taker. Barely conscious against the ring post.
"You came down here with no plan, no way of beating either of us. And why?? For this thing you call love?"

"I would rather do anything than watch you two continue, knowing he has no way to protect himself."
"Well you'll do a good job at making things for Undertaker worse."

You feel like the air around you has been removed, constricted by Randy, by the Viper.
You can't breathe.
It is now you realise you should have stayed in the locker room.

They don't want to simply beat him physically.
They want to beat him mentally.

The next few moments are silent, and still. Time seems to have stopped completely as the weight of what you have done by being out here settling in.

Suddenly Chris lunges at you, and your body turns to run.
Unfortunately it picked the wrong option out of fight or flight, and ran straight into a very painful move from the viper.

You screw your eyes shut tightly, blocking out as much light as you can.
The ringing in your ears barely drowning out the shouts from above.

You want to curl up but your body screams at you to stay still, to ride it out for just a few moments more.
You open your eyes the tiniest bit, the world blurred.

You make out two figures, one suddenly dropping to the mat beside you.
The shake causes you grimace, the soreness already kicking in.
You turn your head, blinking a couple times before you realise it's Chris on the mat. He rolls out of the ring before you have a chance to take in what state he's in.

Looking back up you see a worried Taker staring down at you, knelt over your body.
You force yourself up to a leaning position, the ringing finally gone.
In its place is the cheers from those watching.

"I told you to stay in the locker room" he says. You look away.
"I know, but I couldn't stay there any longer. It was torture" Your reply is quiet, and you wonder if he heard you. It's hard enough to hear without a microphone, let alone when the other person is whispering.

He doesn't respond, not even with a sigh.
He simply stands, offering you a hand up.
You take it, a small smile gracing your lips.

"You got lucky that time. I have a feeling you were going to end up in the Walls of Jericho" 'Takers face is troubled, the thought of what could have happened evidently crossing his mind.

"Well I'm glad you didn't let that happen, I'm bad enough as it is" you brush his hair from his face, gently cupping his cheek with the palm of your hand. Reassuring him you're at least okay.

"You know" he begins, leaning in. "I think it's time I taught you a move or two. Then I won't feel the need to have you stay in the locker room."
"You know," you reply "I think you're right" the faintest of smiles appears on his lips, not wanting to break façade and all.
You smirk, allowing him to guide you to the ropes, down the stairs and up the ramp.

"I think before we do anything else I need to go get some ice for my back" you state as you exit the view of the cameras.
"I think that's a good idea. Thankfully we're not due to make an appearance anywhere until next week. So let's make the most of it, get you back on track training started"

"Sounds like a plan. Now. About that ice" you grin. He places a kiss on your forehead.
"Yep. Let's go."

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