Seth Rollins - Reunited

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Six years ago you and Seth had gone your seperate ways.
What happens when you join the WWE and run into the one person you you had longed for for all those years?

You set your bag down in your assigned locker, looking around.
You're finally here.

It's taken you six years to get here, six years to work your way up from the indies, through your very short stay in NXT and through to the main roster in the WWE.

You lock everything up except your phone and the keys to the locker, of course, sliding both of those things into your jacket pocket.

You decide to take some time to walk around and let everything soak in, this is technically your first day after all.
You won't be in a match tonight, but you will be here. For that you find yourself quite glad.
Having to have a match on your first night would be incredibly stressful, but for now you just need to get used to the atmosphere, the in and outs of working with so many people.

"Hey, you're Y/n." You turn around to see the source of the voice, coming face to face with the one and only Natalya.
"That I am, it's nice to meet you." She extends her hand, which you shake.

She gives you a warm smile, "this is your first day, isn't it? Would you like to come watch some matches in the ring before the show?" You're quite surprised at how nice she is, you've always heard good things about her through her husband, but have never met her yourself.

"Is that something I can do?" Natalya nods.
"Absolutely, are you ready to go? We can go now." You nod your head, following Natalya as she leads you around, explaining things like how the behind the scenes staff work, rotas and things like tips for being in the ring in front of such a large audience.

The walk is nice, you're enjoying getting to know someone, with the added plus of having someone on the inside give you pointers.
WWE is a much bigger brand than any you've worked for before. It's exciting, yet terrifying, and you'll take all the advice you can get.

"This is where the magic happens. You step out of this curtain and.. well, see for yourself." Natalya motions for you to go through first.
You push aside the black cloth, letting the view of the arena soak in.

"Wait until you have the crowd out here, excited, chanting. It's nothing like you'll have ever experienced before." Nattie states, noticing how awe-struck you are.
"I can't wait to make my debut."

You spot next the group of wrestlers in and around the ring.
There are two inside the ring, a handful stood around it and another handful of people scattered in the empty seats outside of the barricade.

You and Nattie are immediately waved down by the man you know to be her husband, Tyson Kidd.
"Y/n!" He greets, "you finally made it, it's great to see you here on the main roster at long last."

"I know" You chuckle, "it feels great."
"I bet." He replies, "your debut is going to be amazing. Why don't we take a seat, watch the matches going on and have a catch up?" You nod and the three of you go sit in some empty seats.

After some time Natalya and Tyson have to leave, you make the decision to stay and watch the practice matches.
When a sudden cackle catches your attention.

"That's real funny, you got me there for sure."
"Oh god no." You say under your breath. You forget he was here.

You dip your head down, hoping he doesn't notice you're here. That is the last thing you need.
This is the man you had a scripted romance with in the independent circuit, that romance almost becoming very real.. except the both of you got offers at different companies and went seperate ways with no other words about it.

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