AJ Styles - Miracle Medic

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After many years with WWE you know the roster inside and out. AJ had a rough match where his ribs were the main target, you get called down to assess the situation when none of the other medics can get across to the angry and pained man.


"Y/n, we have a situation at ringside. You know what to do" You don't respond to the message that comes through your earpiece.
Your colleagues know you'll be down there as soon as you can, after all, you always are.

Six years you've worked as a medic, working with every single man and woman that has been in the ring.
When the guys at ringside can't get through it's you they call to assess the situation and the wrestler in need of medical help.

Working with the WWE for so long has allowed you to learn how the wrestlers work outside and in, meaning that very quickly you have come to learn everyone's traits when they're hurt.
Some people handling it better than others when it comes down to a potentially serious injury.

You make your way out through the side exit, the ramp isn't your thing as a medic.
You prefer the more direct route to ringside where you can assess the situation before you get there.
You notice AJ in the ring still, clutching his rib-cage, face painted with pain.

Through the pain he glares at the medics still trying to get through to him and find out what's wrong.
You've worked with AJ before, skilled as he is the man is still susceptible to injury, as is every single person working in the ring.

The other medics back away slightly as you get to ringside, watching carefully.
Over the years you've tried to teach people your ways but for others it has never gone to plan, them ending up hurt or fired instead of helping the performer.

"Anyone been able to get to him?" You ask. Every single one of your colleagues shakes their head.
"No. Hence why we called the expert" you chuckle, turning to face the ring.

"So, fill me in" you demand, watching AN carefully.
"Everything was fine until about half way through the match. Dean started targeting AJ's ribs, noticing he messed up when going into the turnbuckle" you nod.

"Right okay. You know the drill. Don't move" The other medic chuckles and you flash him a smile before walking around the ring to the turnbuckle where AJ is still sitting.

"I don't want your help" AJ states as soon as you're in hearing range of him.
"Unfortunately AJ, that's my job. It's easier for both of us if you just let me get on with things" You reply with a calm tone. AJ shakes his head.
"Don't come near me!" he shouts.

You stop.

"AJ, I'll stay here, but I need you to answer a few questions, okay?" You stay calm despite his shouting, knowing you getting upset or angry in return will only make the situation worse.
"I don't want to answer any questions. I'm fine" Even with this you don't believe AJ, knowing that even if he does deny being in any pain, he is.

"It's only a few questions, so this won't take long" You smile. Having worked with AJ in the past you know that he needs reassuring everything will be okay, even if it won't be.
"Fine but only a few" You internally grin, happy with the fact you've gotten through to him.

"Where is the pain?" You ask him. AJ looks down to where his hands are still rested upon his ribs. "Ribs?" You question.
You already know the answer but if you can get an answer from AJ as well then it's doubly confirmed.
AJ nods, and you look across to the other medics who give you a thumbs up.

"How much does it hurt, on a scale of one to ten?" You ask next. AJ thinks for a second, likely unsure of which level he's at before deciding.
"Seven" you take a moment to process the information and what exactly AJ's perception of a seven is, basing it on past experiences you've had with AJ.

"Do you think you can walk with me backstage?" You ask, "Just me though, no one else" AJ nods, grabbing the middle rope.
Slowly he stands, his facial expression showing you that he is in a lot of pain.
He struggles to get through the middle and top rope, but manages it, slowly making his way down the steel stairs with the aid of your hand.

"We're going to take this slow and go and get some ice" You state, putting the arm on AJ's better side over you shoulders.
He maintains his hold on his ribs as you get to the medical office, and so you tell him to sit down. AJ complies.

"Right, all I'm going to do is give it a quick check before I get you some ice, it won't take long, I promise" With that AJ removes his hand from his ribs, the swelling already beginning.
You apply a light pressure with the tips of your fingers, hearing him hiss in pain.

You don't do this a lot, knowing it will hurt every time you do, but you have to check for his own sake. "Do you have any pain when you breathe?" you ask.
AJ nods.
"A little, but not a lot" You nod, standing up and walking over to the freezer to get him some ice.
You wrap the ice in a towel as to not give him a cold burn and hand it over.

"What's wrong with it?" AJ asks, a nervous wobble in his voice.
"Nothings broken, from what you've told me and I've felt your ribs are only bruised. You should ice it for fifteen to twenty minutes at a time for a few days to help with the swelling. It's not very severe, you'll only need three to four weeks before you can get back to training, you should be medically cleared to come back then" AJ nods.

"Thank you" He says, voice saddened at having to take time off of work.
"Anytime" you smile, sitting down at the desk in the corner, beginning the process of writing up a medical note you can give to Vince.

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