Dean Ambrose - Safe In My Arms

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After a comment made by Seth while Dean is unconscious Dean decides it's best to keep you close.

You follow Dean through hall after hall, remaining somewhat close to him but quite a way behind.
You know better than to get too close to him by now, especially when he is in mood such as these.

After the ambush by Seth and J&J security he has been left seething, and unfortunately for the likes of Dolph Ziggler not everyone was still completely in tact.

That's not to mention the two chairs he threw, the wall he punch, and poor Zack Ryder who had been left on the floor by catering after Dean had thrown him against a wall.

After the first time you had learnt your lesson not to get too close top him when he's angry, having been pinned up against a wall by your neck as he threatened to leave you lying on the floor in a bloody heap.
Needless to say that was quite enough for you.

All Dolph had done was ask if Dean was okay, and he had received a punch to the jaw in return.
You had apologized quickly on your way past, knowing no matter what Dean will want you to stay close to him, and Zack, he only wanted to know when his match was.

You personally thought Dean's reaction was really quite unnecessary, but you hadn't said anything to him in the moment, or at all for that matter, knowing better than that.

And so you are, walking only a few paces behind him.
He turns to the door on the left of the hall, kicking it open with one strong, hard kick.
He walks into the room, and you follow suit, closing the door behind you.

"He's going to regret this" Dean growls, and you walk silently toward him. 
He looks instinctively to see you standing beside him, his angry, yet sad, eyes peering up at you from under the mess of hair covering his face.
"Dean" he continues to look up at you, "While you were out.. he.. Seth said I was next" your voice wavers slightly, and he can tell you're scared. 

Seth had knocked Dean out with a steel chair, right as you had walked around the corner.
You had seen him fall to the ground and you rushed to be by his side, kneeling beside him.

After quickly checking Dean wasn't bleeding you had turned your attention to the two-toned, ex-architect of the Shield, giving him probably the harshest glare to ever be given to anyone, and he had just laughed down at you.

That was when he said it, "You're next princess" nothing more needed to come out of his mouth, and nothing more did.
In three words he had taken power of the situation, swiftly taking his exit before Dean woke up, leaving you behind, waiting for your partner to wake.

After Dean had re-gained consciousness he checked you were okay quickly before seeing the steel chair and stomping off, angry at the fact he'd been ambushed by Seth and his buddies.
Every now and then, despite his anger he had checked behind himself, just to ensure you were behind him.
And that had lead to now.

"What?!" Dean yells, and you flinch. He notices this and mutters a "sorry" before standing up.
You don't move, the moment the two of you spend staring at each other awkward.
He quickly wraps his arms around you, and you move closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.

The embrace is long and loving as the two of you stand together in the dark, glad to be where you are together.
Seth could have done something serious, but this is just a game to him, a game he's playing unfairly.
"What's going to happen, Dean?" you ask timidly as you try to relax a little in his arms.

"Nothing. Nothing is going to happen because you are not leaving my sight. If Seth wants you he's going to have to go through me first" you nod, glad Dean is willing to protect you.

Dean lets go of you as the door bursts open, pushing you behind him instinctively as bright yellow light floods through the doorway into the dimly lit room.

A tall, dark figure steps out of the light into the dark room, and you take in a deep breath.
"Dean?" a familiar voice booms, causing you to let out a sigh of relief.
"Don't do that Roman, I thought you were Seth." Dean snaps, turning around to embrace you once more, attempting to comfort himself.

"Sorry" Roman mutters, "I just wanted to know if you and Y/n
are alright, I saw what happened" You smile in appreciation, but it goes unnoticed in the dark room.

"I'm fine. But since you're here I need your help" Dean rushes.
He isn't one for asking anyone to help him, but not is a whole different situation.

"What is it you need?" Roman asks. Since the Shield split the two of them are closer than ever, both sharing a similar hare for Seth Rollins.

"I need you to watch over Y/n when I can't" You push away from him a little, enough to have space to interrupt their conversation.
"I don't need protecting, I can look after myself" you state, crossing your arms. 

"I know, but Seth is sneaky, he could be anywhere, and he knows as soon as you are alone you're vulnerable" You sigh, "He only wants to get to me, even if it means sinking that low"

"Seth doesn't care how low he sinks, he has the McMahon-Helmsley family behind him to catch him when he stumbles" Roman adds. 
"Exactly. So you are not to be left alone" Dean finishes.
You sigh. He's right, he always is in these situations.
You take in a deep breath and nod,

"Good, after all, I can't have my woman getting injured when she's got her championship match coming up in two weeks time" you roll your eyes, knowing he can't see. 
"I won't win" you state.

"Yes you will, I'll be ringside" Dean states. 
"What?" you ask. 
"You're not going out by yourself" you groan "Do you want Rollins to come after you?" he asks, and you shake your head. "Exactly"

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