Undertaker - Cheap Shot

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Kane is desperate to fight his older brother, and after failing to get Taker to fight him by hurting people he doesn't care about Paul finally decides that it's time to put Undertaker in a corner he can't back out of.

Quietly you hum to yourself, making your way through the small pile of paperwork belonging to your husband.
With Taker busy a lot of the time with work you take it upon yourself to look over everything and ensure that everything is in order.

Lately he's had a little more than usual, Paul Bearer running him around more than usual despite not even working with Taker.

You put the pen down, rising from your chair to stretch. You walk around the room for a few minutes, not wanting to continue with the paperwork.
After pondering you decide it'll be best to just get it done with and then you won't have a lot left to do, and besides, it's not a lot.

You sit down and reach forward to the pen, the cold plastic barely bracing your skin before you find yourself evacuated from your seat.

The person holds you by the waist, keeping you in the air, your feet unable to touch the ground.
You kick backwards, your attack landing successfully on his shin.

No yell comes from the pain you inflict, nor a hiss or a moan of pain.
The room is silent for all but the soft sound of your feet once more on the carpet as you land gracefully, spinning to face whomever decided to pick you up like a small child.

Upon turning around you find you're at a disadvantage, coming up to the mans shoulder.
You tilt your head back to get a look at his face, only to find you can't see it for a red mask covers his face.

"Now" you begin calmly, "I don't know what you're doing in here or who the hell you think you are, but I strongly suggest you turn your ass around and leave the same way you came in, and before my husband gets back" the man doesn't say a word, and doesn't move at all. "Go on" you give a little towards the door, telling him in what direction he has to go.
The man stares down at you, but doesn't budge.

"You know what? You're really beginning to piss me off. Get the fuck out of my room and don't come the fuck back" you snap, poking his chest with your index finger.

With that he reaches out for you, using one arm to pull you towards him and turn you around before using the other to lock you in place against his chest.

"You just wait till my husband gets back you little shit. Then you'll have the Undertaker to answer to"
"Maybe that's what he wants" the shrill voice of Paul Bearer replies quickly.

"You're not welcome in here Bearer. You know that" your voice comes out as more of a growl, unimpressed by his presence in your locker room.

"Oh I know" Paul chuckles, "but it isn't me who wanted to be in here. You see for weeks now we've been trying to get your dearest Undertaker to fight us"
"Why the hell do you want to fight Taker Paul? Didn't you get enough when he-"
"Kane" At Paul's command the gloved hand of the man holding you against him is covering your mouth.

"All Kane wants is his revenge Y/n. He wants revenge on his brother" it clicks in your head that all along you've known who this man is. "And he will get his revenge. Your husband had the choice to refuse before when people he didn't care about were getting hurt, but this, this is different"

Paul sits behind Kane, the three of you waiting for Undertaker to return.
The atmosphere in the room is tense, no one saying a word, no one moving.

You had tried that, all it had lead to was Kane tightening his grip on your waist to the point your breathing is now limited, almost as if you were to be wearing a tight laced corset.

The door handle squeaks as it is pressed down, the door swinging open at a leisurely pace.
Your muffled attempt at calling out to your husband doesn't work, Kane's hand only further tightening around your mouth.

He finally walks into the room, heading over to his things, not checking the other side of the room to see if you're okay.
You try to call out to him once more, this time Undertaker realising he's heard something.
"Its only me" he chuckles, rummaging around in his bag.

You try once more to get to him, and this time he stops.
"Whats the matter?" He asks. Unable to reply you remain silent, "Y/n?" he asks, waiting for your answer. When it doesn't come he realises something is wrong, turning around and spotting you immediately.

His eyes move from yours upwards and you know your captor has been spotted.
"Kane" Undertaker's voice is soft but his anger still shows through. "Don't make me do this, I don't want to fight you, you're my brother" Undertaker walks forward, stopping a few paces away from where you're being held.
The two stare at each other in silence, neither one making a move.

"Undertaker, Kane wants his revenge" Paul speaks, still hiding behind Kane, "He will take it. You either fight him and get hurt, or we can do this the hard way" Undertaker's green eyes make contact with your e/c ones. In them you see the fear, something you rarely see in him, but you know he's only fearful for you.

"Don't hurt her Kane, she's family. She might not be your own flesh and blood but she is still family. I know you always wanted a little sister."

"You won't convince him to let go Undertaker" Paul screeched, "You know he will do it. I've told you before Undertaker, Kane is willing to go through anybody and everybody, including your wife, if only to get you to fight him once" Undertaker closes his eyes, seeming to draw in a deep breath.

"Listen, Paul, you started this, why can't you just let me and Kane work things out? This is all your fault" Undertaker looks behind you now, finding Paul Bearer in the darkness.

"Is is deadman? Who was it that burnt down the funeral home? Who was it that killed your mother and father?"

"Just let Y/n go. That's all I ask, then maybe we can work something out" You shake your head, he is not giving in for the sake of you.
"No, Kane will not let go until he gets a match. He wants to fight you Undertaker" You feel Kane nod behind you, but your husband mentally snapping is what gains your attention.

He always did have a relatively short temper, but generally he manages to keep it under wraps.
"You know what Paul? I'm done with your crap. You can have a fight Kane, just give me my wife back and get out."

Kane drops you and you draw in a deep breath, feeling the air filling your lungs fully for the first time in almost half an hour. Kane takes a step back as Undertaker takes one forward, encasing you protectively in his arms.

"Next week deadman. Kane and I expect you to be in the ring, and if you're not we'll be back and next time someone will get hurt" Undertaker ignores Paul's threat as he exits the room, instead opting to ensure you're not hurt.
"I'm not leaving you alone in here, or anywhere again" Undertaker states as he pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I'm with you on that one."

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