Kane - The Return

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After five years of not being a part of WWE the time for your return arrives.
Not that your husband knows.

You wait, still silent.
In the shadows.

For the past six hours you've waited backstage, you were the first to arrive knowing you had to stay out of sight.
Very few people know you're here.
That was the whole point.

So few people know, not even your husband knows.
You had debated telling him of your return, you wanted to, but then again you wanted it to be a surprise.

You've been married to Kane for five years, the two of you having been together double that.
You've kept no secrets from him in all that time, now you're finally keeping one.
One that he's going to find out very very soon.

You sneak down a forgotten hall, taking a direct route to your destination.
You know the plan.
You know what's happening in the ring.

You know exactly what purpose your return serves.
Vince, one of the only people who knows as well as a few crew members who will help with your entrance, had helped you with quite the extensive plan.

You check your watch.
It's time.
As you open the door to the joining hall you're met with one crew member.
He nods at you, walking silently with you to the gorilla.

Your nerves start to pick up, the crowds reaction will be unpredictable.
You don't know if the reaction will be good, or bad.
Perhaps no one will remember you.

After five years without being seen by cameras you wouldn't be surprised.
It's a long time to go and to come back.
Especially with how your return has been planned.

Your marriage to Kane came a mere week after you left the WWE, at that point Kane wasn't even Kane, and wouldn't become Kane for a year after your marriage.

So, not only are you coming back to the ring after five years, but you're doing so to be by your husbands side.
You look the part in your attire, you hope you can play the part just as well as he does.
After all, as well as you know him your experience with playing characters onscreen was very different to this.

You await your signal standing just behind the curtain.
It's the only thing that separates you from the arena full of fan.

You get a thumbs up, your signal to go.

The entire arena is dark, but you don't have to worry. The path you walk to the center of the stage is familiar, even after all the time you've been away.

You stand still, a single white spotlight flickering on above you.
You can't see the ring, Kane likely doesn't even know you're here yet as he should be laid out on the mat.

The light flickers back off and you jog to the center of the stage, there's no time to go slow.
You tilt your head to the side, this time two white spotlights come on, one on you, the other on the ring.

Sure enough your husband lies in the center of the ring, seemingly unconscious.
His opponent, Triple H, stands there looking incredibly confused.
Once the lights flick off again you jog to the ring, the feeling of the bottom rope in your hand almost unfamiliar.

You pull yourself up onto the apron, sliding through the ropes.
You're careful not to step on Kane, gaging where both he and Triple H is based on their weight on the mat.

With a few final adjustments to your stance you lower your head, barely in time.
Lights come on once again, but this time they're red.

The whole arena is illuminated, the floodlights giving decent visibility to all.
You count to three, quickly snapping your head up to look at Triple H.

He stares, clearly unsure of what to make of the situation. A reflection of how the crowd reacts too.
You're met with some cheers, but mostly silence.

HHH's eyes flick down and behind you to where your husband lies, and then back up to you.

"Well well well, haven't you changed?" You ask, remembering what he was like when he began. "I'm not sure all those years did you much good."
You can almost see the cogs turning, him trying to figure you out.

Then it seems to click.
Triple H looks shocked, that's for sure.
He's Ebenezer Scrooge meeting the Ghost of Christmas past, and you're here to take him on a journey he'll never forget.

"Y/n?" You nod slowly, confirming to him who you are. "But why are you out here standing in front of Kane?"

You lift your left hand, the engagement ring sparkling in the light, the wedding band showing that not only are you engaged, but also married.
Your relationship with Kane had been kept quiet for years prior to your marriage, and even after no one really noticed.
It gave you much appreciated privacy at the time, and now allows for the shock factor.

"Okay, alright, now get out of my way. I'm finishing this match and, unless you want Kane DQ'd, you can't hurt me." His tone is serious, focus clearly back on the match he was winning prior to your entrance.

You stare at him with a straight face, your distraction creating enough time for Kane to discreetly move to where he has the upper hand.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I can't hurt you. But he can." You state, nodding behind Triple H.
The blonde spins, being caught by Kane who promptly chokeslams him.
You fold your arms, waiting impatiently for the ref to count to three.

The bell rings, Kane being announced the winner.
He stands, flicking back his hair.
Kane turns to look you up and down, his eyes sparkle, and you can tell that behind the mask he's smiling.

He raises his arms slowly, you know what's coming.
The boom of the pyrotechnics doesn't make you so much as flinch.
You prepared for a reason.

"You never told me you were doing this." Kane says, staring down at you.
"Are you complaining?" You ask, keeping your face straight.
"No." He replies quickly.

"Good because I'm a permanent part of your act now." You state, turning around and heading over to the ropes.
You drop down onto the floor, not pausing to wait for Kane to exit the ring, not that it takes him long to catch you up.

Backstage Vince is waiting, a smile on his face.
"Well done out there, both of you. My apologies for arranging this behind your back Kane. I can't wait to see how this progresses." Vince shakes hands with both of you before leaving.

"I also apologise for keeping this from you. I hope it was worth it." You state.
"It was, I couldn't imagine a better surprise." He says, pulling you into a hug.

You smile, happy with the outcome of tonight.
You get to return to a job you enjoyed, you get to work with and be close to the man you married.
Who could ask for more than this?

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