Kane - It's Only A Storyline

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One heated segment for an upcoming feud sends your boyfriend, who didn't know about the segment, into a jealous rage.
It's your job to make sure no one gets hurt.

"3.. 2.. 1." The director of the segment gives you a thumbs up, indicating that the cameras are sending live feed to the titantron.
You look past the camera, watching Randy as he walks over and into frame.

"Like what you see?" He asks, you flick your eyes up to meet his, rather than staring at his body.
"What do you want, Orton?"

He smirks, "oh, there are many things I want Y/n. You being one of them." You actively try not to let yourself cringe at his cliché words, the fact someone wrote this script for you to act out.
Instead you choose to go for a slightly amused and flirty look.

"I'm preoccupied at the moment." Randy's smirk becomes more of a grin, he leans close to you, resting his forearm on the wall.

"I noticed" he says, sarcasm dripping from each word he says, "I also noticed you'd be better off with me" He licks his bottom lip.
You take in a deep breath, which you know will read differently to anyone watching.

To them it'll look like you're caught up on his words, when in reality you're preparing yourself for what is to come.
Both later in the segment and ultimately what will come after.

"Really? I don't know about that." You reply, the flirtatious tone in your voice coming through stronger than you'd thought it would.

He leans closer, his nose brushing yours.
"How about I give you a free trial?" He asks, quickly capturing your lips in a deep kiss before you can respond.

Despite your internal fight, knowing exactly what's going to happen once the camera's aren't rolling, you make the scene look more than convincing.
You're an actor, here to sell the moment to the crowd.
You agreed to do the segment, this storyline (albeit in secret), and you plan on making it the best it can be, even despite your relationship outside of this shot.

Your arms wind up around Randy's neck, his free hand on your waist.
He pulls away slowly, keeping his face close to yours.
He smiles down at you, and you back up at him.

"Great job guys!" The director says.
Randy pushes himself away from you giving you a genuine smile rather than the boyish grin he had been giving while the cameras were rolling.

"That was good, I'm glad you could put your nerves aside." He says.
"I wouldn't say I put them aside, just didn't let them show. I know what's still to come." You reply, sighing.

"I take it Kane wasn't fond of the idea of you and I being the reason for the feud starting." You scratch the back of your neck nervously, letting out a small laugh.

"I uhh.. I actually didn't tell him." You say.
"Yeah. That's why I'm so nervous."

Randy stands there awkwardly, unsure of how to react.
"Why didn't you tell him?" The Legend Killer asks you suddenly.

"I knew he'd flip out and make sure it didn't happen. It's started now and he can't stop it from going ahead. That was why I didn't." Randy nods, understanding where you're coming from.

Everyone knows that when it comes to you Kane is very protective and gets jealous quickly.
His jealousy has, on more than one occasion, ended in someone getting threatened.
Usually drunken idiots or creeps at the bar, although you wouldn't put it past him to get riled up over a scripted romance.

"Let's hope he takes it well." Randy says. You nod, you do hope that.

Unfortunately before you can continue the conversation you hear the trail of carnage coming your way.
You push off of the wall, standing in the center of the hall.

It doesn't take long for Kane to come in to sight, he's clearly pissed.
So blinded by his jealous rage that he completely blanks you once he sees Randy.

Kane charges down the hall, crew barely pulling their equipment out of the way as he storms past.
As he approaches you attempt to calm yourself with a deep breath, which works surprisingly well.

You see him going to move around you but you move to stand in his way.
So he moves again, and so do you.
His eyes are still fixed on Randy, who you're sure is trying not to look nervous behind you.

Kane goes to move again and once again you block his path.
This time his attention travels to you.
"Get out of the way, Y/n." Kane demands.

"No. I won't." You reply, standing your ground.
You have to.

"Get out of the way so I can give Randy what he deserves." Kane's voice is almost a growl, although it doesn't phase you, this was sort of expected with you knowing how far you would have to go with the kiss.

"Drop the tone with me. You're not threatening anyone."
His eyes flash with anger, lips tightening into a thin line.

"Oh I won't be threatening him." Kane goes to step around you again, this time as well as moving in his way you place your hands on his arms.

"Listen to me, Kane. It's for a storyline, got it? For a feud. Between him and you. I should have told you before, so if you're going to blame anyone for the situation then blame me." Kane stares down at you, holding your gaze for painfully long seconds.

You discreetly signal to Randy to leave, knowing it will help diffuse the situation if his presence is gone.

You don't have time to think about whether or not Randy is gone, Kane leaning down and placing his lips on yours.
The kiss is filled with his emotion, it's deep and passionate, his hands pulling you closer to him.
It's rough, full of anger, and yet still gentle.

Behind his jealous feelings you can feel his feelings for you shining through.
He pulls away slightly, realising Randy is gone.

"You let him get away." Kane breathes, although his voice is calm.
"I did." You reply quietly, "I'm sure you can forgive me."
You press your lips to his again, Kane quickly deciding to deepen this kiss as well.

When he pulls away again you're breathless, a smile on your face.
"I hope he knows what he's getting himself into." Kane says.

"Forget about Randy. Focus on me." Kane's eyes twinkle mischievously, you've seen that look enough times to know what it means.

"Oh I will, don't you worry. Go start the car, I'll get the bags. Once we get back to the hotel all focus will be on you." He pulls the car keys out of his back pocket, placing them in your hand.

"Don't be long." You say, giving him one last kiss before the two of you head in opposite directions, both as eager as the other to get out of the arena and somewhere more private.

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