Jeff Hardy - Games

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Jeff is angry. And you make the mistake of trying to calm him down.

"Y/n" Matt sighs "it won't be any use. Jeff is.. well. Upset. Angry. He wouldn't listen to me and he won't listen to you"
"Matt you're brothers sure, but you've not been able to calm him down in the past. Siblings fall out and disagree"

"And couples argue" Matt replies. You shrug. "If you really want to go in there go for it. Just know I barely came out in one piece. This is your warning"
You take in a deep breath.
"I know what the risks are" Matt frowns, but allows you past and into the locker room.

"Jeff?" You call out.
"Leave me alone" he bites. You frown.
"Come on Jeff, it's only me"

"I know it's you. Leave" you shake your head, not knowing where he is in the dark room.
"I'm not going anywhere. You can't stay like this Jeff. It isn't healthy"
"And what is?" He snaps, "what do you want me to do?"

"Calm down for a start" you shrug.
"I'm calm enough" he states, and you shake your head.
"No you're not. You're in here, alone, in the dark. And you're snapping at me" Jeff appears in front of you.

"I'm not the one snapping" his hair hangs in front of his face, some remnant of his facepaint still on his skin.
"Well I mean you are" Jeff's eyes lock with yours and he leans forward.
"If you want me to snap, I'll snap. How about that" you take a step back.

"Jeff" you put your hands up in defence.
His arm races forwards, hand gripping your left wrist now.

"Where are you going?" He asks, pulling you back, "I thought you were here to help me"
"I was" you state, "it's obvious that even I can't calm you down and now I would like to leave" Jeff laughs.

"Oh so now you want to leave. Not when I asked, no." You look away as he leans in close.
"Jeff I really need you to let go of me" you squeak. But he only pulls you into him.

"You really thought you could come in here, make me better and everything would be fine? It won't be fine. I almost ripped a mans arm out of his socket in the ring. I threw Matt through a table outside, and you thought you could come in here and give me some encouraging words and we could leave and play happy life?"

"Jeff" you try again, his grip on your wrist now beginning to hurt.
"No. That's not how it is going to be." He lets go of your wrist, placing his hands firmly on your waist.
You don't move, don't look away, you don't even breathe.
You don't dare test his patience anymore.

Jeff can be dangerous, you know this from being at ringside.
When he's in the moment nothing can stop him.
Not even you.
And more often than not that leads to injuries.

You hope Matt comes in, but you know that won't happen.
He warned you. He told you this wasn't going to go well but you didn't listen.
And now here you are.

Stuck with a potentially dangerous Jeff Hardy.
"You've got no words for me now, Y/n?" Still you don't move. "That's a shame" he laughs.
"There's that pretty voice. Come on, I know you've got more in you than that" he taunts.

"Jeff please, I don't know what's going through your head but just let me go and I won't bother you" you can't get your words out fast enough, you just want to go.
To get out.

"It's too late for that" you thought that might be his answer, "how about we play a game?" He asks, disappearing from view.

You close your eyes and nod.
And fall to the ground.
He pushed you.
You look around but now you can't see anything.
There's no light.

"Here are the rules" Jeff's disembodied voice calls "if you can find the door within two minutes I'll let you go, no harm done. If you fail to find the door or run into me. Let's just say I'll decide your fate" you nod, although you doubt he can see you in the darkness. "Go"

You stand as quickly as you can, walking quickly forward.
The room is a square. You find one wall and all you have to do is follow that.
Almost immediately you run into something.
Is it a table? A crate?

You make your way around it, you have to find a wall.
You trip over an invisible object, barely managing to catch yourself.
"You didn't think I would make this easy did you?"
"Shh" you furrow your eyebrows, standing again.

It seems every two steps there is an obstacle, and you trip twice more before deciding to just crawl around.

"Thirty seconds" you frown.
Surely not.
"Jeff don't lie" you mutter.

"Twenty five seconds"
You huff, deciding crawling is too slow.
You carefully step forward, feeling with your foot first.
You avoid a few objects, desperately stretching out your arms.

Suddenly you feel something cold and hard.
The wall
You don't have time to be happy about it, you make a dash to try find a corner.

You groan as you slam into the side of something.
You forgot to be careful.
The light flicks on and you see the room fully for the first time.

There is debris everywhere, tables, chairs, crates.
Anything that could be on the floor is on there.
And you can see the door.
At the other side of the room.

You scan the path first, and without thinking you run.
You hop over a fallen chair, and slide over a table.
But just as fast as you had started you stop.
"It seems you've lost the game" you let out a shaky breath, and Jeff moves. He walks around you, stopping once he's behind you.

"Jeff please" you try one last time, hoping to get through to him.
But it's no use, and you feel his arm around your neck, your body falling to the ground.
He used his finisher. He hit you with a reverse twist of fate.

He steps over you, staring down.
Jeff says nothing.
He only studies your fallen form.
He moves away and the lights turn off.
Leaving you laid on the floor, defeated.

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