Undertaker - Necrophobia (1)

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Kane finally brings you down to the ring, only to taunt you. But for the first time in months it's your turn to smile.


It's quiet, almost too quiet without him.
Just over three months have passed, and you know you have to get over what happened at Survivor Series at some point.

But in you hope still remains, and while that hope remains you will never get over what happened that night.
And you certainly won't forget who's fault it is.

With every passing day you long more for him, rather than being with his angry, selfish and frankly idiotic younger brother.
Since teaming with Kane you feel wrong, almost like you've betrayed him by joining his brother, Kane being the reason why he's not with you today.

You don't flinch as the door slams open, used to the antics of the 'big red machine' by now.
It's been too long, and you're beginning to get bored of being sat alone most nights.
No matches, no one to talk to, no interviews. Just you and the locker room.

You'd refused to work with him at first, knowing his tendency to cause trouble, but his persistence is what convinced you to work alongside him.
Which you greatly regret agreeing to.

But, as was with his brother, once a deal has been made that's it, unless of course you're willing to face the consequences.
Which you'd rather not put yourself as risk of being set on fire. Or being put in hospital.

Lately something has been on the mind of the 'monster', you're not sure what exactly but something has him troubled.
After working with his older brother for so long, and also working with Kane himself on occasion, you know when something isn't right.
Still, you daren't ask, his temper being too short for you to want to question his ways.

"You're coming out to the ring with me" Kane states. You shrug, not bothering to face him.
If Kane wants you to go out then you will, but you sure as hell won't help if he gets into trouble.

His bad decisions are his, not yours.
You've not been in the ring for some time, almost two months at this point, Kane refusing to let you. But things have apparently changed.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming" you roll your eyes, dragging yourself up from your seated position.
Kane shoots you an unimpressed look, but says nothing.
Your relationship with Kane hasn't been the most positive, but no one expected it to be after what he did.

Many have asked why you bothered to join him, at this point you just shrug.
If it hadn't been for him threatening you, and poking fun at the fact he buried alive someone you were very close to, the thought of working with him wouldn't have even crossed your mind.

Kane doesn't wait for you, walking out as soon as his entrance music hits.
You don't linger long, but Kane's already in the ring, Rico getting to his feet behind Kane.
Rico runs at Kane and you see two others scramble to get out of the ring, Stacy and Miss Jackie.

You shake your head as Rico gets thrown to the mat, promptly rolling out of Kane's reach, scrambling past you and up the ramp.
You enter the ring as Kane snatches a microphone.

"Now" Kane begins, pacing. "You people are expecting a resurrection at WrestleMania" resurrection? The crowd cheers, further adding to your confusion. "You're all waiting for the return of the Deadman" you feel Kane's eyes on you.

So that's what this is about.
That is why he brought you down here.
To taunt you.
It's not like that's what he's been trying to do for three months.

Kane takes a hold of your arm as you attempt to step away, not wanting to deal with his bullcrap.
He leans in close "well there's not going to be any resurrection this time."
You turn your head away, uncomfortable with his closeness, but this doesn't deter Kane.

"What there is going to be is a persecution of biblical proportions" you don't speak, nor change your blank expression, you don't need to give him that.

Kane has brought you down here to taunt you. To belittle you some more.
If everything running up to this point hasn't been enough.

You make no attempt to attack him, you know that will go downhill for you very quickly.
If there's one thing you learnt during your time with his brother it's that you don't attack someone you know you can't beat.

"Rest in peace" he hisses, dropping your arm as he makes an attempt at rolling his eyes back.
You scowl, heading straight for the ropes, but once again Kane stops you.

His arm only just makes it around your waist before the lights turn off.
Time seems to stop, every hair on your body raising, every fiber of your being filled with a newfound hope as the second toll of the bell illuminates the ring with a purple glow.

The titantron flashes with familiar images, a song sung by druids sending a chill throughout your being.
You swear you feel Kane flinch behind you as two explosions go off, simultaneously lighting two well known symbols on fire.

Finding Kane no longer has a hold of your waist you take the chance to exit the ring.
Kane doesn't chase after you, he doesn't even look in your direction, too focused on the titantron.

You relish in the freedom you have been granted, now no longer tied to Kane through a deal.
Once again finding yourself saved.
Subconsciously you reach into the pocket on your jacket and pulling out a piece of jewellery you had been gifted some time ago.

For a moment you stare at it, smiling for the first time in weeks.
You slip it over your head, the chain always being just to big, and you allow the pendant to rest against your shirt.
Everyday you've carried it with you, unbeknownst to Kane.

Everyday you've carried his symbol, waiting for just this moment.
Waiting to once again show your allegiance to The Undertaker.
You glance once more at Kane, who now looks directly at you, following the chain around your neck down to the pendant that matches the two currently ablaze symbols hanging from the ceiling.

In his eyes you see a rare emotion for Kane. Fear.

Now you know why Kane has been acting so strange.
Because his fate is sealed, and has been since Survivor Series.
Since he buried The Undertaker alive.

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