Roman Reigns - Two Little Birdies

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Your two best friends catch you checking out Roman at the gym. For some reason they decide to do something about it.

You enter the gym between your two best friends, Nia and Alexa.
"I'm so ready for this." Alexa grins.

The three of you haven't had the chance to spend much time together lately, your schedules have been more full than usual.
Luckily things seem to be calming down to a normal level of crazy.

Working for the WWE is always hectic. You work for most of the year, travelling all around the USA and occasionally you go abroad.
Shows, signings, interviews, other appearances.

You still have to then find time to eat, sleep, workout and relax.
At times it is quite the task, especially when you involve others on a similarly full schedule.

Luckily you and the girls have managed to fit in some quality time together at the gym.
"Who's leading warmups?" Nia asks, looking between you and Alexa.

"I don't mind. You can do it if you want." You shrug, Alexa nodding in agreement.
"You two just don't want to lead warmups" Nia laughs, she's not wrong.

Warmups go smoothly, the three of you enjoying the start of your gym day with a catch up.
The three of you talk about everything from your work schedules to new food spots.

It's nice to catch up, although the topic of love lives throws you off guard.
Alexa talks about her fiancé, Nia talks about her boyfriend, and you.. you let them talk it out.

Until they don't give you a choice.
"So, we know you're not currently with anyone, Y/n.. but you've usually got something to say." Nia smiles, keeping her main focus on spotting you.

"Well, I'm busy." You state, continuing to lift.
Alexa strikes up another small conversation with Nia, allowing you to continue your reps in peace.

Once finished you stand, doing a few small stretches, Alexa starting the task you had just finished.
You walk over to your water, opening the top.
As you do you scan across the gym, just to see who else is here.

Since it's a WWE owned gym only your colleagues are here.
It's nice, means you can't be disturbed while working out.

Your eyes stop to linger on one man, to appreciate his form from a distance.
No one can deny that Roman Reigns has an amazing physique.

You have a nice, long drink. An unintentionally long drink.
"What are you looking at?" Nia asks, coming over to stand behind you.
"I think they're eyeing up your cousin." Alexa states, also appearing behind you.

"No." You say just a little too fast.
"You are!" Nia laughs, putting her hand on your shoulder. "How long has this been going on?"
You shrug, "A while. It's nothing really."

"Nothing huh?" Alexa giggles.
You nod, with a small awkward laugh of your own.
"Sure doesn't seem like nothing." Nia adds.

"Well, I just.. you know? Look at him." You feel the two of them look at each other behind you, and you shake your head. "Whatever plan the two of you are coming up with I'm telling you to pack it in." You say.

They both walk past you, in the direction of one Roman Reigns.
"If you two are going to do what I think you are you're going to be in trouble." You say, walking in the opposite direction and over to where you're going to continue your workout.

Alexa and Nia rejoined you some time later, the three of you finishing your workout with no further discussion of Roman, which brings you much peace.
Once the three of you are showered you get ready to head to the arena for work.

After all, there's nothing like a PPV to bring friends together.

The three of you meet up backstage, both Alexa and Nia in their ring gear and ready to go out to the ring for Alexa's match against Shanya.
You on the other hand are in more casual dress, here to watch the PPV and support your friends.
It's nice, but strange to sit beside the both of them in their ring gear while you're not ready to go out at all.

Soon enough the time comes for the two of them to go out, leaving you sat alone watching the screen in front of you.
You watch as the current match makes its way to a close, paying no mind when you're joined on the couch.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you." You look over, your cheeks heating up when you realise just who has sat next to you.
"No, no. Not at all." You mumble, trying to conceal your nerves.
Silence falls for a few minutes, you attempt to return your attention to the PPV in that time but ultimately your mind ends up wandering to the fact you're sat next to Roman.

Soon enough Alexa and Nia are down by the ring, Alexa and Shayna's match underway.
"You know" Roman begins, "two little birdies told me that I was being admired in the gym earlier."
You say nothing, you don't even look over at him. You know exactly what two birdies he is talking about.
And they are sure to find themselves in trouble with you for this.

You're warm, too warm.
Full of nerves.
"It's alright, you weren't the only one admiring at the gym." with Roman's words your blush deepens. "I couldn't help but notice your form while lifting. It couldn't have been more perfect."

"Thank you." You manage to say, still not looking up at him.
Once again you try and turn your attention back to the match, Roman's words distracting you this time.
The man is just one big, attractive distraction.

"You know," he begins again, "I don't have a match tonight."
You look up at him this time, his expression is serious, but there is a sparkle in his eyes.
"What are you trying to get at, Roman?" You ask.

"Well, I was thinking maybe you and I could go and get dinner?" You stare at him, waiting for him to laugh and tell you it's a joke.
But that doesn't happen.
"Well?" he asks, awaiting your answer.

"I.. uhh.. I'd love to." You reply.
His serious expression breaks, a grin stretching across his face.
"You sure?" He asks.

"I am." You smile back, hoping that your lack of ability to speak doesn't affect his desire to take you to dinner.
"Great, lets go." He stands, offering you his hand.

"I booked the table for half past. The girls have your stuff sorted. All you have to do is come with me." Roman smiles.
You nod, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you up.

You certainly weren't expecting anything pre-booked when he asked you to go with him to dinner, but you're not going to complain.
In fact you weren't expecting him to ask you to dinner at all.
Maybe those two little birdies you call your best friends won't be in trouble.
After all, they did get you a date with the one and only Roman Reigns.

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