Chapter 64

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Word count: 11,292

It's Emma's birthday. You're not going to get out of bed?" Rio asked.

I nodded, "I'll come wish her happy birthday."

"Happy birthday dear Emma." Rio finished singing happy birthday to Emma. She giggled uncontrollably as he spun her around.

"Happy birthday baby." I said to her softly.

"How old are you?" He asked and she began to think. "Remember when daddy taught you numbers? You start from one and stop at your number." He said.

She nodded "One.." She held up a finger, "Two.." She held up another. "Three.. and four!" She beamed as she held up four fingers.

"Good job. I want cake don't you?" He asked her.

"Yes daddy, I want cake!" She shouted.

I smiled sadly and left out of the room. I couldn't enjoy her birthday. Not without feeling the guilt. Emma would never know who Alex is or her cousins. Or Maya, a friend who's been in the family long enough to call her family. Alex probably thought the people who came to the cabin were after Rio. I thought it too. And for that I felt guilty. She's dead and i'll never be able to tell her that it wasn't my fault.

Tears slipped from my eyes. I missed my big sister so much. I haven't seen her in months. I was so excited to go on the trip. I felt arms snake around my waist, "Emma's asking for you." Rio said. I didn't reply. I was too afraid of what my voice would sound like.

"Baby?" He questioned and turned me to face him. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled me in his chest.

"Do you want to go over Gemma and Eddie's? house?" I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed him tightly. I nodded. I wanted to check on her. She not only lost Alex, her niece and nephew and Maya, but she lost her daughter. Her own. The only and first life she birthed into this world. I can't imagine what it's like. I can't imagine losing Emma.

I sniffled and nodded. He pulled me away from him and rubbed his thumb back and forth against my cheek softly. He wiped my tears, "Could you go get Emma? I'll get you something to wear and then i'll get her ready. I don't want to leave her alone for too long and she was asking for you." I nodded. Even though she was young, she understood birthdays. She knew it was something to be happy about and I didn't show that happiness.

I walked out of our room and made my way to the end of the hall. I walked downstairs slowly. I didn't have the energy or motivation to jog. She ran around in just her underwear. I potty trained her last year. Rio must've taken her out of her clothes so she could eat cake. She ran to me, "Mommy!" Her little voice beamed out. I put my hands under her armpits and held her out a distance from me. She had icing and cake all on her hands and face.

"Yucky!" I made a disgusted face and she giggle as she wiggled and kicked her legs. I carried her upstairs and walked to our room. I sat her down on the floor, "Don't move Emma." I told her knowing it wouldn't last long.

Rio came out of the closet and handed me a pair of his sweats and a tee. I grabbed them from him. I looked up at him and smiled a little, "Thanks." I know it hurt him to see how sad I was lately, I knew it impacted him. It's been almost four weeks since it happened. I tried to be happy for the sake of him and Emma. There are days when i'm completely fine. Or at least I thought I was. Days where I didn't cry. That's how death is. You think you're over it but you aren't. You never are over it you just learn to cope better, it get's easier.

He pecked my lips softly, "Get ready, i'll give her a bath." He said. I put my hand on his wrist as his hand rested on my face. I leaned into his hand softly as he caressed my skin softly with his thumb. I pecked his lips and nodded. He walked over to Emma, his presence no longer there. I missed his touch already. I was glad Rio didn't work these past few weeks. I had just lost my family when he stopped and I didn't want to lose him too. I also needed his comfort.

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