Chapter 45

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Ty for the support

Word count: 1,180

"I really think we should wait." Cesar said.

"Isabella's in there." I replied.

"Eddie talk some sense into him." He said.

"I think now's a perfect time to attack. We might not have another chance for a while to get Isabella back. Now's the time." Eddie said.

Cesar pursed his lips, "You're no help, you did the exact opposite."

Eddie chuckled, "Sorry, I just agree with Rio on this one."

"When don't you agree with Rio." He chuckled.

"Get in position, be ready." I said interrupting their playful debate.

I cocked my gun and the front door of the house began to finally open. I saw Isabella with the same woman and man.

I watched as the front door opened, ready for whoever was coming. The woman came out first followed behind Isabella and the man.

We all pointed our guns at them.

Isabella's eyes met mines. She probably no longer had a clear picture of me because of how overflowed her eyes were, tears were waiting to spill. "Rio.." She said and ran to me. She hugged me tight. I wrapped one arm around her waist and kissed her forehead, not lowering my gun with my other hand.

"Alejandra, you're smart. After all you found a way to kidnap my girlfriend without me knowing. But anyone one who fucks with me is obviously a fool." I said.

She looked angry, "I knew I should've just killed her but I wanted to do it in front of you. You killed my brother. You'll pay." She said.

"Search them." I said to Nasir. He walked over and forced Alejandra and the man on the ground and checked them. He took both of their guns and tossed them in front of us.

"Did she hurt you?" I averted my attention to Isabella. She looked up at me and I moved her hair out of her face.

She shook her head and I nodded. I looked back at Alejandra and shot her in her head. Her body became limp as blood pooled out on the concrete. Isabella gasped as more tears escaped her eyes as she watched the life leave Alejandra's body. She let go of me and shut her eyes like she was trying to get the image out of her head.

Her breathing became fast and short. I sighed, "Eddie take her to the car." I said and he grabbed Isabella and led her away. "Cesar deal with him and guys get get this cleaned up." I said and made my way to the car.

Eddie stood standing by the car, he looked angry. "What the fuck Rio!" He hissed.

I raised my right brow, "What? I know you're not surprised I killed her?" I chuckled a little.

"Why would you do it in front of her. You know how she is and you know how she reacted that time you killed Nathan." He said.

I nodded, he was right. "I know I was angry and It's just what I do. I'm not use to having to refrain myself. I forgot about how she would react."

He nodded, "I know man, She needs you, I'll see you later." I nodded.

I sighed and opened the door and got in. "Drive us to the hotel." I told my driver.

I looked over at Isabella and she just stared out the window. She wasn't crying anymore but her tear stained cheeks gave away she was. I grabbed her hand she looked over at me. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her. She relaxed into me and laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry."


Isabella fell asleep not long after we got back to the hotel.

"Phone," Emma whined out with grabby hands. I kissed her forehead and sat her down on the bed and gave her my other phone. "Don't wake mama." I said and she just smiled at me.

I finished packing all of our stuff. There was no need for us to be in Chicago anymore, it's time to go back home.

"It's time to go." I picked up Emma and grabbed Isabella's hand. I sent her a small smile and she squeezed my hand lightly.

Once we all made it to the Airport, Eve ran over to Isabella and I and the first thing she said was, "Bella I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have convinced you to leave the hotel. I tried seeing you earlier but Kenzie thought it'd be best I let you settle down first." She rushed all of her words out. She was always so energetic.

"It's fine Eve, Really it's not your fault at all, I'm the one that agreed to leaving." Isabella said.

Eve just nodded and pulled Isabella in for hug.

"Comon." I pecked her lips and pulled her along with me to the jet.


"It seems like we were in Chicago for so long." Isabella spoke.

"Im sorry you were kidnapped, again. I promise from now on I'll do my best to prevent it from happening. Since you've got involved with me you've been kidnapped way too many times."

"And one including by you." She giggled and I smiled. Usually I'd kill a person that witnessed what Isabella did when I kidnapped her. But I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. The moment I laid eyes on her I was intrigued. All the times I watched her on the security camera in the safe room. That was the only reason I wanted her to work for me, so I could have a reason to keep her around.

Emma was sleep in her car seat. Isabella asked for her phone back. "Did your sisters know about you going to Chicago?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"Because every time you go missing, Alex never fails to blow up my phone." I said, "But, she didn't this time and I asked Eddie was Gemma questioning where you were but he said she wasn't either."

She nodded, "So they don't know I was kidnapped?" She asked and I shook my head, "Good. I don't need them worrying."

I placed my hand on her thigh, "Are you hungry?" I asked. She nodded, "Yeah a little."

"How about wendy's? Emma's probably hungry too." I asked. She nodded eagerly causing me to chuckle.


We ate wendy's and drove back to my loft. She walked in ahead of me. Emma ran in after her.

"Come on Em lets get in your jammies." Isabella said and picked her up.

She gave Emma a bath and put her in bed.

I stared at Isabella as her eyes met mines. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped a arm around her waist, I leaned in and placed my lips gently on hers. She immediately gave into the kiss, her body melted into mines as our lips moved in sync. I tightened my grip, around her not wanting to ever let go.

I pulled away and pecked her lips one last time, "I love you Isabella."

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