Chapter 38

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Word count: 1,712

"Darling, I can't stay here forever." he said and I pouted. What if Liam comes back? "How does staying at my loft sound?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He chuckled, "Ok i'll drive you there, but I have to be somewhere." He said.

"Okay, i'll get Emma." I nodded.


"You're at his house?" Gemma asked over the phone.

"Yes because-"

"Macaroni?" Emma said as she jumped on the bed. It was all she asked for, she loved macaroni and cheese.

I sighed, "Em stop jumping on the bed." I said as I made my way towards her. I didn't want her hurting herself. I was close enough to catch her if she was to fall. She giggled and got off the bed and ran.

"And Emma's there? Wasn't what I expected." Gemma laughed softly.

"Liam my old boss broke into my apartment and choked me and demanded I told him what Rio and I have to do with Brian's disappearance." I said.

I heard her gasp, "So that's why you're there. He's looking for Liam I assume?" She said. I sighed and nodded but realized she couldn't see me, "Yeah he's looking for him." I said quietly and sat on the bed.

"How do you feel about that?" Gemma asked.

"You sound like you're my therapist." I chuckled but my smiled faded away. I stopped seeing my therapist. I hated the way she read me, like I was see through and she knew everything about me. I deep down knew I should've continued seeing her. It did help because I talked to her about stuff I never feel comfortable talking to anyone about.

"Hey, i'm not trying to be like her, I just want to make sure you're comfortable and safe okay?" She assured once she noticed how quiet I had got.

"Yeah I know, I know." I said. "I tried to keep calling Rio and tell him not to hurt Liam but I have to accept that's this is Rio's life. It's been like this way before he's met me and I can't just change it because I don't agree with it." I sighed for the thousandth time.

"Yeah, but, Bella if you two are going to be in a relationship, you have to agree on things and let each other know what you're not okay with." She said, "It's not so much about you controlling his life or changing it."

"We're not in a relationship," I reminded her.

"Well you two need to figure it out, because you're obviously more than friends with benefits." She said.

"I'll talk to you later, i'm going to fix Emma something to eat." I said and hung up the phone. But that's all we did; Have sex. But it's not like I had a problem with it, what is this thing we have? If we are 'friends with benifits' there are definitely feelings involved. But I think we're more than that, we're like friends who care a little more about each other than friends should and have sex here and there. That's exactly what friends with benefits are.

"Emma!" I called for her. I heard her giggles and sighed, "Come out the closet Em." I chuckled. "I'm going to get you some food, you're hungry right?" She ran out the closet to me. I chuckled and went to the kitchen. I looked in the refrigerator. Some chicken caught my eye. I got it out along with some broccoli and searched the cabinets for macaroni and cheese. I smiled once I saw a box, I struggled to reach for it.

I picked up Emma and sat her in front of the tv and put on mickey mouse. And got a broom and went to retrieve the box of pasta.


After Emma ate, I gave her a bath and she went to bed. I looked online on my phone for jobs. I heard the door locks click. I checked the time, it was nine. I guess Rio got finished early. "Who are you and why are you here?" I heard a voice speak. Only it was a woman's voice.

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