Chapter 10

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Word count: 1,386

I'm guessing Chris and his men went outside to wait in their cars. I finished up and was headed out the door. "Bye Liam." I said and he smiled at me, "Bye Bella, get home safe."

I made my way out the door, the bells chiming. I searched for Chris's car but I didn't know how it looked. A black bmw window began to roll down. "Get in, sweetheart." He said. I sighed and made my way to his nice ass car.

I got in and closed the door. For some reason he had the lights on. He sat there for a moment. "Are we going to go?" I said and sighed. "I miss Emma and would really love to get home to her." His eyes met with mines and nodded.

"Before we go, what happened to your hand and face, sweetheart?" He said. I didn't want to answer him, I wasn't obligated to anyway I didn't even think he would care to ask. "N-nothing." I said.

"You know if we're going to be working together we're going to have to at least trust each other a little." He smirked. "That's easy for you to say, Chris you know so much about me and I don't know anything about you but your first name." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

He nodded and started up the engine and drove to whatever destination.

He pulled up in front of a club and got something out the backseat. He placed it on my lap. I picked it up, it was a burgundy dress and from the looks of it, it was short. "Put it on." He rolled his eyes because I just stared at it. "What? right here?" I said. He nodded.

"Oh you don't want me to see? You can get in the back, or even better, I can close my eyes, here i'll close them." He covered his eyes with his hands like some child. I rolled my eyes in annoyance to how nonchalant and sarcastic he was. I got in the back and removed my t-shirt and jeans, left in my bra and panties and put the dress on, it stopped at my mid-thighs.

I fixed my wavy brown hair that got a little out of place from changing. "Great now lets go." He said.

He held my hand and I hissed because it hurt. His eyes met with mines as he put me on the other side of him and held my other hand. He led me into the club, the loud music instantly filling my ears. He led us to a booth and we sat down. He pulled me close to him. "Why are we in a club?" I said. I wasn't here because I wanted to party, he said he had a job for me to do.

"You trust me?" He asked. Was he really asking me this After he kidnapped and threatened me? "Hell no." I said. "That's good," He smirked. "Now, what I need you to do is get that man over there by the bar," He paused making sure I spotted him, I nodded. "Get him in a hotel room with you." He said. I was taken back. Was he seriously asking me to have sex with this man? He looked about 40.

"You mean have sex with him? You have got to be kidding me." I said taken back. He chuckled. "What's so funny?" I said. "Sweetheart, I won't let it get as far to that. I want him to think you're going to have sex with him." He said.

"I'll come in just in time." He said. "And then what?" I asked. "You ask too many questions. Don't worry about that." I sighed. He made a gesture with his hand indicating me to go.

I stood up pulling my dress down a little. I turned and looked at Chris he only smirked and licked his lips.

I made my way to the man and sat on a bar stool next to him. My dress had came up a little but I didn't bother pulling it down, I had to seduce this man the best way I could anyways. "Can I get a cherry vodka on rocks?" I said to the bartender. He nodded. I noticed the man staring at me. I made eye contact with him and smirked at him.

He was already drunk. "Hello there." He smirked. "Hi" I said back to him. "I'm Nathan," His eyes stared at me hungrily like he was undressing me with his eyes.
I licked my lips, "Bella," I said moving closer to him. The bartender came with my drink. I sipped a little. "What do you say? We get a room upstairs, I would love to see what that pretty little mouth could do and those pretty pink lips." He said and I cringed, he disgusted me but I tried my best to not show it.

"Sounds good." I smiled at him. He hopped off the stool indicating for me to follow him. I glanced at Chris. His eyes met with mines and he nodded. I was terrified but his warm brown eyes made me feel somewhat comfort that I was alright, they assured me I would be fine.

I followed the man into the elevator. Once the door closed, he pushed me against the wall and began to kiss and suck on my neck. Tears almost fell from my eyes as his hand traveled down to my sex and he palmed it roughly. I don't know if he thought I was enjoying it but I wasn't. "P-please don't give me a hickey." I said trying my best to sound okay.

The elevator door opened and he took my hand and pulled me with him. He got a key out and opened the room door. He pushed me on the firm bed roughly. He left more kisses on me. I felt so disgusting, like trash. Chris wasn't here yet I began to worry. The man tried getting my dress off. "Wait I have to use the bathroom." I lied trying to stall time for Chris to get here. Was he even coming? "No It won't be long." He said. I tried to resist against him but he forced me back on the bed and ripped my dress. "Stop." I said tears now flowing from my eyes. "No, stop fighting me now." He ripped my panties off and it brought back so many bad times when Brian raped me. I was weak.

I heard the door bust open, "Get off of her, now Nathan." He said. Chris. I lie there weak and crying. I see a man come over to me and cover me up with a blanket and sits me up. Eddie. He hugged me and I cry into his chest.

Chris pointed a gun at the man. "Chris I said i'll get you your stuff, just please don't kill me." Nathan pleaded. Chris chuckled and shot the man dead. I jumped as my hands shook. More tears fell from my eyes as I stared at the dead body. I never saw a dead body, besides at funerals but I never saw a fresh dead body or even worse; watch someone be killed. "Y-you killed h-him." I said in disbelief. I was shaking, I was terrified. Chris put his gun away and came close to me and kneeled down in front of me. He brought his hand on my face and caressed it softly. I flinched as his hand touched my skin, "You need to breathe, Isabella." He said.

More tears fell from my eyes. "I didn't mean for it to get this far, I should have been here sooner." His eyes stared into mines and somehow, again, made me feel safe. It made no sense. The man that was causing me to be so scared right now, that shot someone dead.

"Come on let's get you home." He grabbed my hand.

"Eddie have some guys help you clean this up." Eddie nodded.

He put me in his car and got my phone. "Who has Emma?" He asked. "M-my sister. Alex." I said quietly. "I'm going to tell her you'll pick Emma up tomorrow, ok?" I just nodded.

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