Chapter 23

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Word count: 1,044

I left Emma with Alex's babysitter considering how stupid mines was for that last thing she did. She was fired of course.

We sat at the bar, we decided to go out for a girls night.

"Can I get a cherry vodka." I said to the bartender.

He nodded, "Sure thing." He smiled at me.

"Finally you're having your first drink Bella." Alex said.

"Mmh." Maya said nodding in agreement.

"I don't know why you didn't want to drink anyways, you aren't the one driving." Gemma added.

The bartender came back with my drink. "Thanks."

I felt eyes on me. Like someone was staring or watching me. I been had the feeling for a while and I looked all over, not seeing anyone. My eyes roamed the bar once again, immediately coming to a halt. His brown eyes stared into mines as he sat on a bar stool. Rio. His eyes never ripped away from me. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as my mind went back to that night again. How his eyes stared in mine as he pounded in me ruthlessly. Finally, I pulled my eyes away from his and looked down at my drink. I squeezed my thighs together.

"I'll be back I have to go to the bathroom." I said to the girls. They nodded. I made my way to the bathroom, opening the door and then closed it.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I leaned on the counter. The door opened. I watched him through the Mirror as he slid inside the bathroom and closed it, turned the lock. He stood behind and stared into my eyes through the mirror. He walked closer to me, now standing directly behind me. He looked up at me in the mirror, locking eye contact. He moved my hair way from my neck, his hot breath hit my neck. I sighed as I rested my head back on his shoulder.

He kissed my neck softly. He left more and more kisses on my neck, biting and sucking the sensitive skin. "Rio.." I groaned softly. He sucked, the pressure felt so good as it sent tingles throughout my whole body. He pushed me against the sink counter. His hands traveled up my body, from my hips, up my stomach to my chest. He squeezed my breast tightly. His hands traveled down, rubbing everything his hand touched on the way down. He lifted my dress up. His hands rubbed my underwear softly, he was feeling what type of underwear it was.

He squeezed my ass then quickly ripped my lace panties. I gasped, his other hand made its way to my neck. His thumb rubbed across my lips, then he slid it in my mouth. I sucked his thumb, as he wanted me to.

He pulled his thumb out and bent me over the counter. He rubbed my clit softly causing me to moan lowly. He liked playing and teasing first. He removed his hands from rubbing my clit and I heard his belt buckle. He pulled me up from the counter by my waist and pushed me into the wall.

I watched as he pulled his cock out, it immediately shot up. I had forgotten his length and size. I licked my lips. He grabbed my chin and kissed me. without warning he slid slowly inside of me. My walls trying to adjust to his size. I moaned into the kiss, If he wasn't kissing me, it would've been loud, yelling out his name.
He removed his lips from mines and began kissing and sucking my neck. I moaned trying to not be so loud. Even though it was a club, someone could be at the door listening.

His thrusts became faster, no longer going the slow pace he was. His shaft slid in and out fast and hard. He groaned as his grip tightened on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

"R-Rio.." I moaned into his ear. He pulled his cock out, then slid it back in. His cock filled up my walls. His fingers roamed my body. His eyes stared into mines as he thrusted into me.

My body began to shake as he kept thrusting into me, sending me more over edge as he brought me to my high. "Rio.. I'm cuming." I moaned loud as I came and he shut it up with a kiss as he kept thrusting into me, my walls now clenching tightly around his cock. Tingles all over my body.

He groaned, "Isabella I'm about to come." He warned. "Well don't come in or on me!" I said in exasperated breaths.

He groaned again and threw his head back, "Well where the fuck am I supposed to cum?" He said as he still thrusted into me. I moaned lowly.

"Just pull out Rio.." I let out another moan. He thrusted one last time and pulled out, shooting his load on my leg.

"Rio really? Again?" I groaned. He got paper towels and started to clean me up.

"Unless you were going to get on those pretty little knees and suck me off, there was no other option unless you wanted me to cum inside you." He smirked.

My eyes widened then I rolled them, "You could've just went in the toilet, you know?" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders then nodded, "True, heat of the moment you know?" He chuckled and I gave him a glare which only made him laugh harder.


He probably got a kick out of coming on me.

I pulled my dress back down. I searched small the room for my panties. I bent down, picking them up, "Rio." I groaned, "Do you not know how to take panties off properly?" I held the ripped up lace material in my hands.

He chuckled. "Sweetheart, they're just too easy to rip, why wait?" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes in response.

"What do I do? I can't not wear any panties for the rest of the night."

He walked to me, standing directly in front of me. "Well you'll just need to keep those legs closed." He tapped my nose and left out, leaving my jaw dropped.

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