Chapter 36

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Word count: 1,076

"Who was that Mia girl and who is Bailey?" She said.

I bit my lip holding my cool, "No one. It doesn't matter, Isabella." I said.

"But we agreed to get to know each other better and answer each other's questions." She reasoned.

"Isabella." I didn't want to talk to her about Bailey, at least not now. She slid off my lap and sat besides me. I sighed and finished up the joint I had.

"Can you take me to Alex's ? It's Jocelyn's birthday today, the party's at her house." She said.

I sighed and nodded.


"I'll call you." Rio said. I nodded and got out the car. I couldn't force him to talk about whatever it is he didn't want to. But I wanted him to tell me because he wanted to. Not because I want him to tell me. But he obviously doesn't want to tell me.

I made my way in Alex open front door and headed to the back of the house to the sliding door that opened up to the back yard. "Oh hi Bella." Nick said and hugged me, "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Hi Nick." I said and hugged him back and continued my way through the backyard.

I scanned the backyard until I found Gemma standing with Maya and Alex. I scanned it again looking for Jocelyn. I had to give her her birthday present. I saw her talking to one of her friends. I made my way over to her, her eyes turned to my direction and smiled, "Bella!" She said and walked closer to me. "I'm glad you're here." She hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"I am too. Happy birthday, here's your present."

She smiled and grabbed it, muttering a small thanks. I then made my way over to my sisters and friend. "Hi guys." I said.

"Hey." Maya said.

"She loves her gift." Gemma said looking at Jocelyn. I smiled at the sight of her excited about the new headphones I bought her.

"Where's Emma?" I said wondering where my little baby was.

"She was sleepy, Nick took her in for a nap." Alex said, I nodded.

"Hey so you told Bella about it right?" Maya said. Alex's eyes widened and shot at Maya.

"Tell me what?" I said and looked at Maya and Alex. They didn't say anything.Then I looked at Gemma for answers.

"Bella, let me talk to you." Gemma said and walked into the house through the sliding door.

"They're planning on turning Rio in." She said.

My heart immediately sank. "What?" I said, "And you didn't think to tell me this? You're in on it? What about Eddie!?" I shouted.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down." She shook her head in disbelief, "I tried talking them out it of it, but I had no valid reason." She sighed.

"Maybe the fact that you're dating his friend, one of his men!" I whisper harshly. She shook her head. "What, you and Eddie aren't a thing anymore?"

"No, yes we are but they don't know that. I didn't tell them. You know how Alex always looked at us since we were kids, reckless and always had to clean up after us and irresponsible. It'll just prove them right." I sighed and nodded. She was right.

I understood why she didn't tell them about Eddie just like I didn't with Rio. But I don't even know what Rio and I were. At least her and Eddie has it all figured out.

Why were they turning him in?

I sighed and big my lip and walked out of the door, "Bella!" Gemma called after me and followed behind me. "Don't say anything you'll regret." She said as I came to a halt in front of the two.

"You guys were planing on turning Rio in?! And then on top of that you didn't even tell me." I shouted.

"Keep your voice down!" Alex said as her and Maya looked around as if they were being watched.

"Let's talk somewhere more quiet." She said. Her and Maya went into the house and Gemma and I followed after them.

"If we turn him in, I think Williams will get off my back," Alex said and sighed.

"Wait, a cop has been talking to you? And you haven't told me?" She nodded. Williams. The same cop that came to my apartment. But why didn't she tell me any of this?

"What did he say?" I questioned.

"He showed me pictures of Rio. He asked if I knew who he was." She answered. So Williams really was bullshitting. He wasn't worried about Brian. He only cared where Brian went because Brian was helping him with information on Rio.

"Turning Rio in isn't a good Idea." I said. "You don't know what he's capable of he could probably bail himself right out." I said knowing he could.

"He'll leave us alone and so will the fbi" Maya said and Alex nodded.

"I tried talking them out of it." Gemma said.

"Why are you two so against this anyway?" Maya said.

"We're not. You just can't turn them in ok?" I sighed.

"Who's them?" Alex said confused.

"Rio and his men. He's in a gang, they'll come for us." I reasoned, yet again.

"Why do you care so much about this-" Alex began to speak.

"I don't!" I said harshly. " It's just not a very smart thing to do." I said a bit more calmer. It was true it was dangerous what they were planning, but that wasn't all why I was so against it. I didn't want them sending Rio or Eddie to jail. I don't need them hating each other any more than they do and truth is, I didn't want Willam getting the satisfaction of finally getting Rio. I also didn't want him to go to jail.

"Guys don't do this. I'm going to get Emma and head home. Gemma tell Jocelyn happy birthday again and I love her." I said and she nodded.


I laid Emma down on the couch before I tripped over something in this pitch black darkness. I sighed and slowly made my way to the light switch by the door, feeling for it. Once I found it, I flicked the lights on and turned around to pick Emma back up.

"I know what you did." I heard a voice that sounded all too familiar.

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