Chapter 18

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Word count: 852

I sighed as I laid on Rio's made up bed on my back. He wasn't here all day, when I woke up he was gone. It was now 6:00 pm. I've been here what? 5 days.

I decided to facetime Emma, it helped with my boredom for a while, but I eventually had to get off the phone because she had to go to bed. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was no food, I didn't have anything to watch on tv. My sisters were probably sleep, Emma wasn't around for me to be mommy, I had no friends, most of them lost throughout my relationship with Brian. I really had no life. I had no friends but my sisters and Maya. I was only twenty two, I should be living my life.

I sighed and sent Rio a text telling him there was no food and asking if I could order some. I wasn't sure if he wanted people coming to his house. I shrugged I was hungry, I went over to my things and grabbed a sweater and put it on and some shoes. I opened the bag I had bought with me and reached for the stack of money Rio had gave me. I slipped out a twenty and made my way to the door. Before I had the chance to get close enough to reach and opened the door, It flung open.

I gasped but soon relaxed once I saw it was Rio, dressed in his usual black hoodie and black skinny jeans. His eyes met with mines, I observed his face, cuts and bruises and blood, wasn't much blood, it probably wasn't his, considering the amount. It sent chills down my spine. He slammed the door and brushed past me, making his way to the bathroom without saying a word.

"Rio," I called out to him. He kept walking. I stood there for a minute or two deciding if i should follow. I sighed and made my way to the bathroom, it was slightly open. I open it, Rio searched the cabinets beneath the sink and finally pulled out what he was looking for; a first aid kit.

He closed the lid to the toilet and sat down, "Let me?" I said because I wanted to help.

His eyes met mines, he stared for a bit then finally answered, "Fine." I made my way over to the cabinet, and opened it to get a wash cloth.

I ran the water until it got warm enough and soaked the cloth and drained all the water from it, leaving it damp. I walked over to Rio and stood in front of him, his eyes met mines. I wiped the little blood he had on his face, gently, careful not to press too hard and make the cuts and bruises he had hurt anymore than they did. I tried getting closer to clean his face more efficiently but I was as close as I could get.

He rested his hand on my lower back, right above my butt and pulled me towards him between his legs,"better?" I nodded.

I lightly dabbed at a cut on his lip, making Rio hiss.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Just continue." I nodded and finally cleaned all his open cuts, then applied some betadine, and placed a bandaid on one of the deeper cuts. Most of them little that would probably heal in two days and didn't need a bandaid.

I continued to clean up his face and then moved on to his hands, his knuckles were bruised and also had cuts on them as if he had hit a rock with all force.

It stayed like this for a while, silent. I finally broke the silence, "What happened?" I whispered almost afraid of his answer. He didn't answer me, he sat there on his phone with the other hand I hadn't got to yet. I didn't push asking him any farther, I don't think he was paying attention to what I had asked him.

I rinsed his hand and dried it softly and bandaged it up. "What do you think sweetheart?" He said, surprising me he was even talking. His eyes met with mines. "I-I your job, it was a stupid question i'm sorry." I said. Why was I even apologizing?

"I just did what I said I was going to do, sweetheart, I always stick to my word."

My heart dropped, tears began to well up. They began flowing down my cheeks. I wasn't sure if it was because he did what I think he did. Brian was dead to me, I didn't love him anymore, he was the problem, Rio solved it. Maybe I was crying because I was now associated with murder. My life wasn't going back to normal. What if we got caught, who would take care of Emma? I literally stayed in a guy's house that's involved in some fucked up shit, that killed, I was just digging myself in deeper with him.

"You killed Brian?"


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