Chapter 44

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Word count: 1,302

"So you agree to not kill me if I help you find the girl?" The man spoke.

"What is your name?" I asked.


"So i'm assuming, Nate that you're the one who took her?"

He nodded.

"Well, Nate, that was the deal. If you tell me where you took her and who ordered you to do it, I won't kill you." I nodded to see if he got it.

"O-okay. I'll tell you. Alejandra is who sent me to kidnap her."

"Who the fuck is Alejandra?" I questioned. The name didn't ring a bell at all.

"Alejandra Perez." He spoke.

Perez. Then it clicked.

"You see, you don't get to make demands." I said. "You get what I give you."

"I need money. Fast i've been doing what you told me to it's not getting me what I need fast enough, I need money, now." He said.

"Well unfortunately I can't help you." I said and began walking away.

"I'll tell the cops." He said. I stopped dead in my tracks.

I chuckled. I turned and his eyes met with mines.

"I'll go right to the feds," He continued. I made my way over to him, fast and quick then pushed him against the wall and held my gun to his head.

"Do you know who I am?" I said. "You must've forgotten." "I'll have you and your family dead, in seconds," "Just like that." I said and snapped my fingers. "Little Penelope and Noah. Katrina," I continued.

"N-no please don't hurt them don't hurt my family." He said.

"Oh I won't, but do you know what happens to people who threatens me and tries to make demands?" He didn't say anything. I tapped his head then held up my gun, waving it. "This," I said then put it back to his head. I pulled the trigger blood splattering everywhere including on me.

Antonio Perez. She had to be related to him and kidnapped Isabella to get revenge.

"Is this all because I killed that pussy Antonio?" I said focusing my attention back on Nate.

He nodded, "Yeah she's been trying to get to you ever since. You killed her little brother."

Oh Antonio's her brother. I'm glad people didn't know about Kenzie. There was no dirt you could dig on me and find out about my childhood. It had all burned down along with my parents' house. But she knew about Isabella. Because Isabella was starting to be with me a lot. Kenzie didn't even live in the same city. I'm glad to know she's somewhat safe.

"And how long have you been working for Alejandra?" I know I threatened his life but it didn't seem he had any loyalty to her.

"About two years." He answered.

"So how did you meet her? How did you end up working for her?" I asked.

"I only work for her for the sake of my family. I'm one of the best hitman and hacker. I tried getting out but she threatened my family."

She threatened his family?

I was going to kill Nate but if it turns out he was telling the truth, I might just let him go.

"You have a family?" I asked.

He nodded, "A girlfriend and a three year old daughter."

"I need the locations to Alejandra's base, warehouses, everything I need to know to find them."
"Surprisingly it wasn't hard getting him to talk, We need a plan before the night is over. We'll attack tomorrow."

They nodded.

"I also found out where Mateo's base is." Nasir said. So far we've found two of his warehouses.

"Great work. Vincent contact H.R. I want to see if he has any connections with Alejandra. I want to find out as much about her as possible." He nodded and began walking out the room focused on his phone, "I'm on it." He said and left the room.

"Cesar I want you to follow Mackenzie anywhere she goes. She took Isabella to get back at me I don't want the same happening to Kenzie." Even though know one knew she was my sister, I didn't want to take any chances. People would probably think Kenz is just a friend. The fact that we were two different races helped keep her safe from shit too. No one would think she's my sister.

He nodded, "Of course."

I heard a scoff, "This is bullshit." I heard her say from the door.

I sighed and turned to look at her. "Kenz this is just for your safety." I reassured her.

"I don't need protection! I'm well capable of taking care of and protecting myself I am not a child." She spat.

"It's my orders and they aren't changing Mackenzie, deal with it." I said sternly. She glared at me, "One thing I didn't miss when I was gone; you constantly treating me like i'm a child." She spat and stormed off.

"Wait, Maze!" Cesar called out and ran after her.

I let out a breath I have way more things to deal with right now than her bratty attitude. She will be followed with or without her permission.

"Eddie and Nasir, get a team together have them lay low outside Alejandra's base, we need to have eyes on them until we make our move." I said, Eddie nodded and began typing on his phone.

I sighed, It was now eight pm. I pulled out my phone and ordered a few men to hide out and watch Antonio's family. I sighed and slipped my phone back in my pocket and put my jacket on. I was going to head over there also. If there's a possibility to see Alejandra I don't want to miss it. They're her family also so she probably does go there.

I would take Eddie with me but everyone's at their own task.

I got in my car and headed to Antonio's house.
"Hey boss," Kyle spoke.

"Kyle. Any one leave or enter?" I nodded to him.

"Just the mother and two children they entered and haven't left since, no one else left or entered." He nodded.

I nodded and putting my full attention back on the house, watching it.

"So, If I'm correct this is the family of a guy you killed and his sister kidnapped, if i'm right, your perra." Francesco said.

"Shut the fuck up Francesco. Back to your position." I said.
We've been here for two hours. I decided to check in on everyone.

I opened the group chat and sent a text.

Rio: Vincent any info from HR?
Cesar how's kenz?
Nasir and Eddie everything good?

Cesar: Everything's fine, she's at the hotel with Eve.

Vincent: nothing yet.

Eddie: Everything's fine, looks good.

Nasir: Boss they've carried tons of goods within the two hour's we've been here.

Nasir: What you up to?

Rio: Watching Antonio's Family's house. Alejandra might show.

"Boss." I heard soon as I looked up and saw a woman walking up to the front door. Then I saw her. Isabella, following the woman and a man behind her pointing a gun to Isabella's back.

If I saw Alejandra, I didn't plan to attack. But I didn't expect to see Isabella with her. I'm not taking any chances. I didn't even know for sure if this was Alejandra, i've never seen her in my life. It was risky but I loved her too much to let this chance to get her back slip out my hands.

Rio: Gather a team and get to Antonio's house now. Everyone. We're attacking.

Cesar: Wait Rio you sure this is a good idea shouldn't we wait until tomorrow?

Eddie began calling me, I answered, "Rio what's going on?"

"Alejandra went into the house with Isabella we're attacking tonight. I'm not waiting."

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