Chapter 63

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Word count: 6,278

I zipped my pants up and flushed the toilet. I made my way to the sink and began washing my hands after squirting some soap on them. As I began to dry my hands, I heard the sound of a gun going off immediately alerting me. I dried off my hands quickly, throwing the towel and immediately taking my gun out from the band of my pants.

All I could think about was Isabella and Emma. I ran to the room and opened the door, Emma was on the floor watching tv. I searched around the room for Isabella but she was no where to be found. I closed the door and hurriedly made my way over to the stairs. I felt relief once I saw Isabella. She stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs. More gunshots went off and I rushed down stopping at the bottom of the stairs where Isabella stood. I looked at the scene and figured out why she was frozen and what she was staring at. It was a bloodbath.

I grabbed her arm, "Go in the room with Emma and lock it, now." I said and cocked my gun. Tears constantly flowed from her eyes and she didn't respond. She stood there in complete shock. "Isabella!" I called her and she ripped her eyes away from the horror.

"Please let me go get Lilah." She joked out a sob and she looked away. I followed where her eyes traveled and saw Lilah, her niece who I would assume was about nine years old. Her small frame laid limp with a blood pool under her.

I sighed, "She's dead, Isabella. Go now before you get hurt!" I yelled at her so she can snap out of the trance she was in. She jumped in response. All I wanted was to hold her and tell her she'd be safe and that everything was alright. But I can't. I have to fight with my boys against whoever attacked us. I saw the dead bodies of one unknown man and two women but there was still gunfire coming from the outside of the cabin.

"No." She said as she let out a sob, "My family please save them." She sobbed. And I saw that girl I first met. She looked so broken and hopeless and there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do is try to save her and Emma. I observed the room. Her entire family was dead. Nasir and Cesar were hiding behind the couch covering Eddie as he tried to pull Gemma up from her kid. Cesar had blood coming from his stomach as he held it with his left hand and shot with his right, his left hand red from his own blood. A guy walked slowly behind Eddie and raised his gun and I raised mines quickly firing, killing him. Eddie pulled his girlfriend up from her child's body and ran over to the stairs getting cover. The stairs were behind a wall. Isabella pulled Gemma towards her, hugging tightly.

"Baby please go." I pleaded.

"Kyle!" I called him. He was behind the couch with Cesar and Nasir. I motioned for him to come over and he ran over quickly as a few shots fired past him. Eddie still stood by the stairs near us and peaked out, firing his gun.

"Kyle!" I called him getting his attention as he fired his gun along with Eddie. "Go with them. Keep them safe." I ordered. He and Isabella grabbed Gemma's hand and walked up the stairs with her practically pulling her as she cried out for her child.

I could finally focus my full attention to the chaos going on. Anger fueled me and I came from behind the wall and grabbed a woman I saw blindly make her way in the house. I grabbed her by her neck and drew my head back and with all force and butted my head in the middle of hers. Blood drew from the gash in the middle of her forehead as she lost her balance and fell back. I pointed my gun and shot her, the loud sound piercing through my ears.

The firing came to a halt. There had to be no or a little bit of who attacked left. "Get the fuck up!" I growled to the guys and they came from behind the couch. I didn't see Cesar get up along with them. "How is he?" I questioned.

"He's alive, but we need to get him to a doctor." Eddie answered as he looked around the cabin. I nodded, "Go out there and check for anybody else. Don't kill them, bring them to me." I said to Nasir and Eddie. They nodded, "And be careful. I don't need anymore of my best men getting shot." They walked out the back door. I saw them easing to the front out of the window located on the side of the cabin.

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