Chapter 79

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The main reason for ending this book is i've been working on this book since 2019 and I want to start something new.

I mentioned before about not making a sequel but after the book ends i'll put a few chapters it after it ends so you guys can see what happens with them after the ending.

I'll make sure it doesn't feel like you guys missed out on anything, there will be descriptions about other characters also such as Eddie & Gemma, Kenzie, Diego and of course Bella and Rio.

Word count: 3,439

I went to the police office and left a note on Daniel's desk. I could've just followed him because I still have his location but then he'd know he was being tracked.

I left my number on the note and told him I had important information about the case he's on. I didn't. He probably thought I was going to confess or some shit, but why would I? They had nothing on me to lock me up. I was meeting with him for Isabella.

I held her hand as we walked through the door of the same diner I met him in yesterday, the bells chimed as we opened it.

She squeezed my hand nervously. I looked down at her and smiled softly at her and pecked her forehead. "It's alright, just say what you need to. I'm here."

I let go of her hand once we made it over to the table Pierce sat at. I let her sit down first and I sat down next to her. Pierce looked at us from across the table, "What is this?"

I leaned back and relaxed into the seat, "I asked you did you have kids Pierce." I stared at him.

He stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate, "I'll ask again, do you have kids?" It was already confirmed he had kids. Isabella was his kid, I wanted him to say it himself.

"I don't understand why you're questioning me. You're the one that should be in for questioning. Whether I have kids or not isn't up for discussion. Who is this and why'd you bring her?"

Isabella scoffed.

I scoffed after he asked Rio about me. He didn't even remember me. I didn't want him in my life. I only wanted to ask him one thing. I wasn't going to try and make an effort for him to be in my life when he chose to walk out of it. He didn't want to be in mines, or Gemma's life and he left Alex's.

"I'm Isabella Pierce. You don't remember me? Here's a refresher," I pulled out the folded up baby picture I brought of myself because I had the feeling he wouldn't remember me. He left when I was a baby. I had no real memory of him. Only pictures and stories shared by my mother.

I tossed the picture on the table and he stared at me with widened eyes. He hesitantly grabbed the picture and observed it.

Rio wrapped his arm around my shoulders, hugging me into him.

Daniel looked up from the picture, "Isabella?" He said shockingly, his face looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"What are you doing with him?" He asked.

"We're together-" Rio began.

"You don't get to ask the questions, dad." I cut Rio off.

He let out a sigh, "How did you find me?" he asked.

"Really? That's your question?" I stared at him.

"Isabella I-"

"Bella," I corrected. If he knew me he'd already know that Bella is what I preferred to be called.

"Bella. You have to understand, your mom - she.." he trailed off and looked at Rio, "Could we talk without him here?"

I shook my head, "Anything you have to say, you can say it with Rio here." I looked over at Rio as he stared at Daniel and smirked.

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