Chapter 35

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Word count: 1,263

I followed behind Rio as he held my hand and pulled me with him. Not that I minded, I just wasn't sure why he insisted I stayed with him and that I always called him when I left my apartment, I didn't of course. He held my hand tightly as we walked through the house I was once kidnapped in. He finally came to halt and opened a door. All of his friends were in there, I was only familiar with one; Eddie.

Emma was at Jocelyn's birthday party which I made a self note to myself to go. Regardless of what Rio wants. The room was quiet. I just pursued my lips and looked down, still holding Rio's hand and squeezed on it lightly.

"I'm Cesar." One of them finally spoke up and smiled at me as he walked over to us. I sent him a warm smile back, "I'm Bella." I said. He grabbed my hand and kissed it, "Nice to meet you Bella-"

"Enough Cesar." Rio spat. I looked up at him, confused. He looked upset, he still didn't let go of my hand. His chest rose then fell. He was taking deep breaths.

"Chill little brother." Cesar chuckled and went back over to where he was. Brother? So he's Rio's brother.

"I'm Nasir." Another one spoke and I remember he was the guy that Rio had drive me a few places before. I nodded and sent him a small smile. I did see all of them before back at the diner.

"I'm Vincent." The last guy spoke. I pursued my lips and nodded. He sent me a uneasy vibe. It almost sounded as if he forced his words out.

I observed him for a minute but was distracted from a voice, "Well you already know who I am." Eddie said and pulled me in for a hug and gladly accepted and hugged back. I smiled, "Hey Eddie." I smiled.

"Hi Bella."

"Did you guys find it?" Rio spoke, but he was looking directly at Nasir.

"No not yet. We're trying our best." He replied.

Rio let out a frustrated sigh and looked down at me. "Come on let's go." He whispered, "I'll be back." He said to the guys.

I followed him out of the room. We walked through the living room and he came to a halt. I stopped also, not really sure why he did.

"What are you doing here?" He spoke. I looked over to the other side of the living room, there was a girl. Once I got a good look at her, I remembered her face and who she was. She was the girl I thought was Rio's girlfriend that day in his loft. I pursued my lips and let out a low sigh. Was he still involved with her? Why else would she show up here? She knows where this house and his loft is. But I didn't have any right to be upset right? Rio and I never put a label on anything, we're just friends I guess.

He looked down at me and frowned, "I'll get rid of her alright?" He said. I nodded and he let my hand go, the cold air making it feel even more empty. He walked closer to the girl.

"So, I guess she's your new fling then, huh?" The girl said as she observed me.

"Mia, you need to go." He said.

She ignored what he said and made her way over to me. "Hun, don't think you're special. He's found a new toy to play with and soon, he'll get tired of it. "Just like that other toy of yours, Ana. You're done with her and moved on to the next." She said. "It's always been like that since Bailey."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said and looked at Rio. Who's Bailey?

He let out a annoyed sigh and grabbed Mia's arm and dragged her with him. She tried fighting him but his hold was too strong. He made his way to the front door. He opened it and pushed her out and slammed the door.

"Come on." He said. I followed him up the stairs and into a room. A big nice bedroom. "I want you to stay here until I'm finished okay?" He stared into my eyes to ensure I was following him.

I nodded, "Yes."

He caressed my cheek with his thumb and leaned in and placed his lips on mines. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His hands made their way to my waist. Our tongues dance, one of his hands makes its way to my ass and squeezed lightly. I pull away, needing to catch my breath and he leans his forehead against mines.

"I'll be back. Once i'm finished and we can go to my loft." he said. I smiled and nodded. He let go of me and left the room.

Well now what do I do?

I let out a sigh and explored the room because I had nothing else to do. Once there was nothing else to look at, I sat down and turned on the tv.

"Oh hello." A voice spoke.

I turned to see who it was. "Hi Cesar." I spoke.

"Well I just came to get something." He said and grabbed something off of the dresser and slipped it in his pocket. "How long have you been waiting here?" He said.

"Umm.. almost an hour?" I said a bit unsure.

"Are you hungry? I could get you something." he said.

I nodded, "Yeah I could eat." He smiled in response, "Well let's go." He said.

"Rio told me to stay here."

"It just the kitchen love." He said. I nodded and followed behind him.

"So, how did you meet Rio?" He asked.
"Well he sort of kidnapped me."
"Typical Rio." He said. "So, how does a sandwich sound?" I nodded in response.

"Sorry for asking but, does Rio hate you? It's just a little awkward between you two." I said. Cesar opened his mouth to speak but a voice caught us both off guard.

"I was looking for you." My eyes darted towards the entrance of the kitchen.

"Cesar asked me did I want something to eat. I was going to go right back up." I said. I mentally rolled my eyes. I didn't need to explain myself or listen to him.

He didn't say anything or even look at me. He just gave Cesar a death glare. I didn't know much about he and Cesar's relationship but I got vibes Rio hated his brother. But why?

"Come on sweetheart, let's go." Rio said. I nodded and got off the stool and walked over to him. "Bye Cesar." I said followed by a squeal because Rio grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I followed him out of the kitchen and we walked through the living room to the front door.
I sat on Rio's bed as my feet dangled. He sat on the couch, smoking. I don't know what happened he just got in a mood and stopped talking to me. I huffed as I stared at him. I stood up and made my way over to him. I sat down on his lap, "You know, you have to communicate with me? I don't know what happened or what's wrong."

I said as I played with his fingers.

"I know. I'm sorry I ignored you." He said. Surprised he said that. "Who was that Mia girl and who's Bailey?"

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