Chapter 4

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To clarify, his actual name is Rio. Chris is another name he uses.

Word count: 1,109

I held Emma tightly in my hands. Fucking Ana didn't come over and I had no one else to watch her. She had her pacifier in her mouth and laid on my shoulder.

I was quickly getting attached to her and I hated that I was getting attached to a kid that wasn't even mines. It wasn't healthy, it wasn't fucking healthy at all. She reminded me of her too much. They didn't even look alike, I'm not sure why she did.

"Rio, did you hear us? We're going there tonight, the men he ratted our spots out too." Vincent said causing Nasir to look at me and nod. The man I killed for demanding me to give him money, he ratted some of our spots out to his men.

"Yes, I want them all dead. Leave the one in charge alive I need information from him." I said, Emma picked her head up from my shoulder.

"I'm hungry," she said rubbing her eye, she must be tired.

"What do you want?" I smiled softly at her and she continued rubbing her eyes. "And stop rubbing your eyes, you'll hurt them." I removed her hands from her face.

Her eyes began to water. "I want mommy," she said.

"Call Ana and see where the fuck she is!" I spat.

I sighed as I carried her to the kitchen. I got an apple and cut it into little pieces. I put some microwaveable mashed potatoes in the microwave. I put some on her plate then some apple slices and poured her some apple juice in a sippycup. I actually managed to her her off of bottles. It wasn't an ideal meal, but it was quick.

She ate all her apples, that seemed to interest her more. "Eat your mashed potatoes." I smiled softly at her. She looked at me and smiled back, I chuckled. She seemed like a happy child, what was going on with her mother? She was terrified and covered in bruises, who was she running from?

After Emma finished up I went to the store because Emma wanted some ice cream and I needed more shit for the house anyways. I hardly stay there and never really needed food, but I do now. I carried her in my hands as I looked around for a cart. I found one and sat her in it. I walked to the ice cream isle. I looked away for one second, to get the vanilla ice cream. I turned Emma's cart was farther than where I had left it, There was a man talking to her. I gripped my gun and walked over quickly.

"What the fuck did you move my cart for?" I spat and picked Emma up, she had tears in her eyes.

"T-this is my daughter!" He was completely waisted. How the hell do you possibly end up piss drunk in a market?

"Like hell it is." I snarled. He shook his head and walked closer to me.

"My girlfriend took her and ran," he said.

"Makes mommy cry," Emma said and cried as she hugged me tightly and hid her face in the crook of my neck.

It made sense. That night, Emma's mother was running from someone, she was asking for help. I sat Emma down and held her hand. I looked to see if there were any cameras in sight on this isle.

I pulled my gun out, his eyes immediately looked down at my hand and they widened. "Get the fuck out of here, now." I smirked.

"I'll see you soon Emma." He looked at her. She hid her face in my leg. He backed away looking one last time at Emma and hurried out.

I picked Emma up and comforted her, "Don't be scared, he's gone." I assured at her.

I hurried up and bought the things I needed just in case that pussy did go to the police. I put Emma in the backseat and buckled her up. Considering she was only- wait how old was she? "Emma," I said. She smiled up at me. "How old are you?" I asked.

She held two up. "Two!" She said beamingly. I chuckled and buckled her in. She was really smart for her age.

I made my way home and walked into the kitchen, Emma following behind me. I put her some ice cream in the bowl and some rainbow sprinkles. I did enjoy spending time with Emma but I had work to do.

I try getting in touch with Ana. After a few dials she picked up, "Ana where the fuck have you been and why haven't you been answering your phone?" I spat.

"I'm sorry i've just been busy do you need me to come over?" She sighed.

"Yes tomorrow." I spat. "You know, Chris, I only get to see you when you want me to watch your kid." She sighed. I huffed in response. "I don't even know anything about you." She said.

"Listen Ana, we fucked a few times, that's all, you don't need to know anything about me." I hated when women caught feelings. I am not interested in a relationship, at all. "So, are you coming in tomorrow or not because I know you need the money, I could always just get someone else." It was silent on the other end for a few seconds then she spoke up,"Yeah i'll be in by eight." She said. I nodded then hung up.

Emma was jumping on the bed, giggling uncontrollably. I smiled at the sight. "Time for bed little one." She tried to get off the bed and run away from me. I chuckled and picked her up. I laid her down and gave her her binky.

"Daddy, when do I get to see mommy?" She asked. Daddy?

"Just sleep," I said with no response to her answer. Once she fell asleep I got up, I didn't sleep much lately. She called me her father. She's been with me long enough that she got use to me. The signs were clear; her father hurt her mother. Maybe that's another reason why she was attached to me very quickly. I already knew why I was attached to the little girl and it wasn't a healthy at all. I keep stopping myself from going and finding a picture of Zoë.

I've kept her away from her mom too long. I felt horrible. Why was I feeling so guilty? I never gave a damn about my actions. You care about the little girl.


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