Chapter 34

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Word count: 1,205

"Thank you for letting me in. I would Just like to ask a few questions." The man said. I smiled and nodded hoping It didn't show how uneasy I was.

He walked over and sat at the kitchen table. I followed behind him, "Would you like anything to drink?" I asked.

"A water is fine." He said and he sat a yellow folder down on the table.

"Mommy!!" Emma whined and squirmed in my arms. I put her down and she ran off to go play, I assume.

I got a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat it in front of him. "I am FBI agent Williams, I'm looking into a missing persons case." He said and it felt like my whole world turned upside down. Brian? He had to be talking about Brian.

"Missing person?" I asked.

He stared at me, his eyes looked into mines intensely. "Yep. The missing person happens to be your boyfriend Miss Pierce."

"Brian? He's missing?" I said keeping my act up. Deep down I was scared shitless. I couldn't go to jail.

"You see, I find it quite weird he's missing and you didn't know." He spoke again.

"Oh no, Brian and I aren't together, we don't talk anymore so I wouldn't know." I said.

He nodded, "But you share custody of a kid together, correct?" He looked over at Emma who sat on the floor playing with her toys. I nodded. "So how couldn't you have known he's missing?"

"Well Brian didn't- doesn't take care of Emma. We don't have shared custody." He nodded and began to open the yellow folder. Didn't. Past tense. I talked about him in past tense. I don't think he noticed.

He pulled out pictures and laid them out side by side. My eyes widened once I realized what the pictures were, I tried my best to look unfazed by them. "Any reason this man was seen leaving your house?" He said. I observed one of the pictures he slid in front of me. It was when I had still lived with Brian and Rio did come there a few times.

"What does this man has to do with Brian missing? I don't understand." I questioned.

"Well we believe he's involved in some illegal business. We're trying to catch him. Any reason you're involved with him?" He asked.

"Well, I don't even know his name. What does he have to do with Brian? Aren't you looking for Brian?" I said. Something wasn't adding up. How did he even know Brian was missing? Brian didn't have any family he talked to. The only family I knew about of his was his brother who we hadn't seen in years.

"You don't know his name? That's odd."

I sighed, "Look, I met him because my car had broke down and it was raining really hard and this man helped me get home and we ended up... being intimate. These pictures you have, that was the day he came back to talk to me and I told him I wasn't interested and it was a mistake because I had a boyfriend." He nodded and began to put the pictures back in the folder.

"What does he have to do with Brian? How did you even know Brian was missing? He doesn't have any family and I sure didn't report him missing." I said.

"That information is disclosed." He said and stood up. I walked him to the door and opened it. He left out. I closed the door and hurried over to the coffee table and picked my phone up. I dialed Rio. He didn't pick up I dialed him a few more times and he still didn't pick up. I sighed frustratedly and gave up on trying to reach him. Why wasn't he answering?


This was the worst time for me to be worrying about fucking FBI. Noah was going home today I didn't want him sensing something was wrong.

"You sure you don't want me to go to the airport with you? I will." He shook his head and smiled at me. He made his way over to me, "No, it's late and Emma's asleep." He placed his hand on my face and caressed it with his thumb.

I raised my eyebrow. "I'll miss you." He said.

I smiled, "I'll miss you too Noah." He leaned in and placed his lips on mines.

My eyes widened. I didn't kiss back, I stood there in shock but soon came back to reality. I never felt that way towards Noah. I had no idea he did. I placed both my hands on his chest to push him back, but he pulled away before I could and he stared behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned. My heart dropped, Rio. He was like a fucking ninja. I never understood how he always snuck in without me noticing. It was a bit concerning. Was I just deaf or was he that stealthy?

I sighed and turned back to Noah, I'll explain to Rio later but right now I need to tell Noah I don't feel that way about him. "Noah I'm sorry but I don't feel that way for you."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have did that. I'm going to go." He said and grabbed his things and began to walk out.

Rio stopped him and pushed him into the wall, the picture frames falling. My eyes widened once Rio's fist came in contact with Noah's jaw. "Rio!" I yelled and ran over to them. I pulled his arm the strongest I could.

"What's your plan huh?" Rio said as he clutched Noah's now wrinkled shirt. "Who sent you?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about man!" Noah said.

"Rio! Let him go Emma's asleep." I pleaded as I pulled his shirt. He let Noah go and he fell to the ground. "Go." I looked at Noah as I still held Rio. He gathered his things and left. I sighed and let my hold of Rio go and shut the door.

"What was that?!" I said.

"Why were you kissing him?" He asked completely ignoring my question.

"I didn't kiss him he kissed me." I answered. "That isn't important right now. An FBI agent was here i've been trying to call you. Why haven't you been answering?" I sighed.

"I was working. I had things to do." He said.

"Well the FBI agent said he was looking into a missing person. He's talking about Brian and he had pictures of you." I said, "I don't understand. It seemed he was asking me more questions about you than about Brian. He said Brian was helping him with a case. He also said you're involved in illegal business. He's onto you, Rio."

"Because Isabella, Brian was helping him. He was talking to the FBI and now his main source on me is gone. He isn't onto shit. He doesn't have any proof. What did you say?" He asked.

"I just told him I didn't really know you." I said.

He began walking to the door, "Where are you going?" I shouted.

"I'll talk to you later." He said and left out.

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