Chapter 59

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Word count: 1,221

"I'm scared." Bailey said over the phone. "Rio.." She whispered.

"Bailey, if you just stick to the plan there's nothing to worry about. Say you went out with a friend. Pretend there's nothing going on. Give Louis a kiss, hug him, just do what you usually do." I said.

She sighed, "Okay." I hung up.

Louis took over Mateo's gang and according to what Bailey told us, he made her be with him. Which she agreed to to get everything she wanted and money and a place to live. Me and gang were still prepared for her to backstab us. For all we know it could be a set up and they could've sent Bailey here to lead us into a trap. Of course I was going to take this risk. I had a chance to finally finish off the rest of them.

I sat behinds Bailey's car. She was waiting for me to tell her to pull off. I pulled my phone back out, my finger hovering over Isabella's contact, deciding if I should call her or not. "Don't call her." Eddie said. I looked over at him and sighed. "If you do call her, don't let her know we're going on a mission. She'll only be worried and we need your head in the game." He said.

I sighed and nodded knowing he had a point. I really wanted to hear her voice. I'll talk to her after the mission.

"Why'd you have to get hooked?" Eddie rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh fuck you. You're one to talk, Gemma has you wrapped around her finger." I laughed.
He laughed along, "Let's do this." I said sending Bailey the text to start driving.


She pulled up in the driveway of the house. We kept driving and pulled around back.

"Boys, masks. This is a nice neighborhood. I'm one hundred percent sure there's cameras." I told them and put my mask and gloves on.

We got out the car and waited by the back door.

"There's cameras all around the house and Louis has a man watching them. Pull around back and stand against the wall. I'm one hundred percent sure the cameras can't see you. I'm going to go into the camera room and knock the camera man out, then i'll come to the back door and let you guys in. Then... you'll give me time to hide and get in a safe place?" Bailey said going over the plan.

I nodded. "As soon as you let us in you go and hide. I said i'll spare your life." I said. She nodded staring me in my eyes, "Thank you."

We stuck to plan. Hiding against the wall waiting for Bailey to come to the door. She was disabling the cameras.

"What the fuck is taking her so long?" Nasir hissed quietly.

"Rio Maybe this was a set up." Eddie said.

"At least we came ready for one though." Cesar spoke.

"We have men all around. If it is a setup there are slim chances we'll lose unless we're outnumbered, which I doubt." Vincent said.

I checked my watch, we've been waiting here for five minutes now. "We've waited longer for product trades. She was gone all day, she's probably just talking with Louis and she still has to take out the camera man." I reassured.

We finally heard the back door open, cocked my gun immediately. She beckoned for us to come out. We made our way from the wall to the door.

"Took you long enough Bailey. I swear to god if this is a set up, i'll put a bullet through your head myself and save Rio and Cesar the trouble." Eddie whispered harshly.

She sighed, "I know you don't like me Eddie and you have every reason to. But I swear on my life this is my way of trying to make it up to Rio."

"Enough," I said. "Go and hide Bailey." I said and she nodded and we watched her run out of the kitchen into the living room up the stairs.

I screwed on my silencer, the boys already had their's on. I walked quietly into the living room taking out two men sitting on the couch, one pulling out his gun but not fast enough.

"Bailey babe? Come and watch a movie with me." I heard a guy yell out on his way down the stairs. Louis. He noticed the dead bodies and me and instantly pulled out his gun aiming at me and shooting causing me to dart behind a wall. So much for sneaky. He's alerted the entire house.

I heard his body drop, I looked over and saw Eddie. "I got you bro." Eddie smirked over at me. I pointed my gun up at him aiming at the guy behind him who had a gun aimed at him, shooting him in his temple. "Even?" I chuckled.

"It's all clear." I heard Nasir call out from the other room.

"Okay, Cesar and Nasir check the garage. Eddie and Vincent let's check upstairs." I ordered.

Eddie and Vincent checking separate rooms. I opened one seeing a guy sleeping. I aimed my gun firing, blood pooled out onto the bed, he jerked but then remained still. Only this time he wasn't sleep, he was dead.

I checked more rooms. I tried one it was locked. I backed up and shot the doorknob off causing it to creak open slowly. I heard a gun cock and I stood up against the wall. I saw Eddie and Cesar come out immediately sensing what I was doing. "Clear." They mouthed. I nodded and pointed to the room I was standing by.

It might have been Bailey. "Bailey?" I called out. No answer. I moved to the other side of the door quickly causing whoever was inside this room to fire their gun, giving me just enough time to fire back. We entered the room, he was on the floor, coughing up blood. I shot him in his stomach. He stared into my eyes as I raised my gun shooting him in his head, finishing the job. I couldn't risk anyone surviving.

"Bailey? You can come out now. It's Cesar," Cesar called.

A door opened and she came out, tears running down her face.

We made our way back downstairs. "Garage is clear." Nasir said. Bailey looked around as more tears fell from her eyes she looked down at Louis and kneeled down by his lifeless body. She cried into his chest, "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She sobbed. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you wanted, I'm sorry I couldn't love you like you loved and trusted me. I'm so sorry I betrayed you."

Nasir wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her up from his body. "He's gone Bailey." He whispered to her. I could see the sympathy in his eyes. She hugged Nasir and cried into his chest. He held her and comforted her and rubbed her back soothingly.

"We should go before the cops get here." I said and left out.

We got in the car, every one silent. We could still hears Bailey's soft cries. I looked in the mirror and saw she was lying on Nasir's chest and he held her.

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