Chapter 15

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Word count: 1,640

I knew they were coming. She was stubborn and didn't listen to me. There was nothing I could do. I sat in my car as she waited at the door of her new apartment building.

A car finally pulled up, a man got out with a pizza in his hand, they talked a little and she went back in. I sighed relieved she was going back in, but the man pulled her by her hair, she fell onto the ground. He struggled with her as she squirmed in his hands, he slammed her back into the ground, she soon stopped struggling.

I bit my lip, telling myself over and over not to do it.  don't interfere don't interfere. You know what could possibly happen If you interfere. Why the fuck did I care so much? She just works for me. I talked myself out of going over and killing the man.

I'll get her back. Not right now.

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her to the car he came from. I waited until he drove a bit and followed him. Once he got to his destination, I saw Brian saying something to Mateo as he smiled when he saw the man get out the car with Isabella. He handed Isabella to Brian, I gripped the wheel tightly controlling myself.

They walked inside. I made sure I saved this address. I pulled off, heading towards a warehouse.


"We're going there." I said. "Why don't you just let them have her? This is causing more unnecessary shit, you know about the treaty, Rio." Nasir said.

"She works for me, I got her into this shit." I said glaring at Nasir. "No shit I know about the treaty. Why do you think I didn't go get her at the door when I had the chance to?" He just sighed and didn't say anything. Isabella's been gone a few days now. I needed to get her back.

"Well, Rio whats your plan to get her back without breaking the treaty?" Eddie asked.

"I'll tell them something, something good enough they'll let her go." I said with no clue at all what I actually was going to tell them.

"And this is the same chick you had locked away?" Cesar asked and chuckled, "The one with the daughter?"

I nodded, "Lets go, I have their location." I got into my car, Eddie getting in the front seat and Nasir and Cesar in their own cars.

My phone kept buzzing, It was Alex blowing my phone up. Isabella couldn't answer her's of course, she sent me many text asking was she with me, now she was calling. She must've gotten my number out of Isabella's phone.

I sighed and answered it. "Rio! I think something is wrong, It's Bella, She went to the door to get a pizza and she never came back, I found her phone on the ground. I haven't seen her since that night."

I chuckled into the phone, "Your first instinct is to call me? Not the cops?" I said referring to when she had first started messaging me when Isabella went missing.

"W-well you got her into all this shit! You're also made us your personal delivery women! You think the cops is a good idea?!" She yelled into the phone.

"Be careful of what you say on the phone love." I smirked.

"Do you have her or not?" She sighed, sounding defeated.

"No but i'm working on it, i'll have her call you when I get her back, now stop ringing my phone, I'm busy." I rolled my eyes. "So you do know where she is?" I sighed and hung up.


"Well what brings you here, Chris?" Mateo said and smirked.

"Well, you guys have something of mines-" "Check them and take what they have." Mateo said, his men made their way over to Me, Eddie, Cesar and Nasir.

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