Chapter 58

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Word count: 1,107

"Baby it's freezing. You really want ice cream?" I questioned Emma as I put her coat on.

She jumped excitedly, "Yea mommy."

"Okay, okay sit still so mommy can button you up."

"Where are you two headed?" Elle came down.

"I'm taking Emma to a frozen yogurt place. I googled the nearest one." I chuckled after I pulled Emma's hat over her face making her burst out giggles. I fixed her hat and wrapped a scarf around her and put her on gloves.

"Ooo could you guys wait for me? I'm going to get Easton." She asked and I just nodded letting out a sigh. I completely forgot about Easton. I couldn't spend quality time with my daughter.

"Ready?" Easton asked standing next to Elle.

I nodded, "Where's Eve and Maze?"

"Eve went out to get groceries, Maze is still sleeping." Elle answered.

I nodded, "And Eve is safe out alone? She doesn't need anyone with her like I do?" I asked worried, but also curious. We made our way out if the front door, Easton making sure it's locked.

"Well considering Eve is Maze's girlfriend who's Rio's sister that no one knows about, no there shouldn't be anyone out trying to get her." I nodded forgetting. But Rio would keep me a secret if he had to which he does have to right? "And the only reason you're known by Mateo's gang is because of Brian." He answered my question as if he read my mind.

"How come you know so much? I've never seen you until Rio first introduced us. I didn't even know you existed when Brian kidnapped me and took me to Mateo's house." I looked over at him.

He chuckled, "Bella I've always worked with Rio. There's so many people you haven't met yet that works with him. It's just some are never with him all the time like the rest and some he just simply doesn't want to know about you. But Rio trusts me. With your life. We're close he just never really got around to introducing you to me and I'm not usually with him and the other four. I have a job at the police department. I'm a forensic scientist, I get the scoop from the inside."

My eyes widened, "Wow, so that explains why you're never around too much. You have a really dangerous job. Being in all of this illegal stuff and working for the police." I shook my head, "Elle must worry about you a lot." Her and Emma walked ahead of us as we talked.

"She does, that's ninety percent of our arguments." He let out a dry chuckle. "It hurts me she worries a lot and I cause that worry, you know? But it's my life. I was doing it before I met her." I nodded. I guess now I knew how Rio felt. I felt bad for not calling him back or answering his calls. If something did happen to him, I'd be mad at him and wouldn't even know.

We made our way inside the froyo shop and I dialed Rio's number but I didn't get a answer. He was probably busy. I'll try him later.


I sat on my bed in my temporary room. It was actually really nice with a view but I missed our house.

"Girl we have to meet, I haven't seen you in forever." Gemma said over the phone.

"I know-" I was cut off.

"We actually should take the kids to the pumpkin patch tomorrow." She cut me off.

I smiled, "I wish. I'm not in new york at the moment." I replied.

"What, why? It's like I never know what's going on with you anymore." I heard her chuckle.

"Rio broke the treaty and he thought he killed all of the gang members but he didn't and he wanted me and Emma out the city with my basically bodyguard until it's handled." That was basically what Easton was.

"What? You have a bodyguard?" She said surprised.

"Basically. It's not fun at all. He has to go everywhere with me." I sighed.

"And you were the same one telling me not to dig myself deeper with Eddie and here you are, moved in with the fucking gang leader." She teased.

"Ugh shut up. Eddie stays with you." I laughed.

"Actually we bought a new apartment together a few days ago." She said.

"What? And you or Eddie didn't tell me?" I rolled my eyes feeling left out.

"Well me and you haven't spent time together much lately. It's in the same building, it's just bigger." She said. It was true.

"Don't feel bad, Bella. I'm really happy for you. You seem happier with Rio. I didn't know before why you spent more time with us than you did with Brian but now I know and you spend a lot of time with him so I know you're happy with him."

I smiled in response. "Yeah I am happy."
"I'll talk to you later I'm going to go eat with Emma and the rest." I said and she said bye I hung up the phone. I left my room and headed downstairs to find my baby. I heard her giggling as I saw Easton lifting her in the air. I smiled at the sight. I'm happy all of Rio's friends and family loved Emma. Her favorite was Eddie and I think mines too. Maze and Eve, Easton and Elle they all loved her and she loved them.

"Hey monkey." I tickled her and took her from Easton kissing her cheek. "Mommy! Eas bought me stickers." She said.

I smiled, "Can mommy have one?" She nodded excitedly and I put her down and she ran off.

"Have you talked to Rio?" I asked Easton. He looked at me and shook his head looking sad to answer no. I just nodded and went to the kitchen seeing Maze, Eve and Elle. "Maze have you talked to Rio?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

She shook her head, "No but i'm sure he's fine. Want a slice of pizza?" I sighed and nodded.


I yawned as I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I threw on a shirt of Rio's I brought and a clean pair of socks. It's been about three weeks since we've been here. I smiled when I walked back to my room and saw Emma's small form sprawled out across my bed. I laid down and tried face timing Rio once more, my third try today. No answer just like the first two times. I sighed and fell asleep.

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